GED Classes Lansing Michigan

This post includes a full listing of GED preparatory classes and test sites in the Lansing region. Michigan is offering two options for high school equivalency testing: the GED and HiSET exams.

The HiSET and GED exams are offered online and at state-approved testing sites. Check below for more online testing information.

The exams provide people who didn’t graduate from high school the chance to acquire an equivalent diploma.

Both tests measure academic proficiency at a level comparable to that of graduating high school seniors.

Onsego GED Prep
Pass the GED Test in 2 Months 

Learn Just 1 Hour a Day.
It doesn’t matter when you left school.

The GED consists of four subtests (separate modules) that assess an applicant’s knowledge of

  • Science
  • Math
  • Literacy
  • Social Studies

These modules can be completed individually and in any desired order.

The HiSET exam includes five subject tests (the Literacy section has individual reading and writing tests) that can be written separately as well.

Onsego GED Prep

Online GED Classes

Lessons Simply Explained | Practice Tests | Add-ons

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Our website offers free online GED classes and GED practice tests to help you start earning your GED diploma today.

If you’re fine with online learning, move ahead with Onsego GED Prep, an accredited, affordable program that will quickly prepare you for the GED exam!

The GED is entirely computer-based, while the HiSET exam is available on paper and on a computer.

If you want to read more about eligibility requirements, testing fees, or passing scores, go to this page: “The Michigan GED Test.”

Lansing GED Prep Classes

Lansing Community College Foundations for Success
600 N Grand Avenue, Lansing, MI 48933, Phone: 517-483-1061

Lansing School District Dr. Eva L. Evans Welcome Center
2400 Pattengill Avenue, Lansing, MI 48910, Phone: 517-755-4040/1290

Potterville Adult Education
2110 S Cedar Street, Lansing, MI 48910, Phone: 517-492-5539
Potterville Adult Education offers in-person and virtual classes at many locations throughout the tri-county service area.

Capital Area Literacy Coalition (The Reading People)
1028 E Saginaw Street, Lansing, MI 48906, Phone: 517-485-4949

Capital Area Michigan Works! WIOA Youth Program
2110 S Cedar Street, Lansing, MI 48910, Phone: 517-492-5500/5551 or 517-708-4007

Advent House Ministries (Adult and Family Literacy Program)
743 N Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard, Lansing, MI 48915, Phone: 517-485-4722

The Global Institute of Lansing
510 W Ottawa Street, Lansing, MI 48933, Phone: 517-488-5342

Sylvan Lansing/East Lansing
2500 Kerry Street, Suite 100, Lansing, MI 48912, Phone: 517-940-6171/6170

GED Prep Classes around Lansing (Cities by Alphabet)

Pathways to Success GED Classes
2800 Stone School Rd, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, Ph: 734-997-1250
Find all Ann Arbor region GED programs here: Ann Arbor Area GED Programs

Battle Creek GED Education
77 Capital Avenue, Battle Creek, MI 49017, Phone: 269-965-9514
Check out all Battle Creek area GED prep classes <- in this post

Eaton County Jail GED Program
1025 Independence Boulevard, Charlotte, MI 48813, Phone: 517-543-3512
Not open to the public. GED instruction provided by Potterville Adult Education

Coldwater Community Schools Adult Education (@Coldwater High Library)
275 S Fremont Street, Coldwater, MI 49036, Phone: 517-279-5910

Michigan Works (Coldwater Adult Education)
210 Vista Drive, Coldwater, MI 49036, Phone: 517-279-5910

Branch Co. Jail GED Instruction
580 Marshall Road, Coldwater, MI 49036, Phone: 517-279-5910
Not open to the public

MSU High School Equivalency Program (C249 Holden Hall)
234 Wilson Rd, East Lansing, MI 48825, Ph: 866.432.9900
The MSU High School Equivalency Program helps individuals with migrant or seasonal farm work backgrounds earn a GED.

Mott Comm. College GED Classes
709 N Saginaw St, Flint, Michigan 48503, Ph: 810.232.2555/2511
For all Flint-area GED programs, visit Flint GED Courses

Michigan Works! Southeast – Livingston Service Center
1200 Byron Rd, Howell, Michigan 48843, Ph: 517-546-7450

Livingston Educational Service Agency
1425 N Grand Avenue, Howell, Michigan 48843, Ph: 517-546-5550

Livingston County Jail GED Program
150 S Highlander Way, Howell, Michigan 48843, Ph: 517-546-2445
Not publicly available

College & Career Access Ctr. GED Instruction
1082 Jackson Crossing – Jackson, Michigan 49202, Ph: 517-990-0671

South Central MI Works
209 East Washington Ave, Suite 100, Jackson, Michigan 49201, Ph: 517.841.5637/5627

Community Action Agency YouthBuild Program
1214 Greenwood Avenue, Jackson, MI 49203, Phone: 517-784-4800

Spring Arbor University-Jackson
113 W Michigan Avenue, Suite 201, Jackson, MI 49201, Phone: 517-990-8070

Jackson Sylvan Learning Ctr.
3343 Spring Arbor Rd, Ste 100, Jackson, Michigan 49203, Phone: 517-879-0680

Kalamazoo Public School District
714 S Westnedge Avenue, Kalamazoo, MI 49007, Phone: 269-337-0422
See all Kalamazoo locations here: Kalamazoo Area GED Prep Classes

Ingham County Jail
630 N Cedar Road, Mason, MI 48854, Phone: 517-676-2431
Not publicly available

Fulton Adult Ed-Middleton (@Old Administration Bldg)
8060 Ely Highway, Middleton, Michigan 48856, Phone: 989.236.5130

Pathways Adult Education-Baker College
1020 South Washington St, Owosso, MI, MI 48867, Ph: 989.729.3350
GED classes in the Curwood Building, Room 1423

Michigan Works! GED Instruction
1975 West Main St, Owosso, Michigan 48867, Ph: 989.729.9599

Capital Area Michigan Works! Clinton County Service Center
101 W Cass Street, Ste A, St. Johns, Michigan 48879, Phone: 989-224-2000

Clinton County Jail GED Program
1347 E Townsend Road, St Johns, MI 48879, Phone: 989-227-6580
Not available to the public. GED instruction provided by Potterville Adult Education

GED and HiSET Online Tests

Until recently, GED or HiSET testing was not possible via the Internet, but this has changed with the arrival of new online proctored testing options. To learn more about the new online HiSET-At-Home test option, go to this page: ‘HiSET test online.’ For more detailed information about online proctored GED testing, check out the page ‘GED test also online.’

You can also take a look at Grand Rapids Area GED Classes

Lansing Area GED Testing Centers

Hill Center (Room 20, Lansing School District, GED)
2400 Pattengill Avenue, Lansing, MI 48910, Phone: 517-755-4040

From here, cities by alphabet

Michigan State University (Bessey Hall, Room 203, GED or HiSET)
434 Farm Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824, Phone: 517-355-8385/5073

W. Michigan Works!-Barry County. (GED)
136 E State Street, Hastings, MI 49058, Phone: 616-649-9850

ACSET-W. Michigan Works! (GED)
603 W Adams Street, Ionia, MI 48846, Phone: 616- 648-9145

Jackson Area Career Center-HiSET, GED
6800 Browns Lake Road, Jackson, MI 49201, Phone: (517) 990-8070/768-5220

Baker College of Owosso (Welcome Center, Conference Room A, Rm 1924, GED)
1309 South M-52, Owosso, MI 48867, Phone: 989-729-3620

Are adjustments/updates needed? Should a site be added or unlisted? Please inform us here.

Last Updated on November 21, 2024.