GED Classes Yakima Washington

This post includes an overview of all GED prep class locations and testing sites in the Yakima area. Washington State is using the GED exam for the state’s high school equivalency testing program.

GED testing can be done online and at state-certified GED test facilities.

The assessment program offers adults who couldn’t graduate high school another chance to earn an equivalent degree.

Testing takes place at a similar level as what high schoolers are expected to master upon graduation.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

The GED exam comes with four separate tests (modules) in the subject fields of

  • Mathematical Reasoning (Basic Math Concepts, Measurement, and Equations)
  • Science (Understanding Scientific Processes)
  • Reasoning through Language Arts (Grammar, Reading, and Writing combined)
  • Social Studies (Understanding the World and Society)

You can take one GED module at a time. There’s no need to sit for the entire GED exam in one testing session.

Online GED testing was, until recently, never possible. Your personal appearance at an official GED test site was required.

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Online GED Classes

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But that had now changed with the arrival of the online proctored GED exam. For more information, go to the bottom of this page.

See also our page, GED Testing In Washington, to learn more about things like the testing fees in Washington State, the GED passing score, qualification requirements, and a lot more.

Yakima GED Prep Facilities

Yakima Valley College Yakima Campus (College & Career Readiness)
S 16th Ave & Nob Hill Blvd, Yakima, WA 98902, Ph: 509-574-6850
The school’s College and Career Readiness Program is located at Sundquist Hall (1105 S 15th Ave). Yakima Valley College a;sp provides the Step Up to College program for individuals between 16 and 20. Qualifying applicants can sign up at YVC Yakima and Grandview campuses or at the learning centers in Toppenish and Sunnyside. Students 16, 17, and 18 years old must bring a signed “Request for Approval to Test HSE (High School Equivalency) Certificate” from the school district where they are living. GED applicants 16-19 years of age living in the Yakima School District must contact the Open Doors Program at 509-573-5585. For more information, contact Yakima Valley College at these phone numbers:

  • Yakima: 509-574-6850
  • Grandview: 509-882-7000
  • Ellensburg: 509-201-1269
  • Toppenish: 509-865-4550

Yakima Open Doors Youth Reengagement
1120 S 18th St, Yakima, WA 98901, Ph: 509-573-5585

OIC (Opportunities Industrialization Center)
815 Fruitvale Blvd, Yakima, WA 98902, Ph: 509-248-6751
For Spanish, call 509-454-5051

YouthBuild Yakima
815 Fruitvale Blvd, Yakima, WA 98902, Ph: 509-248-6751
YouthBuild is an education and job skills program managed by the Northwest Community Action Center in partnership with the Yakima Valley Partners Habitat for Humanity. The program helps young people ages 16-24 to build up their employability and leadership skills while working toward their high school diploma or GED.

La Casa Hogar (women only)
106 South 6th St, Yakima, WA 98901, Ph: 509-457-5058

Yakima Job Corps
306 Division St, Yakima, WA 98902, Ph: 509-574-0174

Goodwill Union Gap Work Opportunity Center
1907 S 1st St, Yakima, WA 98903, Ph: 509-452-0207

Central Washington University High School Equivalency Program
Classroom location: 2618 W Nob Hill Blvd, Yakima, WA 98902, Ph: 509-452-0639
Office: 306 Division St, Yakima, WA 98902, Ph: 509-453-4006

Locations around Yakima (Cities by Alphabet)

Brewster Worksource Education Center
520 W Main St, Brewster, WA 98812, Ph: 509-689-8031

Yakima Valley College Ellensburg Learning Center
401 E Mountainview Avenue, Suite 2, Ellensburg, WA 98926, Ph: 509-201-1269
Tuition for the school’s GED course is $25 per quarter, but the GED program is free for students ages 16 to 21.

Central Washington University HEP Program 
400 E University Way, Ellensburg, WA 98926, Ph: 509-452-0639 or 509-453-4006
CWU’s High School Equivalency Program helps seasonal and agricultural workers and their direct dependents earn a GED.

