Fastest Way To Get A GED

When getting a better job depends on your diploma, you’ll be looking for the fastest way to get a GED.

Great resources are available through this website’s free GED online classes, free GED practice tests, and many articles that will help you discover if online studying is right for you and inform you about everything related to the GED test.

If this learning style is a good fit for you, we recommend you continue with Onsego GED Prep, a full-scale, affordable GED program that GED Testing Service® has awarded with the predicate “Entirely GED Test Aligned.”

If you want to reach this goal, a few strategies will help. Let’s examine a few of them and see if any of them are suitable for you.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

You will be able to decide which one to choose or maybe combine all these methods together.

First of all, you need to know that the GED test is not difficult, and everyone can pass the test. It requires some work from you, but you can easily prepare for the GED exam.

In this post, we’ll discuss a few options and methods for passing the GED test quickly.

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There are four individual GED modules (subtests) that don’t need to be taken together. You can take these modules separately.

Nowadays, you can take the GED test at home, and you can use online prep to get ready for your GED exam. You can also try to pass the GED test without taking any special preparation.

If you use our free GED practice tests, you can discover which areas of the GED curriculum require the most study time. Knowing what fields to focus on will make your studying more efficient, so you’ll earn your GED faster!

Passing the GED Test without Studying

This method is not for everyone. But if you have strong reading comprehension capabilities, there is a  chance that you will be able to pass the GED Language, Science, and Social Studies subtests without studying these GED subjects.

These 3 subtests include so-called “reading for meaning” questions. This means that for the majority of questions on the RLA (Reasoning through Language Arts), Science, and Social Studies sections, all resources needed to answer correctly, are included in the question.

If you want to be sure about your chances of passing these three subtests, you can take GED Ready practice tests. GED Ready test costs $7.99 per subject. These tests give you a clear idea if you are ready for the real GED subtest.

In case your result is in the “green zone” (meaning Likely To Pass), you are ready to schedule your real GED test in that field.

GED Math testing is something quite different. You should get familiar with contemporary mathematics concepts like algebra and calculus; you must understand the application of math formulas and be able to handle a scientific calculator.

If you don’t have strong Math skills, take, once again, take the GED Ready test for Math, and if you don’t get a positive result, check the recommendation for what you need to learn.

Then purchase a subscription for a GED prep program that supports fast learning and that keeps you motivated. Make sure the program you get gives you access to all lessons all at once.

Some GED prep will limit your access. Don’t bother with it. Your goal is to learn what you need. Nothing else.

A good Online GED prep course gives you the freedom to study at the time that’s best for you and at your own pace.

It eliminates all the stress of going back to the classroom. You don’t need to worry about not understanding a lesson, and you can repeat topics as many times as you want.

Don’t waste time on stuff that is not relevant and will not move the needle.

When learning, you should test your knowledge and take GED practice tests.

Use these as often as possible because if you don’t know what areas you need to study, you may waste a lot of time and energy.

Taking practice tests is an important step in your test preparation, and by doing this, you will better understand what you need to focus on.

Once you’ve mastered the GED content, try the practice tests from Onsego, another helpful tool to test your knowledge.

When you are done with repeating Math topics, take the GED Ready test again. If you score in a green zone, take the real GED test.

Altogether, you should be able to get your GED within a few short weeks.

However, as said in the beginning, you need to have good reading skills, understand the vocabulary that’s often found on the GED test, and have some knowledge of math.

If you want to add less traditional learning opportunities, try to use Amazon’s Echo and Alexa support.

Cherry-Picking Method and the GED Test

“Cherry-picking” is widely used in business, and the method refers to what businesses use to identify and target the best and most profitable customer groups in their markets instead of serving all these groups.

So, within specific markets, not all customers are addressed equally.

Students can also benefit from a “cherry-pick,” and when I say cherry-picking, I say that you must understand how to only select those questions that will bring you points and how to identify, quickly pass, or avoid those questions that may cause you many problems.

When you apply “cherry-picking”, you will not necessarily spend 2 or 3 minutes on each question.

You may very well spend 3 or 4 minutes on a question that you have “cherry-picked,” while you will spend maybe only 15 to 25 seconds on a question that did stump you long enough to just make a guess, or maybe not, and move ahead.

