One of the four GED modules covers mathematics. Many GED test-takers find this is the most difficult subject field. We offer free GED Math help.
The GED Math subtest includes two parts. A calculator is available on your computer screen and can be used in Part 2 of the test.
In Part 1 of the GED Math test, you cannot use a calculator. Again, you can only use it only in part 2.
Test-takers are allowed to bring a TI-30XS Multiview Scientific Calculator, but they might just as well use the on-screen calculator that’s available to all students. When testing online, online the on-screen version can be used.
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Tips for the GED Math Test
Part 1 of the GED Math test includes five questions, and test-takers can freely move between these five questions.
Before they can move on to part 2 of the Math test, though, test-takers are required to complete part 1 of the test and submit all answers to these five questions.
This prevents them from using the on-screen calculator or the one they brought with them that can be used in part two.
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Parts 1 and 2 of the GED Math exam are not timed separately. As said before, you are given 115 minutes to complete the entire Math test.
Students can decide how much of the total allowed time they will spend on completing the non-calculator Part 1 and the calculator Part 2.
GED Math Help
Our website offers you free online GED classes and practice tests. This way, you can discover if studying online suits you well.
If that’s the case, we suggest you continue on your GED prep track with Onsego GED Online Prep, a full-scope, award-winning course to get your GED diploma fast.
The total time students have to deal with both sections of the GED Math test is 115 minutes, almost two hours.
Now, this may seem like a lot of time, but many students report that they didn’t reach the passing score (145) as they ran out of time to complete the test.
In part two, you are allowed to use the GED Calculator (the TI-30 XS), and if you learn how to use the GED calculator effectively, your math score will definitely improve a lot!
The GED Math test is challenging, and online prep courses offer great ways to advance in this field!
The GED Math sub-test is covering subject fields like Number Sense and Number Operations (for some 20 to 30 percent); Geometry and Measurement (for some 20 to 30 percent); Statistics, Probability, and Data Analysis (for 20 to 30 percent); and Algebra, Functions, and Patterns (also for 20 to 30 percent).
What’s on the GED Math Test?
In general, you can say that there are two types of problems on the GED Math test, algebraic problem-solving questions and quantitative problem-solving questions. Let’s look at some of the Math topics that will be addressed in the test:
Perimeter, Surface area, Circumference, Four Basic Operations, Quadratic Formula, Mean and median, Estimation, Slope of a line, Percentages, Simple Interest, Pythagorean Theorem, Total Cost, and so on.
How many questions are on the GED Math Test?
The GED Math subtest includes 46 questions. To get to the passing score (145 out of 200), you need to answer around 65 percent of the questions correctly, though there is not an exact number.
The GED Math test has a rather complex scoring system where 1 question does not always equal 1 point. Attaining high scores on the GED Math module is especially important for students looking to pursue a career as a doctor, for example. They need to understand and master the concepts of Math excellently!
There are Math questions where you must fill in the blank, and there are questions with multiple-select answers that require selecting multiple answers. And this also means you can score multiple points.
The questions on the Math module are a mix of multiple-select, multiple-choice, draggable, fill-in-the-blank, table entry, and matching.
You don’t need to memorize all sorts of math formulas, as you will be provided with a Formula Reference sheet to calculate all sorts of answers on testing day. Bear in mind that it is key to create a good study plan to be successful on the GED exam.
Tips for testing within Time Limits
The GED exam’s time limits are usually sufficient and set in a way that at least 85 percent of all GED test-takers can complete the tests comfortably.
Using a uniform time limits model allows GED Testing Service to make sure that all candidates are given exactly the same chance to perform well on the GED test whenever and wherever they are administered.
The Chief Examiner will be posting each test’s starting and ending times. Test takers are required to take good notice of the time and be required to turn in their test materials when the allotted time is over.
Many examinees are encountering time-limit difficulties on the GED Math, Science, and Social Studies subtests. Not all states offer the GED test for high school equivalency testing purposes. Check here -> to learn if your state uses the GED or HiSET.
General Tips GED Math Help
The four GED subtests can be taken exclusively in a computer-based format. Only for students with disabilities who are required and allowed to take the tests on paper, there still is a paper-based format.
GED test-takers should not be spending too much of the given time on each individual question, so if you don’t know an answer, you best mark the answer that seemed to be best in the first place.
If you mark two answers for a question, you will not receive any credit for that specific question. For each question, just one answer should be marked. There is always just one correct answer to each individual question.
Please be sure that your marks on the answer sheet completely fill the circles and are dark. The multiple-choice questions on your Writing Skills answer sheet have large bubbles that surround smaller white bubbles, and you only need to fill the smaller white bubbles.
You should not be making any stray marks on your answer sheets, and if you erase anything, you should do so completely; and please check if every circle you marked on your answer sheets is corresponding with that question’s number to your answer choice.
Last Updated on November 18, 2024.