GED Education – How It Works

GED Education refers to the process of acquiring a GED diploma. The GED credential, also known as the High School Equivalency Diploma, is issued by states if students have passed the four GED subject tests.

You can start your GED prep journey with our free online GED classes and learn if studying with an online program works for you.

If an online program is fine for you, continue learning with Onsego GED Prep, an engaging, accredited course that’ll help you achieve your GED fast.

The GED (General Education Development) diploma is for individuals who could not finish high school.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

In most states, there is no requirement to attend preparation classes before signing up for the four GED sub-exams.

So, in theory, students don’t need to go back to school; however, many people attend free adult education classes or participate in online prep courses.

The GED exam includes four independent, timed tests that cover these academic areas:

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

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  • Social Studies (including History, Government, and Geography)
  • English Language Arts
  • Mathematics
  • Science (including Physics, Scientific Method, and Chemistry)

Usually, within a year or less, students can get prepared for the GED exam. The GED exam is administered by states.

It’s the state’s responsibility to designate test locations, test centers, test times and dates, and whether online testing is possible in that specific state. You can find a local GED test center near you, but today, you can also take the GED exam in an online proctored (O.P.) format.

So, the GED exam is a set of four separate exams that, when passed, lead to the GED diploma, a credential that certifies that the test-taker has met North American high-school level knowledge and skills.

Students who pass the four GED sections will receive a certificate of completion or diploma from the state where they took the exam.

This website offers free video lessons and GED practice tests. If this way of learning fits you well, just sign up for the comprehensive Onsego GED Prep Course and secure your GED diploma super fast!

This credential is recognized and accepted by practically all North American schools of post-secondary education and employers as being equivalent to a common high school degree.

The GED education program gives them the opportunity to take a battery of four independent exams to certify their aptitude, skills, and knowledge.

Students are required to take the GED tests on a computer, and the question formats found on these tests include multiple-choice, hot-spot, fill-in-the-blank, or draggable answer choices. Testers must also produce a 5- or 6-paragraph GED essay, the so-called “Extended Response” part.

The GED exam can be taken in person at one of the many GED test centers, or online if students meet the requirements for online GED testing. The website where students can register online for the GED exam is

GED Education

If you get well-educated to pass the four GED exams, you have demonstrated to command knowledge and skills at the level of graduating high school seniors.

The four GED sub-exams are rather rigorous tests, so becoming well-prepared is absolutely required if you want to pass the four tests that, by the way, can be taken one by one.

In total, completing the four tests will take around seven and a half hours, but, as stated before, you don’t need to complete the four exams all at once.

You can register for, pay for, and take the four exams one at a time. So you pay as you go. Prepare for one section if you wish, take and pass that subtest, and move on to the next part.

GED education is offered by numerous Adult Basic Education (ABE) centers across the nation, and also many community centers, churches, and charitable organizations offer support to adults looking to pass the GED exam.

Usually, community colleges also offer GED prep classes, often in daytime and nighttime settings, to accommodate students with busy schedules.

Many states offer this education at no charge, though some states require students to pay a small fee. In Florida, for example, state-funded GED education programs must charge $30 per term for their support.

The free practice tests and video classes presented on this website are thanks to Onsego GED Prep, a comprehensive, accredited online GED prep program that is a great way to earn your GED fast.

Four Timed Exams

The four GED exams are timed. Let’s see how much time you are given to finish the four exams:

  • Language Arts – You are given 150 minutes (2.5 hours) to finish the GED “Reasoning through Language Arts” exam. This includes the section where you have 45 minutes to draft, write, and edit your essay based on a prompt that will be handed out to you. The GED Language Arts section assesses your writing and reading skills. You will have to analyze and interpret informational and literary texts and understand the difference between making observations and inferences.
  • Math – You have 115 minutes to complete the GED “Mathematical Reasoning” section. This exam measures your analytical and problem-solving Math skills. There are many word problems that relate to real-life situations. In the first GED Math section, there are five questions that you have to answer without using a calculator, so your basic math knowledge must be reasonably well-rounded. In the second part (which includes 41 questions), the use of a calculator is permitted, and you’ll also receive a formula sheet.
  • Science – You are given 90 minutes to finish the GED Science exam. This section covers the academic subject areas of Life Science, Physical Science (including chemistry), and Earth & Space Science. This GED exam assesses to what extent you are capable of understanding and interpreting various types of scientific data and information.
  • Social Studies – The allotted time to complete the GED Social Studies section is 70 minutes. In this part, your ability to read, understand and interpret information related to topics such as Geography, the U.S. and World History, Civics & Government, and Economics is assessed. The questions in this exam include reading passages and interpreting graphs and data.

Prepare Well

As stated above, there are many locations that offer adult education programs. GED prep classes are held at colleges, community centers, career centers, literacy centers, and at numerous public schools.

Many GED students prefer to learn for their exams under the guidance of a teacher or with a tutor. Often, they haven’t seen the inside of a classroom for years and welcome professional guidance.

Following an online GED prep course or attending an online class may also be a good option, but that requires some decent self-discipline on your behalf. If you can manage that, online education offers many advantages.

You can study where and when you want without having to worry about class attendance times, commuting to and from a prep site, and so on, and many online classes are offered at no cost as well.

Keep also in mind that taking multiple GED sample questions and practice tests is quite a good way to get properly prepared. This way, you can discover what your weaker academic fields are so you can dedicate your precious study time to those areas that require it most. Our free resources cover a limited portion of the GED subjects. Full coverage is available on

Why Get A GED?

Well, if you’ve passed the four GED exams, your income potential will increase by at least $ 9,600 compared to if you don’t hold the degree.

Secondly, securing your secondary education credential, your own GED diploma, will definitely give you a sense of accomplishment! You’ve proven that you’re capable of setting goals and achieving them!

You will be eligible for job promotions, and if you feel like continuing your academic education, the doors of colleges and universities will open up to you so you can get a college degree. Isn’t that something!?

So, earning your GED diploma can increase your weekly income by more than $200, and your chances of getting a good job or a job promotion will improve as well.

If you require help to get well-prepared for the four GED exams, check out this website’s free online GED classes and practice tests. These lessons include bite-size video instruction and more informational resources to help you decide if online learning is a good way of learning for you. If it is, register with Onsego GED Prep to make it through the GED exam successfully and fast!

Last Updated on November 17, 2024.