GED Classes Stillwater Oklahoma

Featured here are all GED prep facilities and GED testing centers in the Stillwater region. Oklahoma uses two options for high school equivalency testing: the GED and HiSET tests.

HiSET and GED testing can be done online and at certified Oklahoma testing centers. The exams offer people who quit high school prematurely another shot at earning an equivalent degree.

Testing occurs at a level that compares to what high school seniors are expected to master when they graduate.

The GED exam includes four individual subtests that, if wished, can be taken separately.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

The four GED subtests are independent modules that measure knowledge of these academic fields:

  • Math
  • English Language Literacy
  • Social studies
  • Science

The HiSET exam comes with five tests (literacy is split up into separate reading and writing tests) that can also be taken separately.

The HiSET is available both on paper and on a computer. The GED tests must be done completely on a computer.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

In earlier days, there was never any way you could sit for the HSE (high school equivalency) exam online. But now, we have seen the launch of both online HiSET and GED options. Learn more below.

Stillwater GED Prep Facilities

Meridian Technology Center (Adult Basic Education & Literacy Program)
1312 S Sangre Rd | Stillwater | OK 74074 | Phone: (405) 377.3333
Use parking lot B and entrance 2 (door B3). Meridian Technology Center offers GED instruction in

  • Stillwater
  • Guthrie

Stillwater Public Library (Stillwater Literacy Council)
1107 S Duck St | Room 102 | Stillwater | OK 74076 | Phone: (405) 372.2144
The Stillwater Literacy Council offers Basic Literacy tutoring, including GED preparation. Students receive one-on-one tutoring from the Council’s volunteer tutors. Classes meet at the Stillwater Public Library, room 102. Classes may also be available at local churches and businesses.

Eastern Oklahoma Catholic Charities
601 S West St | Stillwater | OK 74074 | Phone: (405) 508-7102
GED instruction in English and Spanish

Payne County Jail GED Instruction
606 S Husband St | #106 | Stillwater | OK 74074 | Phone: (405) 372-4522
Not available to the public

Locations around Stillwater (Cities by Alphabet)

Northwest Technology Center-Alva Campus
1801 11th St | Alva | OK 73717 | Phone: (580) 327.0344
Free GED classes are also available on the NWTC Fairview campus. Please call 580.227.3708 for more information.

Blackwell Middle School
1041 S 1st St | Blackwell | OK 74631 | Phone: (580) 718.4319
GED classes provided by Pioneer Tech

Chandler Eastcentral Workforce Center
711 Manvel Ave | Chandler | OK 74834 |- Phone (405) 258-2870
For advice and referral only

Central Tech
3 CT Cir | Drumright | Oklahoma 74030 | Ph: (918) 352-2492

Lincoln Academy (Lincoln Adult Education Center)
600 W Elm Ave | Enid | OK 73701 | Phone: (580) 366.7200

CDSA YouthBuild
114 S Independence Ave | Enid | OK 73701 | Phone: (580) 242.6131

Woodland High School
100 N 6th St | Fairfax | OK 74637 | Phone: (580) 718.4319
GED classes provided by Pioneer Tech

Northwest Technology Center-Fairview Campus
801 Vo-Tech Drive | Fairview | OK 73737 | Phone: (580) 227.3708

Meridian Tech South Campus GED and HiSET Instruction
3025 S. Division St | Guthrie | OK 73044 | Phone: (405) 377-3333

Guthrie Job Corps GED Instruction
3106 W University Ave | Guthrie | OK 73044 | Phone (405) 282-9930

Kay County Detention Center GED Program
1101 W Dry Rd | Newkirk | OK 74647 | Phone: (580) 362.3393
Not publicly available

Oklahoma City Comm. Coll. Family and Community Ed. Center
6500 S. Land Ave | Oklahoma City | OK 73159 | Phone (405) 682.7873
Check here to discover all -> GED prep sites in the Oklahoma City area

Iowa Tribe Adult Education
335588 E 750th Rd | Perkins | OK 74059 | Phone: (405) 547-2402 ext. 213

Perry Adult Education
901 Elm St | Perry | OK 73077 | Phone: (405) 377-3333
Park on Elm Street and enter through the southwest door. GED classes are provided by Meridian Tech.

