GED Test Near Me

Ever wonder, “Where can I prepare for or take the GED test near me? We can help! To find GED testing centers and prep sites near you, type the name of your city or zip code.

You can also choose the name of your state listed below to learn about the GED testing requirements in your state and find prep locations and testing centers in major areas. So, if you want to find locations for GED testing near me, this is the right place!

Keep in mind that some states offer an alternative high school equivalency testing option, and several states use multiple options.

GED Prep Sites and GED Testing Centers by State

Choose your state to discover all available sites for “GED test near me” prep class locations and testing centers.

Onsego GED Prep
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It doesn’t matter when you left school.

As said before, not all states continued with the GED (General Education Development) exam.

Some states decided to change to the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test); the TASC exam is no longer available.

There are also states that offer a choice of these High School Equivalency (HSE) assessments.

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In the article about your state, you will find all the relevant details and which exam is used in your state, and you can find all testing centers near me. Keep in mind that the GED and HiSET exams are now available in an online format as well for qualifying students.

In most states, the full GED exam will set you back $144, though the price varies by state.

This price counts for both online and on-site testing, but to qualify for the online GED test, you’ll also have to reach satisfactory scores on four GED Ready tests, which will cost you an additional $32. Now, if you want to find locations for “GED testing near me,” click on your state to see all the options.

There are more than 25,000 prep locations listed on this website that offer preparation for the GED (General Education Development) exam or the HiSET alternative. So this page answers your question: where can I take my GED test near me?

This website also provides free practice tests to help you get started on the route to pass the four subtests of the GED (or the five HiSET subtests) real fast. Taking practice tests lets you discover which subject areas need your attention most.

Research has shown that students who take frequent practice tests attain higher scores on the GED test. You can take our practice tests as many times as you like until you understand the subjects well.

The GED Test

The four GED testing subject areas are

  • Math (Mathematical Reasoning)
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • English Literacy (Reasoning through Language Arts – including reading and writing)

A lot of multiple-choice questions have gone, and students’ writing skills are assessed through the required essay-style answers in all four parts.

Please be mindful of fraudulent websites that tell you they can offer your state’s high school equivalency (HSE) diploma (via the GED or HiSET test) online. These sites are run by scam artists only interested in stealing your money. Documents obtained online have no value and will certainly not be accepted by schools or employers!

Testing Requirements

Requirements to pass the exam are increased, and this makes sense because a large portion of the population has gained a lot more knowledge thanks to the Internet and other informative channels.

The advent of the Internet and more widespread access to information has necessitated the GED exam to significantly lift the bar, and computer-based testing exemplifies this fact.

Making educated guesses has become a little more difficult on the GED exam because quite a few multiple-choice questions are gone, and essay-style answers are requested. You may benefit from our free services and resources, such as free GED video lessons and GED practice tests, so you can learn if our online method is right for you.

If online learning works for you, we suggest you create an account with Onsego GED Prep, an accredited, affordable program, and achieve your GED diploma fast and efficiently!

GED Diploma and Your Future

We can currently find over four million jobs that are not filled in the United States, and this is in large part due to the fact that there are not enough workers who have a high school diploma.

At the same time, we know that there are some thirty million Americans who – for whatever reason – never finished high school. You may also use Twitter or Facebook to locate a prep center or testing site or for more GED-related information. Check out this website’s main links that will direct you to our free resources.

This shortfall of qualified candidates has a tremendous negative effect on our economy as a whole. By getting your own GED diploma or certificate, you will bring yourself into the position to secure one of these decently paying jobs.

Being a GED graduate means you have demonstrated that your general educational development skills are at a level that you will be able to attend academic college programs successfully and will function well in any job position.

You will not only be increasing your personal income, but you will also work toward a better future for yourself and your family and help boost the economy as a whole as well. Getting your GED diploma is definitely the first and best step on the road to a far better life.

Your GED diploma or certificate (depending on the state) will be issued by your state’s education department, and lessons and support are offered at many community learning centers, churches, and schools. If you have the minimum required age, you just have so many options to complete the GED test in good and fast order.

Multiple High School Equivalency Options

There are two high school equivalency tests available, the GED and HiSET. There are also states that provide free GED or HiSET testing.

Every state offers high school equivalency testing, and it used to be that all these tests had to be taken in person at state-designated testing sites as taking the GED or HiSET exam online was, until recently, not possible.

Now, you can take both the GED and the HiSET online as well. An online proctor will monitor your test-taking and check if all goes according to the rules (read more below). So, you can find a GED testing center near me or write the exam online.

Many schools offer free preparation classes, and students can also get prepared online.

Online Proctored GED and HiSET Testing

Recently, we’ve seen the introduction of online testing options for both the GED and HiSET exams. You must have a reliable Internet connection, and an online proctor will help you through the online testing process and check if you do it all according to the rules. To learn more about online GED testing, <- check here, and for more information about online HiSET testing, <- check here. For HiSET test centers by state, <- check out this post.

GED Test – What’s New

Just about every ten years, we see an upgrade of the program to bring the GED test in line with the expectations and requirements of industries and institutions of higher learning. A few years back, we witnessed the greatest modification to the test in its 80+ year history.

In January 2014, the most significant overall change in the test’s progression took place, and the biggest change was that you no longer could take the test in paper-and-pencil format; everything now needs to be done via a computer-based system.

This only counts for the GED. The HiSET exams are available both on paper and on a computer in most states. In New Jersey, all three options are only offered on a computer.

In the GED exam, technological advancements and other innovations were integrated to bring the exam up to par with Common Core Standards and the changed requirements and expectations of industry and colleges.

The GED exam is completely computer-based and includes four subtests that can be taken (and paid for) individually. The five HiSET subtests can also be taken separately. So now you know how to learn all about the GED test by state!

When taken at a test center, the first two GED retakes are offered at a discounted rate. This does not apply to online GED testing!

Last Updated on February 5, 2025.