This post is about free GED testing in Texas. Texas residents 21 years of age or older who do not already hold a secondary education degree can qualify for free GED testing.
To start preparing for the GED test, you can use this website’s free online classes for the GED test. This way, you can discover if studying with an online program fits you well.
If it does, go ahead with Onsego GED Prep, an accredited online course that covers everything found on the GED test. GED Testing Service has awarded Onsego GED Prep with the prestigious predicate “fully GED Exam Aligned.”
Thanks to a TWC (Texas Workforce Commission) grant, selected adult education centers are offering qualified students free GED test vouchers.
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Learn Just 1 Hour a Day.
It doesn’t matter when you left school.
These vouchers are used as payment for the GED tests. The HiSET exam is no longer available in Texas.
It means that Texans can take the High School Equivalency (HSE) exam for free.
In Texas, AEL (Adult Education and Literacy) centers already offer adult education for free, but now, the cost of GED testing is covered as well.
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More information can be found on this Texas Workforce Commission’s webpage.
How Does Free GED Testing in Texas Work?
Students aged 21 and older can contact an AEL center and apply for the free vouchers used during the HSE registration as the final payment.
A voucher is usually a numeric code that is applied during the checkout process on the GED website. Vouchers can be used to pay for the regular exam and retakes.
However, these vouchers can’t be used to pay for a test readiness assessment, the so-called GED Ready test.
HSE vouchers are valid for in-person and online GED testing.
Every student who applies for these vouchers needs to prove her/his test readiness and needs to comply with the state of Texas requirements.
Test readiness can be proved by providing a “green” score on the GED Ready test.
Only Texas residents can participate in this program. Non-residents can’t participate in this generous offer.
Some participating centers might offer preference to the students participating in the AEL program; however, it’s not a rule.
Students who pass the GED exam will receive their Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency (TxCHSE).
Participating Organizations
The following Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) Centers and programs have received the grant and participate in the Texas Workforce Commission GED Subsidy Program (cities by alphabet), but please check for availability:
Abilene ISD Adult Education Program
1929 S 11th St, Abilene, TX 79602, Phone: (325) 671-4419
Amarillo College Career Ready You Program
2011 S Washington St, Amarillo, TX 79109, Phone: (806) 371-5425
Austin Community College AEL Program
5930 Middle Fiskville Rd, Suite 419, Austin, TX 78752, Phone: (512) 223-5123
Region 5 Education Service Center AEL Program
Edison Plaza, 350 Pine St, Ste 500, Beaumont, TX 77701, Phone: (409) 951-1771
Several locations – See their website for more information
Howard College-Big Spring AEL Program
l00l Birdwell Ln, Big Spring, TX 79720, Phone: (432) 264-5014
Brownsville ISD AEL Program
708 Palm Blvd, Brownsville, TX 78520, Phone: (956) 548-8175
Workforce Solutions Brazos Valley AEL Program
3991 E 29th St, Bryan, TX 77802, Phone: (979) 595-2800
Education Service Center Region 2 AEL Program
209 N Water St, Corpus Christi, TX 78401, Phone: (361) 561-8488
Navarro College AEL Program
3200 W Seventh Ave, Corsicana, TX 75110, Phone: (903) 875-7464
Workforce Solutions Greater Dallas AEL Program
500 N Akard St, Ross Tower, Ste 3030, Dallas, TX 75201, Phone: (214) 290-1005
Grayson College AEL Program
6101 Grayson Dr, Denison, TX 75020, Phone: (903) 463-8784
Denton ISD AEL Program
815 Cross Timber St, Denton, TX 76205, Phone: (940) 369-0400
Region 1 Education Service Center AEL Program
1900 W Schunior St, Edinburg, TX 78541, Phone: (956) 984-6270
Ysleta ISD AEL Program
121 Padres Dr El Paso, TX 79907, Phone: (915) 434-9415
Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County AEL Program
1320 S University Dr, Ste 600, Fort Worth, TX 76107, Phone: (817) 402-7555
Workforce Solutions Gulf Coast AEL Program
3555 Timmons Ln, Ste 120, Houston, TX 77027, Phone: (936) 435-8330
