GED Classes Des Moines Iowa

This page lists all GED (in Iowa: HiSET) prep classes and testing sites in the Des Moines area. The HiSET has five subtests in Science, Social Studies, Language Writing, Language Reading, and Math.

HiSET testing is available at certified testing facilities and online.

Our website offers free online classes for the GED test that you can also use to prepare for the HiSET exam. Our free support helps you start your HiSET journey.

If studying online is a good option for you, we suggest you register with Onsego GED Prep, a full-scope, affordable, accredited program. If you would rather learn under the guidance of a teacher, check the site listed below.

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

The HiSET exam offers adults who didn’t finish high school the opportunity to earn a credential equivalent to a standard high school diploma.

The HiSET measures proficiency at a level comparable to that of high school students upon graduation through five independent, modular subtests that assess your knowledge in

  • Language Writing
  • Language Reading
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Math

You can take the HiSET on a computer or in a paper-and-pencil format. The sub-exams can be taken in any order and, if wished, one at a time.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

In the past, there was no HiSET or GED testing option. You needed to come to a state-approved testing site to sit for the exam in person.

Now, however, all of that has changed with the introduction of the HiSET Exam-At-Home online option. Read more below.

To read more about testing fees, passing scores, or eligibility requirements, go to The GED Test In Iowa.

Des Moines GED (HiSET) Prep Classes (by ZIP)

Des Moines Area Community College Capitol Center
1300 Des Moines Street, Des Moines, IA 50309, Phone: 515-697-697-7815

Des Moines Area Community College Urban Campus (Zack Hamlett Center-Bldg. 5)
1100 7th Street, Des Moines, IA 50314, Phone: 515-697-7815
HiSET classes are offered in English and Spanish. HiSET applicants must request an orientation session. They can call or stop by Urban Campus, Building Five.

DMACC Southridge Center
1111 E Army Post Road, Suite 2004, Des Moines, IA 50315, Phone: 515-697-7815

Evelyn K. Davis Center (DMACC)
1171 7th Street, Des Moines, IA 50314, Phone: 515-697-7802/697-7815

Tom Varilek Education Center
1426 Sixth Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50314, Phone: 515-282-8327 ext. 17
The center’s tutors offer one-on-one tutoring to improve your confidence and skills to get ready for DMACC’s HiSET program

GED Prep Classes around Des Moines (HiSET) (Cities by Alphabet)

Des Moines Area Community College-Hunziker Center
1420 S Bell Avenue, Ames, IA 50010, Phone: 515-290-4775/697-7815

Sylvan Ames
4820 Mortensen Road, Suite 101, Ames, IA 50014, Phone: 515-817-1865

Des Moines Area Community College-Ankeny Campus
2006 S Ankeny Boulevard, Bldg. 17, Room 05, Ankeny, IA 50023, Phone 515-697-7812/7815

Des Moines Area Community College-Boone
1125 Hancock Drive, Room 102, Boone, IA 50036, Phone: 515-433-5095/697-7815

Des Moines Area Comm. College-Carroll
906 N Grant Road, Room 157, Carroll, IA 50401, Phone: 712-792-1755/515-697-7815

Southwestern Community College
1501 W Townline Street, Creston, IA 50801, Phone: 641-782-1305
HiSET classes location: Room 212/214, Instructional Center. SWCC offers free HiSET instruction in

  • Creston (641-782-1305)
  • Lamoni (641-782-1497)
  • Leon (641-782-1497)
  • Osceola (641-782-1529)
  • red Oak (641-782-1547)
  • Winterset (641-782-1497)

Iowa Central Community College Adult Education
1 Triton Circle, Fort Dodge, IA 50501, Phone: 515-574-1263/1955
ICCC offers HiSET prep classes in

  • Dodge
  • Storm Lake
  • Webster City
  • Jefferson
  • The HISET exam is administered in Webster City, Storm Lake, and Fort Dodge

Fort Dodge Correctional Facility HiSET Program
1550 L Street, Fort Dodge, IA 50501, Phone: 515-574-4700
Not available to the public

Iowa Valley Community College-Grinnell
123 6th Avenue W, Grinnell, IA 50112, Phone: 641-754-1348

Kirkwood Community College-Iowa City Learning Ctr.
1810 Lower Muscatine Rd, Iowa City, IA 52240, Phone: 319.887.3656

Sylvan Johnston & Des Moines
8707 Northpark Court, Johnston, IA 50131, Phone: 515-398-9845

Knoxville Public Library (DMACC, 1st Conference room)
213 E Montgomery Street, Knoxville, IA 50138, Phone: 515-697-7815

United Methodist Church (SWCC)
9th and Maple Street, Lamoni, IA 50140, Phone: 641-782-1497

Leon Community Center (SWCC)
203 NE 2nd Street, Leon, IA 50144, Phone: 641-782-1497

The Education & Training Center
206 East Church Street, Marshalltown, IA 50158, Phone: 641-754-1348
You can find all Marshalltown area HiSET prep facilities <- here