To be a good “cherry-picker”, you must develop a sense of cutting and running the moment you notice that there’ll be a struggle to answer the question. A good cherry-picker doesn’t waste his or her time.

The cherry-picking method or strategy isn’t something to be agonizing over. It is something you should learn to do instinctively. If you have enough time left, you can always come back and change your answers.

To use this strategy, you should get yourself a good online GED program, such as Onsego Online GED Prep, that gives you access to all GED lessons at once.

Usually, after a lesson, you will get practice tests related to the topics. If you make a lot of mistakes on quizzes related to these topics, you should probably skip them.

Blueprint for Your GED Test

When you follow our suggestions about the  Cherry Picking Strategy for your GED Prep, you’ll get to know your strong and weak points, which topics cause you trouble, and which are easy to grasp.

You can make that decision right now. Shouldn’t it be time to design your own GED Blueprint?

What you should know is which questions are:

  • Relatively Easy for you – these are the questions that are fairly straightforward for you. You expect you will be able to answer these questions correctly without extra lessons, though sometimes, you may make a few careless mistakes.
  • Relatively Hard for you – these are the questions that pose a struggle for you, though you’ll be able to answer a few of these correctly.
  • TOO Difficult for you – on these questions, you’ll be spending far too much of your precious time to find the right answer, if at all. By “far too much time,” we mean that you’ll be one or several minutes over the average time for that sort of question.

You should be taking practice tests under test-like conditions, including breaks at the same length and so on. Check out also this post with GED test prep tips.

During those practice tests, practice implementing your Blueprint! Then, review your practice test while, at the same time, trying to improve your Blueprint. Points to consider:

  • At what points have you made the right decision on spending your time wisely or how you dealt with certain problems?
  • At what points did you make a poor decision?
  • How could you have improved your decisions?

Now, how will you ensure you’ll not be making the same mistakes the next time?

The next thing to do is simulate the real GED subtest and take a practice test, but this time under identical conditions as the real thing. Set your timer to 90 or 70 minutes, as long as it is in line with the subject area.

Then, take a few practice tests, and if you pass these, you may congratulate yourself!

If you’ve passed the practice tests, it’s getting time to sign up for the official GED Ready test. This official test will tell you if you are ready for the real GED test or if you need more training and in what subject areas.

This GED Ready practice test costs you $7.99 per subject field. You need to register at to be able to buy this test.

When you’ve passed the GED Ready practice test, you can schedule this GED test.

You can take one of the four GED subtests (modules) at a time. You can use the website again to find a GED test center in your area, and you can choose a date.

While you’re getting ready for testing, keep practicing and refining your Blueprint.

During the last two weeks before the real test, you should turn your focus from learning new things toward reviewing relevant material and keep working to improve your own Blueprint.

It’s a rather intensive pace. You will need to analyze what topics are easy and what topics are difficult for you.

Focus on your Thinking Skills

While getting ready for the GED test, check your basic reading, writing, and math skills. The focus is not on memorizing facts or equations.

The GED tests are designed to test your ability to solve problems, evaluate situations, and analyze information.

Hone your thinking skills in these areas by learning about inferences, evaluation, and analysis.

Thinking critically and clearly will help with every subject of the High School Equivalency Test.

Allow yourself Enough Time to Study – How Much do I Need to Study?

It is wise to give yourself enough time to study properly and organize your study time, says Melissa. You may want to give some subject areas more study time than others, so find the balance that you feel comfortable with.

By using an effective online program and studying just 3-4 hours a day, students pass the GED test in 2 months using the Cherry-Picking and Blueprint strategy.

I studied online every day, and I was ready to pass the exam in 5 weeks, says Kevin.

What Can Help Me to Learn Faster?

There is no magic solution, says Anna. You need to put in a little work and stick to the learning plan. But there are a few things that will keep you focused, increase your confidence, and stimulate positive thinking.

I got an enormous boost of energy from changing to a healthy diet.

Drink a lot of water, at least 1.5-2.0 liters (a half gallon) per day. Water is really important because it keeps you hydrated.

Drinking alcohol will dehydrate you and cause you to forget things.

Make sure your diet includes magnesium. Magnesium is a mineral that is considered to eliminate stress in the brain.

It can help with improving your memory and enhancing your learning skills. There are some foods that contain magnesium, such as whole grains, leafy green vegetables, milk, and seafood.

