TASC Test Prep

Last Updated on February 14, 2024.

The TASC™ exam was one of three High School Equivalency tests used in America. When you passed the TASC exam, you received the High School Equivalency Diploma or Certificate from your state.

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In the years 2014 through 2021, several states used the TASC exam, but the program was discontinued by the end of 2021.

The TASC exam (like the GED test) offered people who did not complete their regular H.S. education another chance to get hold of a secondary education credential that’s the equivalency of a standard high school degree.

The TASC was a standardized diagnostic exam developed by McGraw-Hill Education and Data Recognition Corp. The exam included five individual modules (subtests) that were offered both in a computerized format and in a paper-and-pencil version.

TASC stands for “Test Assessing Secondary Completion,” and the exam was introduced in America in 2014 as a more affordable alternative to the General Education (GED) exam, which was becoming very expensive and only available in a computerized format.

There were five separate TASC subtests that addressed the academic subject fields of Language Arts Reading, Language Arts Writing, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.

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Testing could be done in English and Spanish, but you could not switch languages. The five TASC modules could be taken one at a time.

In 2021, Indiana and West Virginia switched to the HiSET, and New York State decided to opt for the GED test. New Jersey, which offered all three exams, just discontinued the TASC.

The contents of the GED, HiSET, and TASC exams are pretty similar; you can very well use these TASC practice tests for your GED or HiSET preparation.

The TASC was a challenging exam that measured a test-taker’s readiness for attending credit-bearing academic courses and success in the employment market.

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Practically all positions in the contemporary job market require applicants to hold at least a high school or equivalent degree. So securing your state’s HSE (High School Equivalency) diploma is crucial for success in college and getting a rewarding career.

The GED passing standard is set at such a level that some forty percent of all high school grads would not be able to pass all five TASC subtests on their first try.

Best GED Classes offers you the proper tools to get perfectly prepared, not only for the TASC test but also for the HiSET and GED exams. As said before, there was no requirement to take the entire TASC battery in one session. The five subtests could be taken independently.

Be aware, though, that online learning requires you to be able to learn independently and that you are self-disciplined. One of the benefits of online learning is that you are able to study where and at the time that suits you well.

The five TASC subtests were measured on a scale that ranged from 300 to 800. For all subtests counted that the passing score was 500. This means your total score had to be at least 2500 points across the board, and your essay score had to be at least a 2 out of 8. Except for the essay section, all questions on the TASC subtests were in the multiple-choice format.

Getting optimally prepared was the key to success on the TASC exam as it is for the GED. Many locations across all states provide prep classes, often at no cost. The best way to get optimally prepared for the five HiSET or four GED modules is probably a combination of attending a physical classroom in combination with an online prep course (such as offered on this website at no cost).