GED Language Arts Practice Test 5

This GED Language Arts Practice Test helps you identify your weaker points so you can focus on what needs your study time most.

The RLA (Reasoning Through Language Arts) section of the GED test includes reading comprehension (literacy), writing, and grammar.

Taking practice tests is very important because they indicate your knowledge gaps. Our practice tests and online free GED classes offer great support to get started with your GED prep. They allow you to see if online studying suits your preferred learning style.

At practice tests, before answering or looking at the answers, read each question carefully twice. It often happens that students read the questions too fast, so they’ll fall into traps.

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This also counts for your answers; read them twice as well. Too often, a question is simply missed because students misread some terms.

GED Language Arts Practice Test

Question 1 of 10.

Decide if this statement tells a Fact, states an Opinion, or states both a fact and an opinion.

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The U.S. Federal Government is composed of three distinct branches.

  • Fact
  • Opinion
  • Both

Click Here To Answer.

These practice tests are not related to the GED Ready – The Official Practice Test produced and distributed by GED Testing Service LLC.

GED Testing Service has not approved, authorized, endorsed, been involved in the development of, or licensed the substantive content of these practice tests.

GED Language Arts Practice Test Part 1

Language Arts Practice Test-Part 2

Reading Practice Test

Language Arts Practice Test Part 3

We also have longer, 20-question, timed practice tests. These quizzes must be completed in 40 minutes.

Extended Response (GED Essay)

After completing the first section of the Literacy (Reasoning through Language Arts-RLA) test of the GED exam, you can begin with the “Extended Response” section. Here, you are asked to write your essay, and you need to do so via analysis of various arguments that are presented to you in two sample texts.

In the Extended Response (writing) portion of the GED test, a topic will be introduced through one or more reading passages. You will be asked to analyze the topic and the arguments.

To complete your essay, you have 45 minutes, and unused time from the first part is not counted. So you better take that time to double-check your answers in the first part of the RLA section before you start working on the second (the Extended Response) part.

You must be very clear in writing a thesis statement, and your introduction must be clearly stated as well. After the introduction, you must write some four to six paragraphs that include supporting arguments, followed by a paragraph that includes your conclusions. To jot down some rough notes, you will receive an erasable tablet.

Grammar part of the GED RLA Test

In the Grammar portions of the GED test, you will need to demonstrate an understanding of Punctuation rules, Pronoun Usage, Sentence Correction, and Contextual Clues.

You should never choose a longer, more complicated, or wordier replacement if a simple one does. So get ready with these GED Language Practice Tests.


Is the GED Language Arts test hard?

Just like with the other three GED subject tests, the GED Reasoning through Language (RLA) test doesn’t need to be hard, but getting perfectly prepared is the key to your success.

The GED Language Arts subtest assesses your knowledge of and skills in three main areas: how well you can read closely; how well you can write clearly; how well you understand, and to what extent you can apply standard written English.

Structure of the GED Language Arts test

On the GED RLA subtest, there are three sections that you’ll have to complete in 150 minutes (2.5 hours). Between parts 2 and 3, there’ll be a short, 10-minute break.

You’ll also have to write your GED Essay (extended response), for which you’ll be given 45 minutes. The Language Arts subtest comes with a variety of question types such as multiple-choice, short answer, draggable, select an area, hot spot, and more.

The GED Essay

First, you’ll receive two stimulus passages, after which you’ll get a prompt with instructions. The passages are each 4–5 short paragraphs in length with opposing views on a current issue. One passage opposes the other.

You must carefully read and analyze both passages and determine which position is best supported. You must use evidence from the passages to support your choice. You have 45 minutes to plan, draft, and edit your response.

Last Updated on November 19, 2024.