How Can We Help?
GED test results are valid in every state that uses the GED (General Education Development) exam for high school equivalency (HSE) testing.
It doesn’t matter in which state you initially took the Math test or any other of the four GED independent subtests (Math, Science, Social Studies, Language).
There are states, however, that use a different HSE exam, the HiSET exam. Scores attained on these exams do not count for the GED exam and vice versa.
So regardless of where you took your initial GED Math test, you are free to take the retest in any other state as long as that state uses the GED exam, not one of the alternatives.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
The GED subject tests are scored on a 100-200 scale, and the passing score on EACH of the four modules is 145. So, an overall score of 580 or higher is minimally required.
You can even reach a total score higher than 580 and still not pass the GED exam if your score on one of the subtests is less than 145! Averaging is not possible.
There are three GED passing score categories:
Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy
Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.
- 145-164 is GED High School Equivalency
- 165-174 is GED College-Ready
- 175-200 is GED College-Ready + Credits
Keep in mind that for 12 months after your initial registration for the GED Math test, a discount for retakes applies. The GED discount applies to maximally two retests, as long as you take them within one calendar year of your initial Math test. This also counts for the other three GED modules.
The GED test is a pretty challenging exam, and your skills and knowledge are assessed at a level comparable to that of graduating high school seniors. Getting optimally prepared is your key to success!