Students wishing to earn a GED Idaho diploma can take the four independent GED subtests online or at an official testing center.
Candidates must register for the exam on the official GED Testing Service website,
The state of Idaho uses the computer-based GED exam as the basis for its high school equivalency testing program. The GED program offers adults without a high school diploma the opportunity to get hold of an equivalent degree.
You can find many facilities in Idaho that offer all the help you need to get geared up for the GED exam. Just check the list below.
Onsego GED Prep
Pass the GED Test in 2 Months
Learn Just 1 Hour a Day.
It doesn’t matter when you left school.
There are four GED modular, independent subtests covering the academic areas of
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Reasoning through Language Arts
- Science
- Social Studies
There’s no need to deal with the entire GED battery in one session.
In Idaho, the GED testing fee for the four subtests is $36, so $144 in total for the entire GED exam, whether taken at a test center or online.
Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy
Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.
To qualify for online testing, however, you’ll also have to buy four GED Ready practice tests ($7.99 each) and attain “green” (likely to pass) scores on these practice exams.
This website offers free online GED classes and practice tests that will help to see if online video lessons are a good solution for you to all set for the GED test.
If you like our online learning style, you can easily register with Onsego GED Online Prep and get your GED diploma fast. Onsego’s comprehensive, affordable program has received the predicate “Fully GED Test Aligned” from GED Testing Service.
GED Idaho Requirements
- Idaho’s age requirement for students to qualify for GED testing is 16.
- For applicants 16 and 17 years old, however, strict further restrictions count. Contact your nearest GED test site.
- Test-takers 16 and 17 years old must, for example, submit the state’s Youth Waiver Form that must be approved by the testing center.
- Idaho has no residency requirement.
- Test-takers don’t have to attend a prep course first.
- There’s also no requirement to first take the GED Ready practice test, except when the exam is taken online.
- Applicants cannot already have a high school (or equivalent) credential and not be attending another school program.
GED Idaho Cost
The fee is $144 in Idaho (for all 4 tests) – $36 per subject test, both on-site and online. Retesting is offered at reduced rates when done at a test center. If you fail a GED subtest, you can retake that section twice at a reduced rate of $10 for the testing center fee, but you need to retake the test within a year. After that period, regular fees apply again.
You can retake any subject test twice in Idaho without any wait time. When you have failed a subtest three times, you’ll need to wait at least 60 days before you can retake that subject test again.
GED Idaho Prep Classes
You can prepare for the GED test by studying online, or you may choose to attend a traditional GED prep class near you. Select your nearest city:
GED Idaho Testing Centers
Boise State University – 1406 Chrisway Dr – Boise – ID 83706 – Ph: 208.426.2761
Coll. of Western Idaho (Lynx Bldg) – 9300 W Overland Rd – Boise – ID 83709 – Ph: (208) 562.2542
Coll. of Southern Idaho – 1600 Parke Ave – Burley – ID 83318 – Ph: (208) 732.6534
Coeur d’Alene
North Idaho Coll. – 875 W Garden Ave (Molstead Library) – Coeur d’Alene – ID 83814 – Ph: (208) 665.5097
Idaho Falls
College of Eastern Idaho – 1600 S 25th E – Idaho Falls – ID 83404 – Ph: (208) 524.3438
Lewis-Clark State College – 500 8th Ave – Lewiston – ID 83501 – Ph: (208) 792.2238
McCall College – Ste 127 – 106 E Park St – McCall – ID 83638 – Ph: (208) 634.3456
University of Idaho – 1210 Blake Ave – Moscow – ID 83844 – Ph: (208) 885.5138
College of Western Idaho – 5725 E Franklin Rd – Nampa – ID 83687 – Ph: (208) 562.2440
Idaho State University – 1001 S 8th Ave – Pocatello – ID 83209 – Ph: (208) 282.4506
North Idaho College – 515 Pine St – Ste G – Sandpoint – ID 83864 – Ph: (208) 263.4594
Twin Falls
College of Southern Idaho – 315 Falls Ave – Twin Falls – ID 83301 – Ph: (208) 732.6534
Introducing Online GED Testing
Taking the GED exam online is now possible as well. It used to be that the GED exam could only be taken at an official Idaho GED test center, but now, that has changed. To qualify for online testing, applicants must attain “Likely to Pass” (green) scores on the GED Ready practice tests.
The GED Ready tests (there’s one for each subject test) are available at for $7.99 each. So you can add $32 to your total cost of taking the GED exam online. For more details, go to -> introducing the online GED test.
GED Idaho Prep – How to Start
Please check with your local GED test center or a preparation facility to see if you qualify, and a lot of additional information is offered all through this website. Find a GED prep facility near you and let them help you get all set for the four GED tests, or benefit from our free online GED lessons to see if online learning is right for you. If so, we recommend you sign up with Onsego GED Online Classes, an accredited, affordable, full-scale course.
