Free GED Programs In Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESD) announced that the state will offer free GED programs In Massachusetts.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts will cover the cost of the GED and HiSET exams for state residents.

The GED exam was already available for free from September 2022. The free exams include two retests as well, and to get started with your GED prep and see if online learning is right for you, you can use this website’s free online GED classes and GED practice tests.

If you feel this online teaching method is a good fit, just set up your account with Onsego GED Online Prep to earn your GED fast. Onsego’s GED course is recognized by GED Testing Service as totally aligned with the computer-based GED test.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

Free GED Programs in Massachusetts – the Exam

From September 12, 2022, The Commonwealth of Massachusetts has already taken up the tab for a student’s first GED exam in each of the four GED subject tests plus two retakes per subject test.

Free HiSET Exam

Now, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts will pick up the tab as well for a student’s first HiSET exam in each of the five HiSET subject tests plus two retakes per subject test.

First-Time GED Testers

If you want to schedule your GED test at one of Massachusetts’ state-designated GED test centers, you can enter promo code MAFREEGED upon checkout.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

If you want to schedule your GED Online Proctored (OP) test, you can enter promo code MAFREEGED first, followed by promo code OPMAFREEGED upon checkout. THE ONLINE GED TEST IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE IN MASSACHUSETTS!

Be aware, however, that if you want to be eligible for taking the online GED exam, you are required to first attain passing results (“green” zone scores) on the GED Ready official practice test.

You must attain passing results on four GED Ready tests since there’s one practice test for each GED subtest. The cost for these practice tests must still be paid by you, the test-taker. You can purchase the GED Ready test on the website at $7.99 (so that’ll make $32 in total).

First-Time HiSET Testers

When you schedule the HiSET exam online (you can take the exam at your home) or at one of Massachusetts’ official HiSET test centers, you should enter promo code MAHISET upon checkout to benefit from this great offer.

Free GED Programs In Massachusetts – Retests

If you want to register for a GED retest at a test center, you should enter promo code MARETAKE at checkout, and for a retake on the OP (Online Proctored) GED exam, you must enter promo code OPMARETAKE at checkout.

So to get the testing fees covered, Massachusetts residents should enter a promo code instead of making a payment when they register for the exams or want to take the tests again. Here are the codes again:

Overview of Massachusetts GED and HiSET Promo Codes

  • To schedule a GED test, enter MAFREEGED
  • To schedule a GED retest, enter MARETAKE
  • To schedule a HiSET test or retest, enter MAHISET
  • For more information about GED and HiSET testing in Massachusetts, check the linked post

GED and HiSET Scores can be Combined

From November 23, 2022, it is possible for Massachusetts residents to combine GED results and HiSET scores to complete the state’s requirements for High School Equivalency (HSE) Diplomas.

Students can take subtests in any order and for either exam and combine these scores. The students can see their test scores on the websites and Their combined scores will be available to them when they have completed their testing efforts, and their transcripts will be generated at the website

So, if you qualify, take advantage of this amazing opportunity to earn your GED for free in Massachusetts through the Free GED Programs In Massachusetts initiative!

Last Updated on February 5, 2025.