You can take the four separate Kansas GED subtests at an official Kansas GED test center or in an online proctored format.
To take the exam, applicants must set up an account online at the official GED Testing Service website,
Kansas is using the GED exam for the state’s high school equivalency testing program. The GED offers adults who didn’t finish high school the opportunity to earn an equivalent degree.
This website offers free online GED prep classes and practice tests to help you get started with your preparation. If online learning is fine with you, continue with Onsego GED Prep, an accredited, affordable program that will get you all set super fast.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
The Kansas GED exam is totally computer-based and contains four individual tests in the subject areas of
- Social Studies
- Science
- Math
- Language Arts
To pass the GED exam, you need to have a minimum score of 145 points on each individual section.
The GED testing fee in Kansas is $156 ($39 per subject) when taken online or at a Kansas testing facility. Retesting is available at reduced fees.
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It used to be that the online GED exam was more expensive, but that difference has disappeared. So, the cost is $156 in total, both online and on-site. To qualify, however, for online testing, you must first reach “Likely To Pass (“green”) scores on the GED Ready practice test.
There is a GED Ready test for each of the four subtests that are available at at $7.99 each. You may also benefit from this website’s free GED practice tests, but the GED Ready test is the only practice test that will predict if you are likely to pass the real thing.
The GED certificate will improve employment opportunities and clear the way into colleges and universities.
Earning the Kansas GED diploma will positively influence your life, and GED prep classes are offered at numerous locations in Kansas.
Kansas GED Requirements
- To qualify for the Kansas GED exam, you must be at least 16 years old.
- For 16 and 17-year-olds, however, strict additional regulations apply, so contact your nearest GED testing site.
- You don’t need to first take the official GED Ready practice test. This is required, however, to qualify for online testing!
- You do NOT have to be a Kansas resident.
- You don’t hold a secondary degree and are not attending a school program.
If you fail a GED subtest, you can retake that test twice without a wait time if you take the exam at a testing facility. If you fail a third time, you’ll need to wait for a 60-day period before you can take it again.
You have two retakes at a reduced rate of $13 ($10 for the test centers and $3 for the state), but you need to take these retests within one year. After one year, regular fees apply again. It might be that these fees were raised, so please check carefully. Keep in mind that retests are different from earlier tests. All this does not apply to online testing!
Kansas GED Prep Classes
You can prepare very well for the GED test by studying online, or you can attend a physical class in your area. Click on your city or your nearest city to discover all the options in that area.
Kansas GED Testing Centers
Arkansas City
Cowley County Comm. Coll. – 125 S Second St – Arkansas City – KS 67005 – Ph: (620) 442.0430
Highland Comm. College – 1501 W Riley St – Atchison – KS 66002 – Ph: (785) 442.6233
Colby Comm. Coll. – 1255 S Range Ave – Colby – KS 67701 – Ph: (785) 460.5497
Dodge City
Dodge City Comm. Coll. – 2501 N 14th Ave – Dodge City – KS 67801 – Ph: (620) 227.9217
El Dorado
Butler Comm. Coll. – 901 S Haverhill Rd – El Dorado – KS 67042 – Ph: (316) 322.3223
Garden City
Garden City Comm. Coll. – 801 Campus Dr – Garden City – KS 67846 – Ph: (620) 276.9654
Northwest Kansas Tech – 1209 Harrison Ave – Goodland – KS 67735 – Ph: (800) 316.4127
Great Bend
Barton County Comm. Coll. – 1025 Main St – Great Bend – KS 67530 – Ph: (620) 786.7565
Hadley Center – 205 E 7th St (Ste 237) – Hays – KS 67601 – Ph: (785) 261.9788
Hutchinson Comm. Coll. – 1300 N Plum St – Hutchinson – KS 67501 – Ph: (620) 665.3359
Independence Comm. Coll. – 2615 Main St – Independence – KS 67301 – Ph: (620) 332.5630
Kansas City
Kansas Comm. Coll. – 7250 State Ave – Kansas City – KS 66112 – Ph: (913) 288.7661
Made Men Inc. – 1211 N 8th St – Kansas City – KS 66101 – Ph: (913) 521.9400
USD 497-Lawrence Public Schools – 2920 Haskell Ave – Lawrence – KS 66046 – Ph: (785) 330.1797
Seward County Comm. Coll. – 1801 N Kansas Ave – Liberal – KS 67905 – Ph: (620) 417.1042
Manhattan Tech Test Center – 3136 Dickens Ave – Manhattan – KS 66503 – Ph: (785) 320.4406
Mid-America Nursing & Allied-Health Inst.- 10000 W 75th St – Ste 241 – Merriam – KS 66204 – Ph: (913) 708.8323
Overland Park
Johnson Co. Comm. Coll. – 12345 College Blvd – Overland Park – KS 66210 – Ph: (913) 469.2388
SnapIT Solutions – 7780 W 119th St – Overland Park – KS 66218 – Ph: (913) 220.2032
Paola Adult Ed. Ctr – 1710 Industrial Park Dr – Paola – KS 66071 – Ph: (913) 294.8018
Labette Comm. College-Parsons – 200 S 14th St – Parsons – KS 67357 – Ph: (620) 421.6700
Labette Comm. Coll.-Cherokee Campus – 7186 NE Hwy 171 – Pittsburg – KS 66762 – Ph: (620) 820.1182
Salina Adult Education Ctr – 2620 Centennial Rd – Salina – KS 67401 – Ph: (785) 309.4660
Washburn Institute of Technology – 5724 SW Huntoon St – Topeka – KS 66604 – Ph: (785) 670.3367
Wichita GED Test Ctr – 2502 E Douglas Ave – Wichita – KS 67214 – Ph: (316) 689.8742
Wichita Technical Institute – 2051 S Meridian Ave – Wichita – KS 67213 – Ph: (316) 943.2241
NexStep Alliance – 3351 N Webb Rd – Wichita – KS 67226 – Ph: (316) 677.1150
Online GED Testing Introduced
So, GED testing is now available in an online format as well. It used to be that you needed to appear at an official Kansas GED testing site and take the four tests in person, but that has changed.
