GED Classes Schenectady New York

Here, we post all GED class locations and testing sites in the Schenectady area. New York State is using the GED test for its high school equivalency testing program.

The GED test gives adults who didn’t graduate high school an extra chance to earn an equivalent degree.

Testing takes place at a similar level as what is expected of graduating high school seniors.

The GED (General Education Development) test includes four separate sub-exams in the subject areas of

Onsego GED Prep
Pass the GED Test in 2 Months 

Learn Just 1 Hour a Day.
It doesn’t matter when you left school.

  • Social Studies
  • Math
  • Science
  • English Language Arts

This website provides GED free online classes to help you determine if learning with an online program works for you. If it does, we advise you to continue with Onsego GED Prep, one of the best affordable, full-scope, accredited online programs available.

If you’d rather work with a teacher toward your GED exam, contact one of the GED prep facilities listed on this page.

The GED exam is entirely computer-based and only given at official New York State testing sites. The state is not offering the GED exam in an online format.

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Online GED Classes

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In New York, GED testing is available at no cost to state residents, and the key to your success is proper preparation. You can use our free GED practice tests to determine which GED subject areas need most of your attention.

If you want to read things like GED requirements in New York, the GED scoring system, and much more, check it this page: The GED Exam In New York.

Schenectady GED Prep Sites

Schenectady County Community College
78 Washington Ave, Schenectady, NY 12305, Ph: 518 . 370 . 8220
GED classes are available at the Washington Irving Education Center.

Washington Irving Adult & Continuing Educational Center
422 Mumford St, Schenectady, NY 12307, Ph: 518 . 370 . 8220

Washington Irving Educational Center (@Steinmetz Homes)
118 Henry St, Schenectady, NY 12304, Ph: 518 . 370 . 8230

Washington Irving Educational Center (@SCCC Center City)
433 State St, Schenectady, NY 12305, Ph: 518 . 370 . 8230

SUNY Schenectady Workforce Development and Community Education
201 State St (Kindl Building), Schenectady, NY 12305, Ph: 518 . 370 . 8220
SUNY Schenectady offers GED prep classes in partnership with Washington Irving Educational Center and Capital Region BOCES.

Literacy Volunteers Greater Capital Region 
99 Clinton St, Schenectady, NY 12305, Ph: 518 . 452 . 3382

Social Enterprise and Training (SEAT) Center
131 State St, Schenectady, NY 12305, Ph: 518 . 372 . 4100

YouthBuild Schenectady (@SEAT Center)
131 State St, Schenectady, NY 12305, Ph: 518 . 372 . 4100

Schenectady County Corrections GED Program
320 Veeder Ave, Schenectady, NY 12307, Ph: 518 . 388 . 4300
No public access

Locations around Schenectady (Cities by Alphabet)

Capital Reg. BOCES | Adult Education
1015 Watervliet Sh. Rd, Albany, New York, Ph 518 . 862 . 4707
For all Albany-area GED prep facilities, go to Albany GED Classes

Montgomery County Literacy
1300 Riverfront Ctr, Ste A, Amsterdam, NY 12010, Ph: 518 . 842 . 4562

Workforce Solutions Center Amsterdam
2620 Riverfront Center, Amsterdam, NY 12010, Ph: 518 . 842 . 3676

Amsterdam Literacy Zone (United Presbyterian Church – HFM BOCES)
25 Church St, Amsterdam, NY 12010, Ph: 518 . 736 . 4340 / 212 . 6120

Literacy Volunteers (in Halfmoon Library)
475 Moe Rd, Clifton Park, NY 12065, Ph: 518 . 371 . 8622

CAPTAIN Outreach at Cheryl’s Lodge (Capital Region BOCES)
25 Fern Ln, Halfmoon Heights, Clifton Park, NY 12065, Ph: 518 . 862 . 4707

Sylvan Clifton Park
10 Maxwell Dr, Ste 201, Clifton Park, NY 12065, Ph: 518 . 348 . 3556/3547

Cobleskill Workforce Solutions Center
795 East Main St, Suite 4, Cobleskill, NY 12043, Ph: 518 . 234 . 4254

United Methodist Church (Literacy Volunteers of Schoharie and Montgomery Co.)
107 Chapel St, Ste 2, Cobleskill, NY 12043, Ph: 518 . 234 . 2576

Literacy Volunteers-Gloversville GED Instruction
73 North Main St – Ste 101 – Gloversville – New York 12078 – Ph: 518 . 725 . 1440 or 518 . 227 . 3786

Gloversville Literacy Zone (HFM BOCES)
43-47 North Main St – Gloversville – New York 12078- Ph: 518 . 725 . 3308

Workforce Solutions Center Fulton, Montgomery, Schoharie Counties
199 S Main St – Gloversville – NY 12078 – Ph: 518 . 725 . 6473
High School Equivalency classes are available in the Workforce Career Centers in Amsterdam, Gloversville, and Cobleskill.

Otsego Northern Catskills BOCES
2020 Jump Brook Rd, Grand Gorge, NY 12434, Ph: 607 . 286 . 7715
GED prep classes are free and open to students 21 years of age or older who don’t have a high school diploma. GED classes are also offered in

  • Oneonta (at the former Center Street Elementary, 31 Center Street)
  • Margaretville
  • Delhi

Southern Adirondack Education Center (WSWHE BOCES)
1051 Dix Rd, Hudson Falls, NY 12839, Phone: 518.581.3555

Hamilton | Fulton | Montgomery | BOCES
2755 State Highway 67, Johnstown, NY 12095, Phone: 518-736-4340

Otsego Area Occupational Center
1914 County Rte 35, Milford, NY 13807, Phone: 607.286.7715

Saratoga Springs Education Center GED Instruction
120 West Ave, Saratoga Spring, NY 12866, Phone: 518.450.1538

F. Donald Myers Education Center (WSWHE BOCES)
15 Henning Rd, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, Phone: 518.581.3555

Saratoga Springs Library (Literacy Volunteers Greater Capital Region)
49 Henry St, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866, Phone: 518.584.7860 (ext. 259)

Hudson Valley Comm. Coll. EOC
431 River St, Troy, NY 12180, Ph: 518 . 273 . 1900
Check here for all -> Troy GED prep locations

Schenectady Area GED Testing Centers

Washington Irving Learning Center (Computer Lab GED Testing)
422 Mumford Street | Schenectady | NY 12307 | Ph 518.370.8220

Schenectady College and Career Outreach Center
433 State Street (2nd Fl) | Schenectady | NY 12305 | Ph 518.631.2257

From here, cities by alphabet

Capital South Campus Ctr GED Test Center
20 Warren Street | Albany | NY 12202 | Ph 518.629.7002

The Bennington Tutorial Center
208 Pleasant Street | Bennington | VT 05201 | Ph 802.447.0111
All Vermont GED Test Centers <- are listed here

Berkshire Community College GED Test Center
1350 West Street | Pittsfield | MA 01201 | Ph 413.236.1655
All Massachusetts GED Test Centers <- are listed here

Port Ewen Ulster Co. BOCES GED Testing
319 Broadway | Route 9W | Port Ewen | NY 12466 | Ph 845.331.5050

F. Donald Myers Education Center GED Testing
15 Henning Road | Saratoga Springs | NY 12866 | Ph 518.581.3741

E.O.C. Capital District GED Testing
431 River Street | Troy | NY 12180 | Ph 518.273.1900

Utica Madison-Oneida BOCES GED Testing
508 Second Street | Utica | NY 13501 | Ph 315.738.7304

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Last Updated on February 2, 2025.