CNM GED Program

In this post, we evaluate the CNM GED Program. Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) was formerly named Technical Vocational Institute. The school is a community college located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

CNM was established in 1964, and besides professional certificates and training options, the school offers Associate Degrees and also High School Equivalency (GED and HiSET) instruction and testing.

CNM GED Program – Flexible Options

For students who require flexible scheduling options, CNM offers HSE (high school equivalency) tutoring programs, workshops and study groups, in-class instruction, and distance-learning classes.

Central New Mexico Community College offers instruction in both options for HSE testing available in New Mexico, the GED (General Education Development) exam and the HiSET (High School Equivalency Test).

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

If you want to see if online learning suits you well. take this website’s free online GED classes and GED practice tests. If you like online studying, you can get all set for the GED fast with Onsego GED Online Prep, a program described by GED Testing Service as entirely GED Test-Aligned.


First, let’s look at some general information about the two tests. GED testing can only be done on a computer, and the test is administered at the school’s main campus in Albuquerque.

The GED exam is available in English and Spanish, and main GED prep sites will offer prep classes in Spanish as well.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

At CNM, the HiSET exam is also only available in a computer-based format at the school’s main campus. HiSET testing can also be done in English or Spanish.

It is, however, not possible to combine HiSET and GED scores or different language results. Students either take the GED or the HiSET exam and can do so in one language only.

Four GED Subtests

The GED exam includes four independent subtests or modules that can be taken one at a time. The four modules cover the following academic subject fields:

  • Math (Mathematical Reasoning) – This module takes 120 minutes and includes two sections on one section; the use of the on-screen available TI-30XS calculator is allowed.
  • Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA) – This module combines reading and writing and takes 155 minutes to complete (including a 10-minute break).
  • Social Studies – This subtest takes 70 minutes, and the questions include draggable, multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, hot spot, and short answers.
  • Science – You are given 90 minutes to complete the GED Science subtest.

Five HiSET Subtests

The HiSET exam comes with five individual modules(subtests) that can also be taken one at a time. These subtests cover the following academic areas:

  • Mathematics – You are given 90 minutes to complete the HiSET Math subtest that includes 50 multiple-choice problems.
  • Language Arts-Writing – This subtest includes two parts. The first part, which has 50 multiple-choice questions, must be completed in 75 minutes, and the second part, the essay section, must be completed in 45 minutes.
  • Language Arts-Reading – This subtest includes 40 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in 65 minutes.
  • Social Studies – The HiSET Social Studies module has 50 multiple-choice questions, and you are given 70 minutes for completion.
  • Science – The Science module comes with 50 multiple-choice questions that must be completed in 80 minutes.

TI-30XS Calculator

As said before, at CNM, both options, the GED and HiSET, must be taken on a computer, and an on-screen version of the TI-30XS calculator will be provided. Understanding how to use the calculator is very important, so practice well in advance of taking the high school equivalency exam!

CNM additionally provides a basic scientific calculator for HiSET test-takers, and GED testers are allowed to bring their own TI-30XS Multiview calculator that’s available for around $15 at, for example, Best Buy, Walmart, or

CNM GED Program – Class Placement

CNM provides information regarding class placement that’s needed to ensure that the instruction matches each student’s education level in the HSE (High School Equivalency) program.

All HSE students need to register for classes that are in line with their current CASAS Reading & Math GOALS placement test scores. CNM’s GED classes are also available in an online format.

The school encourages students to attend classes in multiple HSE subjects if possible. There are GED classes in GED Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, and Science, but it all depends on their current placement test scores.

If a student chooses to take only one class, they need to register for a class based on their lowest test score for the subject fields.

If, for example, their lowest score is in Math, they must sign up for a Math prep class. If their lowest score is in Reading, they are required to register for the school’s Language Arts class.

New CNM GED Students

Let’s take a look at how new students can sign up for Central New Mexico Community College’s HSE (High School Equivalency) classes:

  • New students are required to attend one of CNM’s orientation sessions and fill out the school’s Adult Basic Education application form.
  • Under-age students (16 & 17-year-olds) are required to submit the necessary signed paperwork and provide an “Underage Permission Form.”
  • All applicants must take the CASAS Reading & Math GOALS Assessment, which is available at the school but only by appointment. Applicants need to have a computer with Windows 10, high-speed Internet, and Zoom. The placement test takes about two hours to complete, so there should be no interruptions.
  • HSE applicants can make an appointment by Zoom, phone, or email with CNM’s Achievement Coach to sign up for the school’s HSE classes.
  • Applicants will receive information about tutoring options and their class schedule via CNM’s email system.

Returning Students

Students who attended CNM’s HSE classes before but are not enrolled in classes currently should also complete the school’s HSE orientation session, and they must also take the CASAS GOALS placement test again if their scores are older than six months. They also have to meet with the school’s advisor to register for classes.