The GED test is now also available online with an online proctor. You can read more here: Introducing the online GED test.
GED Acceptance
You will receive the GED diploma or certificate when you pass all four GED tests (one at a time if you wish), and this document is recognized and accepted as comparable to a standard high school diploma by virtually all U.S. government agencies, employers, recruiters, and universities.
Going for the GED is important for people who have never finished high school and offers them another chance to get an equivalent diploma.
How to Start with Kansas GED Preparation
You cannot have a high school diploma if you would like to sit for the GED exam, and you cannot be signed up for any school program as well. Please contact a GED prep site near you or go online to discover if you qualify, and read some of our relevant posts for more information.
At, you can discover everything the GED test has to offer, and you will be taken through the processes of registration and scheduling 9f your tests very efficiently.
You can also use this website’s totally free video classes to see if online video lessons are good for you, and if they are, we recommend you sign up for Onsego GED prep, a full-scale, accredited GED prep course to get your GED diploma fast. GED Testing Service lists Onsego as one of only 20 online courses that are fully in line with the current GED test.
Everything is now done online, so become well-informed and attend preparation classes at a local GED preparation center (see our post about a city near you).
Every local bookstore or library can supply you with materials, too, but our experience is that you can go to GED prep classes close to you (check out the listed areas above), where GED preparation is available, often at no charge, in combination with a good online prep course.
Don’t forget to check our article about signing up for your GED exam with the online portal MyGED. When you feel you are all set to go the GED test path, follow these guidelines that will get you ahead: Go to the GED organization’s website, and create your account at MyGED.
The Four GED Tests
The Kansas GED exam measures an applicant’s level of skills and knowledge that may be expected of somebody who has had four years of high school education.
The GED program provides a great opportunity for individuals who did not graduate from high school and allows them to earn the Kansas high school certificate, which is regarded as a high school equivalency.
The GED exam is a set of four tests that measure competencies and knowledge in these four subject areas: Social Studies, English Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, and Science. The four subtests can be taken separately. Show up at the GED exam well prepared, pass the exam, and obtain your GED credential.
The GED modules (subtests) are scored on a scale that runs from 100 to 200:
- 100-144: below passing score
- 145-164: high school equivalency score
- 165-174: college-ready score
- 175-200 college-ready plus college credit score
Free Kansas GED Online Prep
A Better Future
Over the last few years, we saw a great increase in entry-level jobs that all called for a secondary education degree in the professional sectors of Financial Services, Healthcare, Education, and Information Technology.
In Kansas, these professional fields generate more than 4,100 new jobs annually, and this trend will continue. These jobs are reliable and will lead to better wages, long-lasting employment, and a prosperous career outlook. To secure one of these jobs, all you need to do is invest in your secondary education.
The GED exam offers a computerized testing format, and you can study and enroll via the Internet to take the GED tests (or only one if you want) whenever it fits you best.
Nearly one in five Americans lack a secondary degree (high school or GED diploma), and it is crucial that they are encouraged to earn their GED credential if they want to improve their lives. The GED diploma leads to improved job options and allows for a college education.
For more information:
The Kansas Board of Regents
1000 SW Jackson Street, Suite 520
Topeka, KS 66612-1368
Phone: 785.430.4240
FAQ about the Kansas GED
How to get a Kansas GED?
To earn your GED high school equivalency (HSE) diploma in Kansas, you must pass the four computer-based subtests of the GED test. The tests cover the academic subject areas of Science, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Language Arts.
What are the Kansas GED testing requirements?
The GED test offers adults who didn’t finish high school the chance to secure an equivalent degree. In Kansas, GED testers must be 16 years old or older, though those 16 or 17 years of age must meet additional, strict criteria. There’s no Kansas residency requirement, and testers don’t have to take a practice test first.
What is the Kansas GED cost?
In Kansas, the cost of GED testing is $156 for the complete exam or $39 per subject test, regardless of whether you sit for the exam at one of Kansas’ test centers or online. Keep in mind, however, that the additional costs of the four GED Ready tests ($32) should be taken into account as well!
Test-takers have the option to take one (or more) of the four subtests at a time, and they only pay for what they take. Registration and scheduling of the GED tests must be done on the website
Are adjustments or updates required? Should we list/unlist a facility? Please advise us here.
Last Updated on March 2, 2025.