GED Manager is a portal designed exclusively for educators and GED Test Administrators to help them manage their educational programs.
To get access to the GED Manager portal, Administrators and educators require permission from their State GED (General Education Development) Administrator.
There are various GED Manager types, and it depends on the role of the educator or administrator, the state they’re located in, whether they work at correctional facilities, and which type they will be able to access.
To start out on your GED journey, use this website’s free GED online classes and practice tests. This way, you can determine without any cost if an online course is a good fit for your learning style.
Onsego GED Prep
Pass the GED Test in 2 Months
Learn Just 1 Hour a Day.
It doesn’t matter when you left school.
If it is, go ahead with Onsego GED Prep, an engaging, accredited, full-scale course that GED testing Service® recognizes as “fully in line with the GED test.”
With Onsego, you will get your GED diploma fast. Once you’re ready for the real test, create your account with, and the Administrator will add you to the GED Manager portal.
So GED Manager™ is exclusively for administrators and educators. Not for students, and this makes sense.
Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy
Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.
There has to be a clear and district separation between GED testing and GED instruction to safeguard the integrity and quality of the GED exam.
Through the GED Manager portal, Administrators and educators can get access to students’ score reports on the GED Ready practice test and their official GED test score reports.
They can use this information to track their students’ performances, help them attain better results when taking the test in the future, and invite successful test-takers to graduation meetings.
So, the GED Manager portal allows these professionals to access their students’ score information. In each state, the GED Administrator determines which people in that state have access to that information.
GED Administrator
The GED Administrator will submit a list of authorized users to the official GED organization, GED Testing Service. After that, GED Testing Service will establish GED Manager accounts for authorized instructors and administrators that include students’ score reports.
GED Test Administrators are responsible for communication with GED test-takers and supervisors. Administrators are responsible for all tasks and duties associated with planning the tests and explaining post-exam tasks to students.
Official GED test administrators must have completed a high-quality Pearson VUE training course and on-the-job training under the supervision of an authorized GED test administrator and must have attained a passing score on an official exam to become a certified test administrator.
The program helps educators increase GED students’ awareness of education programs and connect students with these programs. Both online GED courses and in-class instruction are offered to stimulate them to complete the GED program.
GED Manager helps educators promote educational programs, improve students’ access to these programs, increase their success rates, and optimize the management of relevant students’ information and study progress.
The GED Manager Program allows educators to get information about students’ scores in a number of ways. They can monitor if and when they created their GED accounts, what’s on their profile pages, and access their score reports, just to mention a few options.
Keep in mind, though, that test-takers are not required to select an Adult Education Center through, and if they do NOT select a center, their scores cannot be shared.
The fact of the matter is that some 70 percent of all GED test-takers will not select a GED education center, so educators should really encourage their students to make a selection so they can monitor their students’ activities, progress, and scores.
Adult Educators have the option to use the program to monitor just one student or check the activities of groups of students. They can export these results sorted enrollment status, date, or credential status.
They can also edit their students’ status, for example, from “Interested” to “Enrolled,” “Dismissed,” or “Contacted.” They also have the option to make notes about their students.
The GED Program
GED Testing Service strives to promote and stimulate access to post-secondary education. The GED diploma that’s awarded when students successfully complete the four independent GED subtests is accepted in the same way as a common high school credential all across North America.
The GED Program includes two main assessments: the GED exam, which includes four separate subtests, and the GED Ready practice test, which gives students and educators an accurate impression of students’ readiness for success on the real thing.
There are four GED subtests created by GED Testing Service, a joint venture of ACE (the American Council on Education) and educational publisher Pearson VUE.
Both the GED exam and the GED Ready test are developed according to similar specifications but are used differently. The GED Ready practice test is about half as long as the real subject test and evaluates students’ likelihood of success on the real thing.
Additionally, the GED Ready test offers students the opportunity to acquire testing experience and get used to the format and content of the real GED test.
Across North America, the GED exam is used by states and jurisdictions to award high school equivalency diplomas or certificates, depending on the state.
The GED is an indication of students’ readiness for the employment market, job training programs and whether they are ready to attend credit-bearing, post-secondary college-level academic programs successfully.
Computer-Based Testing
The GED programs, both the real test and the GED Ready practice test, need to be taken on a computer and are scored through an automated, computer-based scoring system to facilitate the best and prompt reporting.
The four GED subject tests cover the fundamental academic areas of Mathematical Reasoning, Reasoning Through Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science.
The entire GED test exam will take approximately 7.5 hours to complete, but the modules can be taken one at a time if wished. The timing of the four tests is as follows:
- Mathematical Reasoning – 115 minutes
- Reasoning through Language Arts – 150 minutes, including a 10‐minute break
- Social Studies – 70 minutes
- Science – 90 minutes
GED Scoring
These four subtests are independent modules that are scored on a 100-200 scale. The GED passing score on each subtest is 145 and set in such a way that some forty percent of high school graduates would not be able to pass the tests on the first try.
The high school-level GED passing standard is 145; the College Ready-level benchmark is 165; the College Ready Plus Credit-level benchmark is 175.
In order to qualify for GED testing, test-takers cannot already hold a high school or equivalent credential and not be signed up for another school program. In most states, the minimally required age to qualify for the GED high school equivalency (HSE) exam is 16 years old, though state policies vary.
Underage testers, generally 16 & 17 years of age, must meet some additional requirements, for example, obtaining parental consent and permission for GED testing from their respective school districts.
All students who take the GED exam will receive official score reports that will be available within around three (3) hours after completing the test. They will receive an email that their score reports can be accessed on their MyGED accounts.
Students who took a GED Ready practice test will additionally receive detailed feedback about their score report and how to work toward score improvements on those items where they scored incorrectly. In most states, the GED exam is offered in English and Spanish.
All states that administer the GED high school equivalency test have Adult Education Offices that can access the data of GED test-takers through both the GED Manager and the GED Analytics systems.
State GED Administrators approve access to these support systems for all educators and administrators. Access to the GED Manager tool provides educators and administrators with visibility to the test-taker’s score information. Students can access relevant information through their MyGED accounts.
The latest edition of the GED exam assesses both High School Equivalency (HSE) and College & Career Readiness (CCR) qualifications. The four GED subtests assess fundamental higher-order reasoning and critical thinking skills required for success in the contemporary job market, career education courses, and college-level academic programs.
The GED program ensures that successful test-takers have demonstrated knowledge and skills on par with high school graduates and that test-takers with college-ready scores will be able to attend credit-bearing college-level coursework.
Last Updated on November 18, 2024.