Online GED courses come with different options. In this guide, you learn about the difference between scheduled (drip-feed) and self-paced online GED courses and how to choose a good GED course that fits your learning style.
We will tell you what courses use these features and what you need to consider.
The GED free online classes and practice tests featured on our website will let you discover if online learning works for you. If so, we recommend you continue your GED prep journey with Onsego GED Prep, an accredited and affordable GED prep program, and earn your GED fast.
Online GED courses have become an important part of GED prep, and you should take advantage of their wide availability.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
These courses can speed up your learning and help you get your GED diploma faster.
But it’s important that you choose an online GED course that fits your learning style and supports your goals.
So, let’s take a look at the different types of online GED courses and prep opportunities.
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When it comes to online GED courses, there are two major options: self-paced and scheduled (drip-feed).
Drip-Feed vs Self-Paced Online GED Courses
When a course offers all lessons upfront for everyone, it’s a self-paced course.
On the other hand, if a course slowly “drips” out a few lessons every week for a certain number of weeks or months, then this is a drip (or drip-feeding) course.
Both options have their pros and cons, and we will tell you which well-known GED courses use these options, so keep reading.
Online GED Courses – Drip Courses
Drip or drip-feeding is just a fancy name for “scheduling” the course content.
A drip course is when there is a delivery schedule for the content within the course. This means students can only access certain parts of a course at a time.
As students progress through the course, the content gets delivered to them, and eventually, they’ll have access to the full course.
This kind of system forces students to follow at a certain pace. It might be beneficial for students who have trouble with self-discipline or who might jump too far ahead.
GED Academy (also known as Essential Ed) offers this type of course.
When you join their course, you have access to some lessons, and as you keep learning, more lessons become available to you.
There are, however, students who prefer to learn under the guidance of a teacher. Well, for these students, there are thousands of physical GED schools as well across the nation.
Online GED Courses – Self-Paced Courses
Self-paced online GED courses give you access to all lessons and practice tests immediately after payment. You can decide about your own pace of learning and the duration of your learning sessions.
If you get all the content in once, you’ll also start right away with taking practice tests so you can learn all about your weak points and focus on the subject areas that need your attention and study time most.
The Onsego GED Prep and Kaplan GED Live courses use these settings.
What is Better? A Self-Paced or Drip-Feed GED Course?
Everyone is different, and we all have different learning styles. Many people who want to decide about their learning experience feel that drip courses limit them, and they can’t speed up if they wish.
On the other hand, others become overwhelmed by the number of learning materials and, therefore, prefer to have access to a limited number of lessons at a given time.
Every reputable course offers a refund, so feel free to give it a try and simply cancel your plan. GED test preparation is too important to leave it to chance. So, don’t.
How to Choose the Right Online GED Course for You
Before you start looking at the various online learning options, it is important to know your goals, your learning personality and style, and also your resources.
For example, how much time do you have to devote to online learning, or what’s your budget? Let’s break it down into bite-sized pieces.
What is your Learning Personality?
Consider how you like to learn but also how you learn best. For example, you may like to learn on your own in a self-directed program.
However, you may also learn best when you’re in a classroom environment with other students and a teacher who can immediately answer any questions.
Be honest with yourself. Consider first starting by answering questions like “How do I learn best” and “What’s my learning style?”
Do you learn best visually, auditorily, or hands-on? In other words, do you learn best by reading and retaining the information, by hearing someone teach the information, or by working through the information on your own through hands-on activities?
Take this short test to find out.
Do you have the Resources?
There are many resources required to succeed in an online learning program. The first one is time. You need to be able to either find or make time to study, learn, manage homework, and take practice tests.
If you’re working a full-time job and managing a family, it takes real dedication to make the time to succeed.
The other resource is, of course, money. Prices of online GED classes vary, and sometimes, you can pay a monthly fee (GED Academy offers a monthly subscription plan) or pay a one-time fee (Onsego and GED Live by Kaplan).
There are also free online GED classes. So, it’s all up to you.
Remember, you’ll reap the financial benefits down the road. You’ll receive a return on your investment when you secure a better and higher-paying job. People holding a high school diploma or GED will generally make at least $9,500 more annually than those who don’t!
Last Updated on March 25, 2025.
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