GED vs Diploma Pros And Cons

In this post, we compare GED vs Diploma Pros And Cons. Is a High School Diploma better than a GED Diploma?

Well, that depends, but virtually all schools and employers accept the GED Diploma as the equivalent of a high school diploma.

To pass the GED test, you need to have a sophisticated level of knowledge in Math, Social Studies, Language, and Science.

To find out if preparing for the GED test with online studying is something for you, check out this website’s online free GED classes and practice tests.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

If it is, we recommend you take Onsego GED Prep, an affordable, accredited, engaging course that will quickly get you all set for the GED test.

The entire GED test lasts a little over 7 hours, but it is divided into four separate modules that can be taken separately.

So, you might say that getting the GED high school equivalency diploma saves a few years of high school education.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

Then again, like everything else in life, nothing is that simple.

Take a look at this comparison table to better understand the GED vs. High School Diploma debate.

GED vs Diploma Pros and Cons – GED Diploma

  • It only requires passing the four GED subtests. Attending prep classes is not required in most states
  • The GED test only has four subjects: Language, Social Studies, Math, and Science. It takes less time to earn a GED
  • The low cost of the GED test ~ around $144 in most states
  • You can pass the GED test online
  • There is an unfair stigma associated with the GED diploma
  • It might be more difficult to qualify for military service with a GED

GED vs Diploma Pros and Cons – High School Diploma

  • There is no fee for attending a traditional high school
  • In most states, there is no high school exit exam
  • Online high school is possible, fee min. $49/month
  • The HS diploma is a key credential for applying for a job or college
  • You need to attend classes to get credit
  • You are required to earn credits in 6-8 subjects+electives
  • Four years of education

GED vs Diploma Pros And Cons – GED Prerequisites

  • GED testing prerequisites include a minimum age of 16 (in most states; check here for your state)
  • School enrollment status (most states require that you be officially withdrawn from school)
  • Residency: some states require that you live in the state to take the exam there

Unfortunately, there are still some stigmas associated with the GED diploma. The fact of the matter is that the GED exam tests knowledge and skill at a level that equals the level of high school seniors.

Some 40 percent of high school grads would not be able to pass the GED exam on their first attempt. So the stigmas are not fair, also because many successful people are GED graduates.

Nevertheless, some colleges and employees have expressed opinions that high school diploma holders are more persistent, motivated, and reliable than GED diploma holders.

And this not only applies to colleges. In many professional environments, there are still some misconceptions about the level of the GED exam.

The fact of the matter is that these days, the GED exam is very challenging, and GED graduates often outperform high school graduates in college.

Across America, however, there still are also police departments that prefer high school grads over GED holders, and the branches of the army also prefer high school grads over GED holders.

Some employees fear that students who didn’t finish their high school education will show irresponsible behavior on the work floor. It sounds ridiculous, yet it is still a factor many employers take into account when deciding on hiring new workers.

Also, keep in mind that as a High School diploma holder, your earnings potential might occasionally be higher. You may earn more than a GED diploma holder. This is not always true, but it happens often enough.

So, if you are still in high school and considering quitting school, we would like to encourage you to stay and get your High School Diploma.

However, if you have left high school, you should do everything you can to get your GED diploma and improve your life.

By earning your GED, you are in the excellent company of GED graduates. Here is a long list of successful people with a GED.

The latest version of the GED test is in line with college expectations and industry requirements, and the GED test can be taken online as well. Here are a few links that will help you to get ready for the GED test:

Holders of the GED (General Education Development) diploma are as well-educated as regular high school graduates. Still, it will take time before the stigmas connected with the GED credential will have disappeared.

The existing stigmas are accounting only partly for the (sometimes) pretty substantial earnings difference between high school graduates and GED diploma holders. See also this Peen Foster High School review.

The differences may be stunning, and you can find quite a few educational institutions that have outspoken opinions about HiSET or GED diploma recipients.

They say GED graduates often lack a few years of partaking in social high school life and cannot be as well-educated and shaped as those who enjoyed four years of robust and full-time high school life.

According to these schools, high school graduates received a thorough secondary education not only in knowledge but also in building social, communication, and community skills. The diploma GED testing offers may, therefore, be viewed slightly differently from a high school diploma.

These schools (and maybe some employers as well) feel that taking four tests over possibly two or even more years cannot compare to a high school education. So, there is a different perception of a high school diploma versus a GED diploma when it comes to the ability to follow college classes and courses successfully.

Is it true? Who knows. One thing is sure: if you don’t have a high school credential, please take some time to learn for the GED test and get your GED diploma as soon as possible.

California residents 16 years of age and older may also opt to take the California High School Proficiency Exam (CHSPE), which also has, technically, the same value as a conventional high school degree.

The fact of the matter is that a student who has earned his or her GED (General Education Development) degree will have all the options for a rewarding academic career and a great future.

Learning online or through traditional classes are all good ways to get all set for the GED test and prove your general educational proficiency.

GED graduates qualify for a two and four-year college study program and graduate courses as well, just like graduates with high school diplomas.

Adult education programs are found all across the nation for proper support and offer an exceptional GED education experience that will lead to good job options. If you earn high school equivalency credits through the GED program, you will also earn proper job placement options.

Last Updated on November 19, 2024.