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When we talk about GED schools, we refer to institutions, organizations, or agencies that provide preparatory lessons for students to help them get prepared to take the GED exam successfully.
Our website offers free online GED classes and practice tests to help you start out on the road to earning your GED diploma today. If an online program is fine with you, continue with Onsego GED Prep, an accredited, full-scope program.
Preparatory classes are offered at many community colleges, community centers, adult education schools, community action agencies, churches, etc.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
The GED exam consists of four separate and independent modules (or subtests) that can be taken in any order and online (in most states) or at official, state-designated GED test centers.
Please remember that the probably fastest way to get perfectly prepared for the GED test is when you register for Onsego’s online GED prep course, a comprehensive, accredited program recognized by GED Testing Service®, the GED test publisher, as “fully GED Test Aligned.”
One GED Test at a Time
GED test-takers can register and pay for these four modules one or more at a time. There’s no requirement to sit for the entire exam all at once.
Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy
Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.
In most states, the minimum age to qualify for the GED (General Educational Development) exam is 16 years of age, though 16- and 17-year-olds must meet some additional, strict criteria.
GED applicants cannot be enrolled in any secondary education program and do not already hold a secondary education credential.
Once you’ve got your GED, you also qualify for a college education, but don’t forget there are also quite a few trade schools that don’t require a high school or GED diploma for admission.
The four GED sub-exams cover the following academic subject fields:
- Reasoning through Language Arts (RLA, reading and writing combined)
- Social Studies
- Mathematical Reasoning
- Science
Online GED Testing
As said before, the tests are administrated by approved GED testing sites, and there is now also the option for qualifying students to take the GED exam in an online, proctored format.
The four GED exams must be taken entirely in a computerized form. There is no paper-based version available anymore, except for students who qualify for an accommodation that requires otherwise.
GED testing is only open to adults who never completed their high school curriculum, and the diploma that’s awarded upon successful completion is equivalent to a regular high school credential.
GED Schools and Prep Locations
Orientation sessions, GED classes, and tutoring sessions are offered at numerous locations in every state, and this website not only provides free online GED prep classes and practice tests but also lists just about every GED prep class and GED test location across the nation.
Students can prepare for one of the four exams at a time as they may take one test before preparing for another subtest, and they can take different subtests at different testing sites.
In most states, test fees for the GED exam are $36.00 per individual test or $144 for the entire GED battery, regardless of whether you write the exam on-site or online. Online GED testing is, however, more expensive because, to qualify for the online test, you’ll first need to attain satisfactory scores on four GED Ready practice tests that cost $7.99 each.
Advantages of Online Testing
The overall impression is that computer-based GED testing gives test-takers a far better testing experience. Some of the features include:
- Instant GED Score Report. No more waiting in anxiety for weeks. Students can now leave the test centers knowing what they scored on the test they took. Only the essay result will come a bit later.
- Easier and Excellent User Experience. GED registration can be done 24/7 online, and scheduling and paying for the tests has become a breeze.
- Take the Test Where and When You Want. All test-takers can test at their own pace. The online registration process allows students to select the date, time, and subject that fits them best. And if they complete the tests before the allotted timeframe has expired, they’re no longer required to wait until the entire room has finished.
Online GED Classes
Thanks to technological advancements, getting all set for the GED exam has become more convenient. Sure, many students learn better under the guidance of a tutor, but for those who can learn independently, online courses are highly advantageous.
Online classes allow students to study at the time that suits them best, at any place that they prefer, and it will save them lots of time commuting to and from classroom settings.
Last Updated on February 5, 2025.