GED Classes Near Me

If you wonder, “Where are GED classes near me?” we can help you!
Type the name of your city or zip code to find GED prep classes near your location.

This database includes all locations across the U.S. where you can prepare for the GED and HiSET tests through adult education programs. We are updating our listing of GED (General Education Development) prep locations across America on a regular basis to keep our information accurate and up-to-date.

From community colleges and literacy councils to the local church or library, instructors and volunteers can help you get your GED diploma.

The GED test has four separate, modular subtests covering the academic subjects of

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

  • Social Studies
  • Reasoning through Language Arts
  • Science
  • Mathematical Reasoning

HiSET testing involves five sub-exams as the Language Arts portion is divided into separate reading and writing sub-exams. All GED and HiSET sub-exams can be written individually and in any preferred order.

This list is the 2025 edition of our GED classes and programs overview. So, if you’re wondering: where are GED programs near me? We have the answer! If you come across a non-listed GED prep site or if we should add a facility, please inform us here.

GED Classes Near Me – GED Test Centers and Prep Sites by State

Not all states continued with the GED exam. Some states have changed to the HiSET, and some offer both options. The GED is offered exclusively on a computer, whereas the HiSET exams are available both on paper and on a computer in most states.

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Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

How long you will need to get all set for the GED test depends on a number of factors, such as your educational level, your commitment to studying, and how much time you can dedicate to learning. In general, though, students may get all set for the real thing in three to six months if they study for at least three hours per week.

Most states do not require GED test-takers to first attend a prep course or take and pass a GED practice test. However, the GED test is quite challenging, and proper preparation is crucial!

High school equivalency testing requirements may vary a bit by state, but generally, GED or HiSET test-takers need to be 16 years old or older, but for 16 and 17-year-olds, strict restrictions and regulations apply.

We also publish a complete overview of all GED testing centers and schools providing GED classes in each state.

GED test-takers can not already hold a high school diploma and not be signed up for another education program.

Most states provide free GED or HiSET preparation at numerous locations. To be sure, however, we advise you to contact a prep site to find free GED classes near me, and get well-informed before signing up for a class.

GED Classes Near Me – Who Offers GED Classes and Programs?

GED prep classes can be found at thousands of locations across America at community adult learning centers, schools, or churches. Check out Facebook and Twitter to learn more about job improvement possibilities, and remember that your GED certificate qualifies you for a fine college education.

They are offered by Literacy Councils, High Schools, Community Colleges, Libraries, Community Action Agencies, Churches, and many other committed organizations. So this page answers your question: where are GED classes near me for adults?

The U.S. government subsidizes many programs that are organized to help those without a high school diploma earn a credential that is, nationwide, accepted just like a regular high school diploma.

Visit also some education and business events in your area that address ESL and/or GED issues, and call participants to see if they can help or request more information. If you contact them by phone, ask if there’s anything within their directory that may fit your calendar.

GED and HiSET Test Prices

The price of the GED test varies by state, but on average, the price that you will have to reckon with is around $144 for all four tests.

There are five states where the High School Equivalency Tests are free for residents: New York (GED), West Virginia (HiSET and GED), Maine (HiSET), Illinois (GED and HiSET), and Connecticut (GED – free for applicants under 20 and veterans, others: $13.00).

Maryland charges $45 for the complete GED test, but only for 1st-time testers, and in Florida, Georgia, California, and a few more states, the price is slightly higher. Usually, the price of the HiSET exams is lower. Please keep in mind that online testing is more expensive. To learn more about GED or HiSET costs in your state, visit our GED Testing Fees by State page.

Can I Sign Up for the GED or HiSET Exam without Attending a Prep Class?

Most states allow you to take the GED test without prior instruction, though it is not recommended. The GED test has become more challenging, and proper preparation is needed to be successful in these general educational development exams.

Are GED or HiSET Courses Free?

Most states provide free GED prep classes to adult students. Check here to learn more about free GED testing. To be sure, however, we advise you to contact a prep site and get well-informed before signing up for a course.

But beware, not everything is offered at no cost. In Florida, for example, most preparation facilities are state-required to charge a fee of $30 per term, and many companies offer GED courses at a modest contribution!

Please note that the video lessons and GED practice tests offered on this website are free as well and are a great resource to help you begin your GED prep journey.

GED Classes Near Me – GED & HiSET Requirements

Qualification requirements also vary slightly by state, but in general, you must be 18 years of age or older, not already hold a secondary education degree, and not be registered for another school program.