How to Stay Motivated to Study for the GED Exam

Ask yourself why you need the GED diploma. Do you want a better job?

What would you like to become? Do you want to be a nurse? Then you need to apply to a nursing school.

Want to be a construction manager? Ask for information about a construction management school.

This step is an important part of our plan. You want to make your goal look real.

When I was learning for a Spanish language exam, I had the goal to get a job that required passing a Spanish language exam and earning $7000 per year more.

The extra $9,000 represented freedom – not needing to work a second job to pay my bills.

(By the way, I didn’t need to speak Spanish but only needed to be able to operate a Spanish computer system, the same way you don’t need to be a math genius, you need only to pass the GED exam).

The one thing that helped me was putting this goal on the desktop background of my computer. That way, I was reminded of it every time I turned on my computer.

You may want to invest in similar reminders so that you can regain your motivation.

Did you know that just one month after starting GED prep classes, many people already give up?

They feel overwhelmed and get disappointed that learning is taking time. You don’t want to be one of these people, right? You want a fresh start. You want to make things better and be happier.

The real secret to succeeding is progress. If you want to make progress, you have to take control. Not just hope that it will work out.

Start Learning by Taking Small Steps

Start with 30 minutes of learning, just once a week; before you know it, you will feel more and more comfortable with learning, and you will like your routine. Don’t wait, and don’t procrastinate.


Act. Learn. Repeat. This is what defeats uncertainty…provided that you actually start and try to turn your idea into reality.

Here is your opportunity to take control of your life and follow the path that’s already responsible for creating many successful people.

Tips for Effective Learning

Use Various Learning Techniques – Concentrate on studying in many different ways. Rather than just hearing a podcast that requires auditory training, find out about more ways to run through the information, both verbally and visually.

This could possibly include explaining what you’ve just learned to a friend, taking notes, or sketching out a map.

By studying in multiple ways, you are settling the material you learned deeper in your mind, and if more areas of your brain store data about a certain topic area, we see more interconnection between these areas.

Start Teaching What You Learn to Others – Your learning will benefit if you start teaching your newly gained knowledge to other persons.

School teachers have noted for many years that probably the greatest way to understand a subject is to teach it to other individuals. Chances are that you will remember your seventh-grade presentation on Alaska very well.

You were teaching the subject to the rest of the class, and your teacher knew you would learn and remember even more from your task.

This same principle can now be used by you again, so share your newly learned skills and knowledge with others.

You can begin by converting the information and facts into your personal words, as this process will already help to let the new knowledge settle in your brain.

Then, look for a few ways to share what you’ve learned, such as composing a blog post, building a podcast, or taking part in group discussions.

More Effective Learning by Utilizing Previous Learning – Relational Learning is a good method to become a successful learner. Relational Learning means that you can associate new information with elements that you have already known.

For instance, in case your study requires you to learn about Romeo and Juliet, associating the information you already acquired in previous classes about the historical period and all the other relevant details and information on Shakespeare will help you remember the study material better.

Practical Experience Boosts Skills – One of the most effective ways to improve our learning is trying to put the newly gained knowledge and skills into practice.

The traditional way of learning frequently consists of reading textbooks, participating in classes, or carrying out research in libraries or online.

Although discovering information and putting this to paper is essential, if you can find a way to put your new skills into practice, you have found perhaps the best way to advance your learning.

If you are learning a sport or an athletic skill, participate in physical activity on a regular schedule, and if you are studying a new language, exercise the language by speaking with others and try to find as many practical experiences as possible.

When you feel that you are ready, sign up at, create your account with My GED, and schedule a GED test. We decrypted the GED, and you can benefit from our test strategies.

Continue to learn and exercise new things – The process of learning really is a perfect exercise to train your brain. Learning and exercising new competencies are perfect stimuli for your brain to preserve new information, so keep on learning.

There are studies indicating that people who were in the process of learning and practicing new visual skills amplified the quantity of gray brain tissue in the area of their brain that is related to visual memory.

When these people ceased practicing their new capabilities, this gray brain tissue disappeared again.

If you’re studying a new language, it is essential to keep rehearsing that language to continue to keep the results that you have accomplished, the so-called “use-it-or-lose-it” principle. If you would like to keep the information you have just learned, you better keep practicing and rehearsing it.

So now you’ve learned about the fastest way to get a GED.

Last Updated on February 5, 2025.