Tutoring Services

In addition to HSE classes, CNM offers workshops, tutoring, and open computer lab instruction to those students who require extra help with their classwork or who are not in a position to attend classes on a regular basis. The school offers these additional options to registered students:

  • Individual Tutoring

Students can get up to 2 hours of tutoring a week in 1-hour blocks in the subject fields of Math, Reading, and Writing. They must contact NMC’s Assistance Center for Education (ACE) Learning Center and make an appointment so they can meet with an HSE tutor. Please contact the school for more information. To learn more about the importance of GED tutoring in general, check here.

  • Study Groups and Workshops

HSE students can also benefit from study groups and workshops. These options are scheduled on certain days and at set times but are far less formal than regular classes. Study groups work on specific topics and/or areas that students want to focus on and are great for mastering the subject matter fast. For more information, contact CNM’s main campus (SSC, Room 110), phone: (505) 224.4282.

CNM GED Program – Prep Locations

Central New Mexico Community College offers High School Equivalency (HSE) tutoring, workshops, and study groups at four of the school’s campuses. Tutoring is offered at:

  • CNM South Valley Campus
    Monday – Thursday: 9 a.m. – 7:30 p.m.
    SV-106, Phone: (505) 224.5067
  • CNM Main Campus
    Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
    Student Resource Center (2nd Fl)
    Phone: (505) 224.4306
  • CNM Montoya Campus
    Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    RB 101
    Phone: (505) 224.5990
  • CNM Westside Campus
    Monday – Thursday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
    Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    WS I 200
    Phone: (505) 224.5311

For more information, contact CNM’s ACE (Assistance Center for Education) Learning Center.

Testing Cost and Retests

New Mexico’s Higher Education Department offers free HSE vouchers (both for the GED and HiSET) to qualifying students. You can check out the NM higher education department’s website (Free HSE Testing Vouchers) or contact Central New Mexico Community College for more information.

GED Cost – In New Mexico, the GED exam costs $20 per subtest or $80 for the entire battery. Per subtest, the first 2 retakes are offered for free if taken at a test center. If students fail two retakes, they’ll have to wait for a 60-day period, after which the process repeats. New Mexico GED students were given 3 years to complete the entire GED exam, but this has now changed, and scores will keep their validity. Check here to learn all about GED requirements, prep class locations, and test center sites in New Mexico.

HiSET Cost – HiSET testing costs $10.75 per individual subtest or $53.75 for the entire HiSET exam. There are 2 free retakes per subtest, and per subtest, students can only test three times within a 12-month period.

Registration and Test Scheduling-GED

  • To register for the GED exam, go to the website and set up your account on the portal MyGED.
  • Here, you can learn all about GED preparation, career opportunities, college options, test availability, test scheduling, and how the GED exam is scored.
  • You can register for, schedule, and pay for one of the four GED subtests at a time. So it is recommended not to schedule all four GED subtests in just one day.
  • GED applicants can also register for the test by calling (877) 392.6433.
  • To schedule (one of the) GED subtests, students must have a current email address and a debit or credit card.

Registration and Test Scheduling-HiSET

  • To register for the HiSET exam, students go to the website and create their account on the portal My HiSET.
  • Students will then have access to lots of information regarding prep courses, test availability, how to schedule a test, how the HiSET is scored, career opportunities, and college programs.
  • HiSET applicants can also register for testing by calling (855) 694.4738.
  • For scheduling (one of) the HiSET subtests, students must have a PayPal account, debit or credit card, or eCheck. For paying by cash, check out

Both the GED and HiSET exams are offered at CNM’s main campus and in an online proctored format. Check here for more GED online testing information, and for more details about the HiSET online, check here.

In-person HiSET and GED testing is available at the CNM Main Campus Assessment Center. COVID-19 safety precautions such as social distancing and face-covering requirements are in place and are strictly adhered to.

Please note that students are required to present government-issued photo IDs. At the school’s testing center, all other belongings, such as purses, cell phones, wallets, hats, or watches, are not permitted and should be left at home or secured in the students’ vehicles.

GED Scoring

On the GED exam, a passing score of 145 (on a 100-200 scale) must be attained on each of the four GED subtests to pass the GED test. There are three GED passing ranges on the score chart:

  • 145-164 – High School Equivalency – Scores in this range indicate the student commands a high school equivalent level of skills and knowledge.
  • 164-174 – College-Ready – Scores in this range indicate the student’s knowledge and skills are at the College-Ready level. These scores indicate the test-taker is ready for college-level coursework.
  • 175-200 – College-Ready Plus Credit – Scores in this range indicate the test-taker is ready to attend credit-bearing college programs and will additionally receive up to 10 college credits. More information on GED scoring can be found here.

Official GED test results will be available right away on the students’ MyGED accounts. Students can order their official HSE (High School Equivalency) Diploma and transcript at

HiSET Scoring

  • On each of the five HiSET modules, students must attain at least a score of 8 (on a 1-20 scale) PLUS an overall score of at least 45 on the entire HiSET 5-test battery.
  • Additionally, they must attain at least a 2-score on the essay part of the HiSET Writing subtest. All of these three criteria need to be met in order to pass the HiSET.

Students can access their official HiSET test scores at their My HiSET accounts. They can order their official HSE (High School Equivalency) Diploma and transcripts at

So, this was our review of the CNM GED Program.

Last Updated on February 5, 2025.