GED Classes Reno Nevada

This post contains a complete listing of GED prep classes and testing sites in the Reno area. Nevada offers two options for High School Equivalency testing: the GED and HiSET exams.

Both tests are available at state-designated test centers and online. Check below for more information on online HiSET and GED testing.

The exams measure proficiency at a level that compares to that of graduating high school seniors.

The GED is fully computer-formatted, whereas the HiSET is offered both on computer and on paper.

Onsego GED Prep
Pass the GED Test in 2 Months 

Learn Just 1 Hour a Day.
It doesn’t matter when you left school.

GED testing is done via four separate modules (subtests) measuring a candidate’s skills and knowledge of

  • Math
  • Science
  • Literacy (English Language)
  • Social Studies

You can take one (or more) of the four GED modules at a time. No need to finish the GED battery in one take.

The HiSET exam has five subtests, as the literacy section is split up into separate writing and reading tests. You may also take these subtests individually.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

On our website, you can explore GED classes online for free to jumpstart your GED diploma journey at no cost. If this online delivery works for you, continue with Onsego GED Online Prep, a comprehensive, accredited course. If you’d rather learn with a teacher, contact one of the facilities listed on this page.

If you want to read more about online GED and HiSET testing, check the links below that will guide you to more information.

To read more about Nevada eligibility requirements, GED and HiSET costs, or scoring, check out this page: The GED Test In Nevada.

Reno GED Prep Classes

Truckee Meadows Community College
5270 Neil Rd | Room 220 | Reno | NV 89502 | Ph: (775) 829.9044

RISE Academy for Adult Achievement
1301 Cordone Ave | Reno | NV 89502 | Ph: (775) 337.9939

Veterans Upward Bound (TMCC, Meadowood Center, S303)
5270 Neil Rd | Meadowood Ctr, S303) | Reno | NV 89502 | Ph: (775) 829.9007

Sierra Nevada Job Corps Center
14175 Mt. Charleston St | Reno | NV 89506 | Ph: (775) 789.1000
Job Corps offers career training, academic instruction (basic reading and math), courses in employability and career success, and independent living. The agency also offers academic programs to help students reach their full potential.

Northern Nevada Literacy Council
1400 Wedekind Rd | Reno | NV 89512 | Ph: (775) 356.1007

JOIN Inc. (Job Opportunities In Nevada)
4001 S Virginia St | Suite H | Reno | NV 89502 | Ph: (775) 284.9600
For advice and referral only, no GED classes. JOIN is a nonprofit that offers job skills training and addresses workforce needs across Nevada. JOIN Inc. has offices in

  • Reno
  • Carson City
  • Elko
  • Ely
  • Fallon
  • Fernley
  • Winnemucca

Locations around Reno (Cities by Alphabet)

West Nevada College GED Program
2201 West Coll. Pkwy | Carson City | NV 89703 | Ph: (775) 445.4452
To see all Carson City area GED classes, go to Carson City area GED Prep Classes

Great Basin College Adult Education (HiSET)
1020 Elm Street | Elko | NV 89801 | Ph: (775) 753.2216/2357
Discover all Elko area options here: Elko area GED Courses

Western Nevada College-Fallon
160 Campus Way | Fallon | NV 89406 | Ph: (775) 445.4452

Churchill County Education & Literacy Ctr (West End Complex)
255 E Stillwater Ave | East Bldg | Fallon | NV 89406 | Ph: (775) 423.1191

Lyon County School District Adult Education
1340 U.S. Hwy 95 A | Fernley | NV 89408 | Ph: (775) 575.3409

Pershing County Adult High School (Lovelock Adult Learning Center)
765 Western Ave | Lovelock | NV 89419 | Ph: (775) 273.4994 or (775) 753.2126

Sierra County School for Adults (Feather River Adult Ed. Consortium)
605 School St | Loyalton | CA 96118 | Ph: (530) 993.4953

Feather River Adult Education
501 Main St | Quincy | CA 95971 | Ph: (530) 283.6500 ext 5268
Check here for more Quincy GED prep sites

Elk Grove Adult Education
8401B Gerber Rd | Sacramento | CA 95828 | Ph: (916) 686.7717
For all options in the Sacramento area, check out Sacramento area GED Classes

Silver Springs Adult Education Center
3800 Spruce Ave | Silver Springs | NV 89429 | Ph: (775) 577.5121
Classes are at Silver Springs Elementary, Stage Coach Building, Room 302

Lassen-Modoc Adult Education Consortium
478–200 Highway 139 | Susanville | CA 96130 | Ph: (530) 257.6181

High Desert Prison GED Program
475 Rice Canyon Rd | Susanville | CA 96127 | Ph: (530) 251.5100
Not open to the public

Tahoe Truckee Community Adult School
11603 Donner Pass Rd | Truckee | CA 96161 | Ph: (530) 885.8585
GED classes provided by Placer School for Adults

Introducing Online HiSET and GED Tests

It used to be that GED and HiSET testing was done exclusively at state-designated Nevada HSE testing sites. Online testing did simply not exist. But recently, we saw the launch of online testing options for both the HiSET and the GED exam.

To learn all about these online proctored testing options, visit the following posts. For more information on the new online HiSET test, check out “Welcoming the online HiSET test,” and for more information on the online GED test, visit “The online GED test.”

Reno Area GED Testing Centers

Northern Nevada Literacy Council (HiSET)
1400 Wedekind Rd | Reno | NV 89512 | Ph (775) 356-1007

Truckee Meadows Community College (RDMT 124, GED, HiSET)
7000 Dandini Blvd | Reno | NV 89512 | Ph (775) 673-7111/7252

TMCC Neil Testing Center (HiSET)
5270 Neil Rd | Reno | NV 89502 | Ph (775) 673-7252

Rise Academy for Adult Achievement (HiSET)
1301 Cordone Ave | Ste 200 | Reno | NV 89502 | Ph (775) 337-9939

From here, cities by alphabet

Western Nevada College (Bristlecone 342, GED, HiSET)
2201 W College Pkwy | Carson City | NV 89703 | Ph (775) 220-0025 or (775) 445-3299

Carson Adult High School ((Bldg E, HiSET)
275 East Park Street | Carson City | NV 89706 | Ph (775) 283-1352

Great Basin College (GED)
1500 College Pkwy | Elko | NV 89801 | Ph (775) 327-2275 or (775) 738-8493

Churchill County Adult Education (HiSET)
280 S Russell Street | Fallon | NV 89406 | Ph (775) 445-3298 or (775) 423-1191

Fernley Adult Education Center (GED or HiSET)
1340 Highway 95 A-South | Fernley | NV 89408 | Ph (775) 575-3409

Nevada Union High School GED Testing
11761 Ridge Road | Grass Valley | CA 95945 | Ph (530) 477-1225

Feather River GED Testing Center
501 Main St | Quincy | CA 95971 | Ph (530) 283-1003

Career College of Northern Nevada GED/HiSET testing
1421 Pullman Dr | Sparks | NV 89434 | Ph (775) 856-2266

Lassen Library (GED)
1618 Main St | Susanville | CA 96130 | Ph (530) 251-8127

Earl Warren Adult School (HiSET)
711-045 Center Rd | Susanville | CA 96127 | Ph (530) 257-2181

Tahoe-Truckee USD GED Testing
11603 Donner Pass Road | Truckee | CA 96161 | Ph (530) 582-2500

Do we have to update or adjust this page? Should a site be listed or removed? Please inform us here.

Last Updated on March 1, 2025.