Penn Foster High School

In this post, we take a closer look at the Penn Foster High School Diploma Program. We also discuss if there’s a Penn Foster GED program.

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On this page, we’ll take a look at Penn Foster’s online high school program. There is NO Penn Foster GED program, but the school is an accredited online high school.

Penn Foster is a for-profit high school that has its headquarters in Scranton, Pennsylvania.

Founded in 1890, the school is among the largest schools in America and currently has more than 50,000 students enrolled in all 50 states.

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Penn Foster is a regionally and nationally accredited school that offers a fully online high school degree program as well as a number of high school concentration courses for students who want to get a head start toward their college education.

The school additionally offers vocational concentrations in fields such as carpentry, electrical, plumbing, healthcare, and information technology (see more below).

The school’s online high school curriculum consists of 21.5 credits, including basic education requirements such as math and English courses. Students can choose five elective academic or career credits such as algebra and American literature or vet assistant and auto repair. To be able to sign up for Penn Foster’s online high school course, students are required to have finished the 8th grade.

Each online high school course includes small lessons that can be taken on any mobile device and are a great help for students looking to earn their high school diplomas. The Penn Foster online high school program teaches the skills and knowledge to help students on their journey to the American workforce or to a college education.

Penn Foster High School Diploma

Penn Foster’s online high school course is created to help students succeed in their academic, professional, or personal goals. The program is actually a fun exploration method that lets students study while using various interactive learning methods.

Studying at Penn Foster is very unlike learning in a traditional high school classroom setting. The high school course travels with you, so to speak, which allows you to learn from anywhere and at any time you like and at your own pace.

To achieve this, the school uses a custom-designed studying platform that allows students to study where and when they have time. Students can demonstrate their skills and knowledge level as they learn and work toward their goals at the speed they prefer. They can create their own path toward success.

Penn Foster’s online learning platform lets you study at home or on the go while using your tablet or smartphone. The high school course comes with tutorials, introductory videos, video lessons, and many practice tests.

You can customize your learning speed and track your progress with the school’s sophisticated goal-setting and progress-tracking tools. There are interactive flashcards and built-in self-check options to help you get self-confident while working toward your exams.

All study material is broken down into rather short and easily manageable lessons so you can fit your studying into your busy schedule. The school has many certified instructors, teaching assistants, and coaches to help you achieve your personal, academic, or career goals.

Penn Foster High School + Career Pathways

At Penn Foster’s online high school program, you can also, while working toward your high school diploma, start out to explore a career pathway that has your interest. But that’s not all; some Penn Foster and GED students have even made it into Harvard. Quite an achievement, wouldn’t you agree?

You can choose from several high-in-demand professional sectors such as automotive, healthcare, carpentry, childcare, electrical, early college, culinary arts, plumbing, pharmacy technician, and information technology.

These courses will give you a head start while getting ready for college, and generally, these career-focused courses transfer into college credit just as the AP (Advanced Placement) courses provided by Keystone Online High School do.

So, when you want to explore a career path at the same time when you’re learning for your high school degree, the school offers you various career concentrations so you can build practical skills that will definitely help you attain a good job.

Penn Foster is not offering a GED program but provides a nationally and regionally accredited high school degree program.

The online school has no brick-and-mortar classrooms for students to attend classes, so tuition can be reasonably affordable as there are no costs for housing and operations. At Penn Foster, they believe that all persons have a right to get an affordable education and that finances should never be a barrier for students to reach their goals.

Penn Foster High School holds regional accreditation for grades 9 through adult education by CSS-MSA (the Commission on Secondary Schools of the Middle States Association of Colleges & Schools, and national accreditation by DEAC (the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).

Last Updated on November 18, 2024.