Several locations. Call (888) 469-5627 for more information
Central Texas College AEL Program
6200 W Central Texas Expwy, Bldg 139, Rm 180, Killeen, TX 76549, Phone: (254) 526-1120
Laredo College AEL Program
West End Washington St, Laredo, TX 78040, Phone: (956) 721-5436/5437
Region 20 Education Service Center-Lubbock AEL Program
1601 24th St, Lubbock, TX 79411, Phone: (806) 281-5750
Angelina College AEL Program
3500 Hwy 59 S, Lufkin, TX 75902, Phone: (936) 633-4525
Technology & Workforce Building, Library Classroom
Midland College AEL Program
3600 N Garfield, TC 126, Midland, TX 79705, Phone: (432) 685-6884/684-5323
Odessa College AEL Program
201 W University, Deaderick Hall, Office 106, Odessa, TX 79764, Phone: (432) 335-6381/335-6380
Paris Junior College AEL Program
2400 Clarksville St, Paris, TX 75460, Phone: (903) 782-0467/0422
Howard College-San Angelo AEL Program
3501 N US Hwy 67, San Angelo, TX 76905, Phone: (325) 481-8300 ext 3252
Region 20 Education Service Center-San Antonio AEL Program
1314 Hines Ave, San Antonio, TX 78208, Phone: 210-370-5238
Community Action of Central Texas AEL Program
The Village Main, 215 S Reimer Ave, Ste 130, San Marcos, TX 78666, Phone: (512) 392-1161 ext. 332
Temple College AEL Program
2600 S 1st St, Temple, TX 76504, Phone: (254) 298-8599/421-9001
Texarkana College AEL Program
2500 N Robison Rd, Texarkana, TX 75599, Phone: (903) 823-3460
Literacy Council of Tyler AEL Program
1530 SSW Loop 323, Tyler, TX 75701, Phone: (903) 533-0330
Southwest Texas Junior College AEL Program
2401 Garner Field Rd, Uvalde, TX 78801, Phone: (830) 591-7236
Victoria College AEL Program
2200 E Red River St, Victoria, TX 77901, Phone: (361) 573-7323
McLennan Community College AEL Program
4601 North 19th St, Waco, TX 76708, Phone: (254) 299-8777/8748
Weatherford ISD AEL Program
900 N Elm St, Weatherford, TX 76086, Phone: (817) 598-2806 ext. 4
Region 9 Education Service Center AEL Program
30l Loop 11, Wichita Falls, TX 76306, Phone: (940) 322-6928 ext. 8284
Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency
The Texas Workforce Commission offers financial support to Texas students looking to obtain a Texas Certificate of High School Equivalency (TXCHSE) to improve their options in the Texas workforce and enhance their income potential.
TWC staff members say that the cost of the HSE exam should not be a barrier for students looking to continue their academic education and who have demonstrated readiness and willingness to succeed.
These new TWC funds will support students in their efforts to overcome this hurdle and improve their chances and opportunities in the American workforce.
The AEL (Adult Education & Literacy) programs funded by the Texas Workforce Commission offer instruction in the fields of Math and English language (Reading and Writing) to help students earn their high school equivalency diplomas, develop the skills and knowledge required to successfully enter the workforce, or qualify for a college or career training academic education.
Recent studies have shown that quite a few unemployed Texans who were severely impacted by the health crisis don’t hold a high school or equivalent diploma.
TWC staff says that often, students in AEL programs join the workforce at an early age and consequently miss many education opportunities.
They are usually hard workers, but their education gap is often limiting their options. AEL programs support them to fill these gaps and help them reach their potential to the fullest extent.
This new TWC subsidy program doesn’t require GED students to be enrolled in one of TWC’s affiliated AEL programs, but students participating in these programs will receive priority.
Texas has a very diversified, top-notch workforce, including those who participate in adult education programs.
This new program will help to develop Texas’ workforce, and it offers AEL students an easy and affordable way to continue their education and improve their earning potential.
In Texas, there is currently one organization that has been approved by the Texas State Board of Education to offer the high school equivalency exam, GED Testing Service.
The four GED subtests are separate exams (modules) that correspond to the academic subject fields of Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
So, now you know all about Free GED Testing in Texas.
Last Updated on January 22, 2025.