In most states, applicants 16 and 17 years old may apply if they meet strict requirements. You best contact a GED testing site near you or your state’s department of education. There are a few states that require you to attend prep classes, so please check our post on your state.

How Long Will It Take to Get My GED?

This will depend on your earlier education and commitment, but in general, we may say that if you study once a week for a couple of hours, you may get all geared up for the GED or HiSET test in around 4 to 6 months.

All three options allow you to take one of the four (GED) or five (HiSET) modules at a time. There’s no need to take one of the exams in one take.

If you can study some 2 to 3 times per week, you will usually need some 3 to 4 months to get ready. If you are able to devote one hour a day to proper studying, you really should be able to complete all four tests within 2 to 3 months.

But again, your earlier education and commitment play a key role as well! The GED is done on a computer, so getting computer-savvy is needed as well. In practically all states, you can take the HiSET exams on paper or on a computer.

What is the GED Test Like?

The GED test comes with four independent sub-tests that may be taken separately. The four tests are in the academic subject fields of Science, Social Studies, English Literacy (Reasoning through Language Arts), and Math (Mathematical Reasoning).

  • Science (90 minutes) includes content areas such as Life Science, Physical Science (physics and chemistry), and Earth and space science.
  • The Social Studies test (70 minutes) includes questions on these areas: U.S. History, World History, Economics, Geography, and Civics and Government.
  • Literacy (Reasoning through Language Arts, 150 minutes) contains questions on topics such as punctuation, sentence structure, grammar, spelling, poetry and drama, prose fiction and nonfiction, and so on.
  • Math (Mathematical Reasoning, 115 minutes) addresses subject fields like algebra, probability, functions, data analysis, statistics, and number operations, to mention a few.

Testing needs to be done at official and state-approved GED testing centers. Online testing is NOT possible, and Internet sites that are stating different possibilities are fraudulent.

This applies to all three available testing programs! Keep in mind that, although technically, the GED is the same as a high school degree, there are still employers out there (and a few schools as well) that have negative sentiments towards GED holders.

What is the Passing Score on the GED Test?

To pass the GED test, you were required to score at least 150 points on each of the four subject tests, but this was lowered to 145 just two years after the latest version of the GED test was rolled out across America. You can read more here about lower GED scores.

The scores are measured on a scale that goes from 100 to 200. Scoring is as follows:

  • Below Passing Score: 100-144
  • Passing Score (High School Equivalency): 145-164
  • College Ready Score: 165-174
  • College Ready Score + College Credit: 175-200

Your HiSET results are calibrated on a scale from 1 to 20. The HiSET passing score is eight on each sub-exam. Your total score needs to be in the 45-100 range, and your essay result must be at least 2 out of 6.

How to Sign Up for the GED Test

You can register for, schedule, pay for, and sit for one of the four GED test modules when you feel ready to do so. Check also the main links on this website to benefit from our free video lessons and practice tests.

To sign up for the GED test (or one of the four modules), you must go to the official GED Testing Service website,, and create your account on the website’s portal MyGED.

Here, you can also find a wealth of information regarding career possibilities, school reviews, what to do after you get your GED diploma, and so on.

Registration must be done online, and so must your payments and test scheduling. You need a valid email address, and if you don’t have one, no problem, you can create one right there. If you don’t hold a debit or credit card, you can get pre-paid vouchers at most testing sites.

Free GED Online Classes

MyGED Portal

Your online account with MyGED offers you a great guidance tool that takes you through the entire process, from preparation advice to scheduling your tests. At the portal MyGED, you have access to all tools, news, and support to deal with everything related to the GED test.

You can find more information about MyGED here.

Submit GED Classes Near Me (or HiSET)

If you represent an organization that offers GED or HiSET preparation, please inform us about your facility if you are not listed on our website.

Your contributions are highly appreciated and enable us to keep our information accurate, complete, and up-to-date. If you have any questions, get in touch with us. We will send you a confirmation when the adjustment is completed.

Until recently, online GED and HiSET testing was not possible. Both high school equivalency (HSE) tests were exclusively administered at official state-designated test centers.

There simply was no HSE testing over the Internet. This has changed, however, with the arrival of an online proctored GED exam, and the HiSET has introduced an online testing option as well.

So this was our post about GED Classes Near Me. To summarize, getting a GED diploma is important. As a GED graduate student, you have demonstrated that your skills and knowledge are at a level to successfully follow academic college-level courses and that you command the skills to function well in any job.

Last Updated on March 13, 2025.