Yakima Valley College Grandview
500 W Main St, Grandview, WA 98930, Ph: 509-882-7000

WorkSource Columbia Basin
815 N Kellogg St, Suite D, Kennewick, WA 99336, Ph: 509-734-5919
Check out all Kennewick area GED classes <- here

Big Bend Community College-GED Program
7662 Chanute St NE, Moses Lake, WA 98837, Ph: 509-793-2304
GED classes are offered in

  • Moses Lake
  • Quincy
  • Grand Coulee
  • Warden
  • Soap Lake

Goodwill of Moses Lake (Referral)
789 N Central Dr, Moses Lake, WA 98837, Ph: 509-765-1769

Columbia Basin Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center
6739 24th St, Bldg. 2402, Moses Lake, WA 98837, Ph: 509-762-5581

OIC of WashingtonMoses Lake (WorkSource Central Basin)
309 E 5th Ave, Moses Lake, WA 98837, Ph: 509-765-9206

OIC of Washington-Pasco (Benton-Franklin Community Action Council)
720 W Court St, Pasco, WA 99301, Ph: 509-545-0484
This HEP (High School Equivalency Program) is for migratory and seasonal farmworkers and their immediate dependents 16 years of age or older who are not enrolled in a school program.
All Pasco area GED prep sites can be found here

Heritage University High School Equivalency Program (HEP) @Nuestra Casa
906 E Edison Ave, Sunnyside, WA 98944, Oh: 509-865-0736
The HEP offers migrant workers and their families the opportunity to improve their basic skills and earn a GED. Applicants must be 16 years of age or older, have worked as seasonal farmworkers (or their family members) for no less than 75 days over the past two years, and not hold a high school or GED diploma. Classes are available in

  • Sunnyside
  • Prescott
  • Granger
  • The Heritage University campus in Toppenish

OIC of Washington GED Program
630 Railroad Ave, Sunnyside, WA 98944, Ph: 509-248-6751 or 509-839-0204
The High School Equivalency Program (HEP) helps seasonal and migratory farmworkers (and their direct family members) 16 or older and not enrolled in school obtain a GED diploma.

Nuestra Casa Sunnyside GED Classes
301 S 7th St, Sunnyside, WA 98944, Ph: 509-839-7602

Columbia Gorge Community College GED Program
400 E Scenic Dr, The Dalles, OR 97058, Ph: 541-506-6034
For the school’s emigrant HEP Program, call 541-296-8271

Yakima Valley College Toppenish Learning Center
720 W Third Ave, Toppenish, WA 98948, Ph: 509-865-4550

Heritage University-GED Classes
3240 Fort Rd, Toppenish, WA 98948, Ph: 509-865-8566
GED classes in English and Spanish
For the school’s HEP emigrant workers support program, call 509-865-0736

Warden High School
101 Beck Way, Warden, WA 98857, Ph: 509-793-2305
GED classes provided by Big Bend Community College

Wenatchee Valley College
1300 Fifth St, Wenatchee, Washington 98801, Ph: 509.682.6843 or 509.685.6847

Fort Simcoe Job Corps Civilian Conservation Center
40 Abella Ln, White Swan, WA 98952, Ph: 509-874-2244

Introducing the Online GED Test

In the past, there was never an option to deal with the four GED modules on the Internet. To acquire your GED degree, you always had to show up in person at one of Washington State’s official GED testing centers.

Now, all of that has changed with the launch of an online proctored option to take the GED exam. Qualifying GED students who opt for online testing will see that an online proctor will be monitoring their activities to check if they act in accordance with the rules. For more detailed information, please visit ‘Introducing the online GED.’

Yakima Area GED Test Centers

Perry Technical Institute
2011 West Washington Avenue | Yakima | WA 98903 | Ph 509.453.0374

From here, cities by alphabet

Central Washington University (Testing Center MS 7427)
400 East University Way | Ellensburg | WA 98926 | Ph 509.963.1860

T.C. Futures GED Testing
6816 West Rio Grande Avenue | Suite C110 | Kennewick | WA 99336 | Ph 509.537.1706

Big Bend Community College GED testing (Building 1400)
7662 Chanute Street NE | Moses Lake | WA 98837 | Ph 509.793.2064

Columbia Basin College Student Services, Building H)
2600 North 20th Avenue | Pasco | WA 99301 | Ph 509.542.4860

Charter College GED Test Center
5278 Outlet Drive | Pasco | WA 99301 | Ph 509.546.3900

Wenatchee SkillSource GED Testing
233 North Chelan Avenue | Wenatchee | WA 98801 | Ph 509.663.3091

Are adjustments or updates needed? Should we add or remove a facility? Please inform us here.

Last Updated on February 7, 2025.