Pioneer Technology Center (Room C105D)
2101 N Ash St | Ponca City | OK 74601 | Phone: (580) 718-4319
GED and HiSET classes are available in

  • Ponca City
  • Blackwell
  • Fairfax
  • Marland
  • Red Rock
  • Tonkawa

Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma Adult Education Program
121 White Eagle Dr | Ponca City | OK 74601 | Phone: (580) 763-0120 or (580) 718-4319 (

Ponca City Library (Ponca Area Literacy Council)
515 East Grand St | Ponca City | OK 74601 | Phone: (580) 767-0351

Otoe Missouria Tribe
8151 Highway 177 | Red Rock | OK 74651 | Phone: (580) 718.4319
Earnest Vetters Memorial Library-GED classes provided by Pioneer Tech

Tonkawa Tribe-Henry Allen Building
1 Rush Buffalo Rd | Tonkawa | OK 74653 | Phone: (580) 718.4319
GED classes provided by Pioneer Tech

Tonkawa Public Library
216 N 7th St | Tonkawa | OK 74653 | Phone: (580) 718.4319
GED classes provided by Pioneer Tech

Goodwill Tulsa
2800 Southwest Blvd | Tulsa | OK 74107 | Phone: (918) 357.7036
Check here for all -> GED prep options in and around Tulsa

Online GED and HiSET Testing Introduced

In the past, students wanting to acquire an Oklahoma HSE (high school equivalency) credential always had to show up personally at one of the state’s official, state-approved HSE testing facilities. There just was no option to deal with one of the exams via the Internet.

But now, we saw the launch of both GED and HiSET testing options in an online proctored version across America.

To learn all about the recently introduced HiSET online testing option, go to ‘Welcoming the online HiSET test,’ and to learn more about the new online GED test, check out ‘Introducing the online GED test.’

Stillwater Area GED Testing Sites

Meridian Career Technology Center GED or HiSET Testing Center
1312 South Sangre Road | Stillwater | Oklahoma 74074 | Phone: 405.377.3333

From here, cities by alphabet

Cowley County Comm. College GED Testing Site
125 South Second Street | Arkansas City | Kansas 67005 | Phone: (620) 442.0430

Autry Technology Center GED Testing Center
1201 West Willow Road | Enid | Oklahoma 73703 | Phone: (580) 242.2750

Enid Public Schools-HiSET
600 West Elm Avenue | Enid | Oklahoma 73701 | Phone: (580) 366.7200

Oklahoma State University GED Testing Center
900 North Portland Ave | Oklahoma City | Oklahoma 73107 | Phone (405) 954-8648
Check here for all -> GED test centers in Oklahoma City

Pioneer Technology Center (Room B-109, HiSET and GED Testing)
2101 N Ash Street | Ponca City | Oklahoma 74601 | Phone (580) 762-8336 or (580) 718-4280

SouthWest Oklahoma State University GED and HiSET Testing Site
1001 North 7th Street | Weatherford | Oklahoma 73096 | Phone: (580) 774-3084

A Brighter Future

The GED exam continues to be very important for the economy. Obtaining the GED certificate will certainly be helpful to those people who did not finish high school because employers and universities recognize the GED diploma (especially now again after major adjustments) as equivalent to a common high school degree.

If you don’t hold a high school diploma or similar, you won’t stand a chance if you want to secure reasonably paying employment. A few years back, the GED program experienced the biggest overhaul in its nearly 80-year existence.

Today, the GED can again be considered a credible alternative to a high school diploma for the employment market and educational institutions. GED graduates make at least $9800 more annually than workers without the credential.

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Last Updated on February 5, 2025.