One GED Subtest at a Time
Registration must be done online via, and you need to create your account with the portal MyGED. Testing sites may have specific registration policies, so learn all the details at your local GED test center to avoid misunderstandings. When you want to sit for the exam, be sure you are totally prepared, but there’s no need to prepare for everything simultaneously.
You can take one of the four tests (modules) at a time. At your local bookstore or community library, you can find lots of preparation materials, and there are also many GED prep classes all across America where dedicated instructors will get you all set, often at no cost at all.
Be well prepared, take the GED exam, and get your own GED diploma. You are also welcome to use our free video lessons ready for the real thing.
Four Independent GED Tests
The GED exam has four tests on subject fields that measure applicants’ skills and knowledge at the level of high school graduates as requested by universities and colleges and in accordance with modern industry standards.
The four test subjects are Science, Social Studies, Mathematical Reasoning, and Reasoning Through Language Arts. The GED exam will get you ready to be successful in college and in the employment market.
GED scoring takes place on a scale that goes from 100 to 200.
- 100-144: below-passing scores
- 145-164: high school equivalency scores
- 165-174: college-ready scores
- 175-200: college-ready + college credits scores
Free GED Idaho Online Prep
GED Registration
The GED exam is computer-based, and test scores are ready within hours after taking the test. Some other advantages: the GED exam is far better at measuring high school equivalency than earlier versions and is aligned with career readiness standards.
The system is very flexible and allows you to schedule one test at a time and pay only for scheduled tests. The GED website includes a lot of very helpful information and practice tests.
You must be an Idaho resident and at least 16 years old. When you are 16 or 17, you will face specific additional requirements, so see your nearest GED testing site. The practice tests and video lessons offered on this website for free are generously provided at no cost by Onsego GED prep, a premium course recognized by GED Testing Service.
GED Timed Tests
The GED tests must be taken within a certain time:
- Language: two and a half hours, but this includes a short break (10 minutes)
- Mathematics: one hour and 55 minutes
- Science: one hour and 30 minutes
- Social Studies: one hour and 10 minutes
When you have passed the GED exam, you will receive the GED diploma, which is, all across America accepted as equivalent to a high school diploma by recruiters, government agencies, universities, and colleges. Documents obtained via the Internet are worthless and will not be accepted by employers and institutions of higher education. Please don’t waste your money!
It’s about YOUR Future
Getting the GED diploma will certainly improve your life, and at the following locations in key Idaho regions, GED preparation is available. Earning the GED credential is crucial for men and women who did not finish high school: it gives them a better chance to get a job or to be eligible for job advancement and is needed if they wish to further their academic education in college or university.
People who hold a high school or GED credential may expect to make at least $ 9,600 more annually than workers who do not have a secondary education degree. So you see, earning your GED really pays off!
For more information:
Idaho Career and Technical Education
Len B. Jordan Building
650 W State St, Suite 324
Boise, ID 83702
Phone: 208.429.5547/5541
FAQ about the GED Idaho
How to get a GED in Idaho?
If you are looking to earn your GED high school equivalency (HSE) diploma in Idaho, you’ll have to pass the four separate tests of the GED exam. The four subtests (modules) are computer-based and cover the academic areas of Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, and Language Arts.
What are the GED Idaho testing requirements?
The GED test offers people who never completed high school the chance to earn an equivalent degree. In Idaho, GED testers must be at least 16 years old. For 16-17-year-old applicants, however, extra requirements apply. There’s no residency requirement in Idaho, nor do test-takers first have to attend a prep course or pass a practice test, except when taking the GED test online.
What is the GED Idaho cost?
In Idaho, the entire GED exam will set you back $144 (or $36 per subtest) regardless of whether you sit for the exam at one of Idaho’s state-designated testing facilities or online. When taken online, however, you should also consider the cost of taking four GED Ready tests (in total, $32).
You have the option to register and pay for the four GED tests one at a time. To register and schedule the tests, you must set up your account on the website
Are adjustments required? Should we unlist or add a facility? Please inform us here.
Last Updated on February 5, 2025.
Table of Contents
- 1 GED Idaho Requirements
- 2 GED Idaho Cost
- 3 GED Idaho Prep Classes
- 4 GED Idaho Testing Centers
- 5 Introducing Online GED Testing
- 6 GED Idaho Prep – How to Start
- 7 One GED Subtest at a Time
- 8 Four Independent GED Tests
- 9 Free GED Idaho Online Prep
- 10 GED Registration
- 11 GED Timed Tests
- 12 It’s about YOUR Future
- 13 FAQ about the GED Idaho