Your Math Skills – Are You A Poet Or A Quant?

Last Updated on May 15, 2024.

GED® Math is of the four GED subtests, the most feared, and indeed, for a reason. Math tests are usually complicated, and you need to know many rules, laws, and theories.

So, keep reading to learn how to get ready for this difficult GED exam.

What helps if that you get properly prepared and to get there, first answer to yourself: at what level are my math skills? Do you think that math problems are confusing? Or can you maybe grasp the concepts of math pretty fast?

Suppose you are in a business school program. Then they would surely ask you: are you a poet or a quant?

When you don’t have a clue what this means, let me explain it. Usually, the terms Poets and Quants are used by many Business Schools for the identification of:

  • Students that have strong problem-solving skills and are grasping math problems pretty easily. These are called Quants.

Quants are those students that, when dealing with systematic Math lessons, are soon feeling comfortable and solve math problems quickly.

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  • Students that have strong communication skills but for who math is rather challenging. These are called Poets.

Poets, then again, are perceiving those same math lessons as highly challenging and often “too fast-moving.” Then some students can combine both of these skills.

So when preparing for the Math test of the GED exam, try to identify your math skills. If you know your predisposition, optimizing the best learning strategy to avoid disappointment will be easier.

Both Quants and Poets will be able to pass all four GED subject tests; It’s just that “Poets” may need more of their time to get all set for the GED Math Test.

Sure, you will not be able to become a math wizard in just a week, but to pass the GED math test, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist.
You just will need to prepare properly for it.

Now, how do you prepare? (Lots of) Practice Makes Perfect!

It’s so easy to say something like “I don’t get it” and put the blame on a book, a teacher, or the program.

And though this may make you feel somewhat better about yourself at that moment, this will in no way bring you any closer to taking the GED Math test successfully.

So making peace with yourself is the answer. Sure, learning for the math test is a challenging task, so rather than jumping directly to complicated math prep lessons, maybe starting with some Pre-Math GED lessons is the solution.

Tips For Passing GED Math-Poets

1. Following a sequence of math lessons is recommended; these lessons are starting with very basic, simple concepts.

2. The concepts of the lessons will be repeated again in the next two lessons and then be included in practice tests. This is what’s called the “rule of three.” You will comprehend and remember issues better when concepts are repeated at least 3 times.

3. Become familiar with math language concepts. What are integers, coefficients, quotients, etc.? How do you do that? Well, following each pre GED Math lesson, there are links to a printable resource that explains new terms in relation to the lesson.

4. Use some patience. It’s impossible to be a super bodybuilder after just two workouts. So you won’t also be able to achieve your desired math proficiency after watching merely a couple of video lessons.

5. In case you notice that the pre GED math lessons are becoming too easy, skip these lessons to continue learning with the regular GED lessons.

Bear in mind that everybody will be able to pass the GED Math subtest, and so will you. What matters, though, is your commitment and whether you will be sticking long enough to practice in order to get all set for the GED Math subtest.

This lesson is provided by Onsego GED Prep.

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