Iowa Correctional Institute for Women-Mitchellville GED Program
420 Mill Street SW, Mitchellville, IA 50169, Phone: 515-725-5042
Not publicly available

Des Moines Area Comm. College-Newton
600 N 2nd Avenue W, Room 109, Newton, IA 50208, Phone: 641-791-1730/515-697-7815

Newton Correctional Facility GED Program
307 S 60th Avenue W, Newton, IA 50208, Phone: 641-792-7552
Not publicly available

Metropolitan Community College-Omaha
3002 South 24th Street, Omaha, Nebraska 68108, Phone: 531.622.4060
Check all Omaha area GED classes here: Omaha Area GED Classes

Newton Correctional Facility
307 S 60th Avenue W, Newton, IA 50208, Phone: 641-792-7552
No public availability

SWCC-Osceola Center
2520 College Drive, Osceola, IA 50213, Phone: 641-782-1529

Indian Hills Comm. College-Ottumwa
525 Grandview Avenue, Ottumwa, Iowa 52501, Phone: 641-683-5189
For all Ottumwa area HiSET prep sites, <- check here

DMACC Perry VanKirk Center 
1011 2nd Street, (Lab, Room 110), Perry, IA 50220, Phone: 515-428-8100

Southwestern Comm. College-Red Oak Center
2300 4th Street, Red Oak, Iowa 51566, Phone: 641.782.1547

North Central Correctional Facility GED Program
313 Lanedale, Rockwell City, IA 50579, Phone: 712.297.7521

Iowa Central Community College-Webster City
1725 Beach Street, Webster City, IA 50595, Phone: 515-574-1263/1955

DMACC-West Des Moines Human Services
139 6th Street, West Des Moines, IA 50265, Phone: 515-697-7812/7815

Huntington Learning Center
1303 50th Street, West Des Moines, IA 50266, Phone: 515-225-6320

St. Paul Lutheran Church (SWCC)
1120 N 8th Avenue, Winterset, IA 50273, Phone: 641-782-1497

Online HiSET-at-Home Test

Until recently, HiSET testing was not available via the Internet. To earn an Iowa high school equivalency (HSE) diploma, you had to come, in person, to an official Iowa HiSET testing site.

Now, this has changed with the arrival of the online HiSET Exam -At-Home option. A proctor will help you online with the test-taking process and check if you do it all in accordance with the regulations. Learn more here: The online HiSET-At-Home test.

Des Moines Area GED Testing Centers (HiSET)

Des Moines Area Community College-Urban (Building One, Room 207)
1100 7th Street, Des Moines, IA 50314, Phone: 515-248-7204 or 515-295-8525

Des Moines Area Community College-Southbridge (Suite 2004, Room 3)
1111 East Army Post Road, Des Moines, IA 50315, Phone: 515-287-8720 or 515-295-8525

From here, cities by alphabet

Des Moines Area Community College-Ames (Hunziker Center, Room 220)
1420 South Bell Avenue, Ames, IA 50010, Phone: 515-428-8120 or 515-663-6700

Des Moines Area Community College (Building 17)
2006 S Ankeny Boulevard, Ankeny, IA 50023, Phone: 515-964-6255/6200

Iowa Western Community College-Atlantic
705 Walnut Street, Atlantic, IA 50022, Phone: 712-325-3267 or 712-256-7088

Des Moines Area Community College-Boone (Room 102)
1125 Hancock Drive, Boone, IA 50036, Phone: 515-433-5096 or 515-712-7617

Des Moines Area Community College-Carroll (Room 107)
906 North Grant Road, Carroll, IA 51401, Phone: 712-792-8333/1755

Southwestern Community College-Creston
1501 West Townline Street, Creston, IA 50801, Phone: 641-782-1497

Iowa Central Community College (Academic Resource Center)
One Triton Circle, Fort Dodge, IA 50501, Phone: 515-574-1959 or 800-362-2793

Iowa Valley Community College-Grinnell
123 6th Avenue West, Grinnell, IA 50112, Phone: 641-754-1348 or 641-236-0513

Iowa Western Community College-Harlan (Suite 102)
1901 Hawkeye Avenue, Harlan, IA 51537, Phone: 712-325-3267 or 712-755-3568

Iowa Valley Community College Adult Education
3702 South Center Street, Marshalltown, IA 50158, Phone: 641-752-4645/7106

Des Moines Area Community College-Newton (Building One, Room 109)
600 North 2nd Avenue West, Newton, IA 50208, Phone: 641-791-1730/3622

Southwestern Community College-Osceola
2520 College Drive, Osceola, IA 50213, Phone: 641-782-1497

Iowa Central Community College-Webster City Campus
1725 Beach Street, Webster City, IA 50595, Phone: 515-574-1959 or 515-832-1632

Woodward Academy
1251 334th Street, Woodward, IA 50276, Phone: 515-438-3481

To be able to sit for the Iowa HiSET exam, students are required to first reach passing scores on the HiSET official practice test. To take this practice test, students must be enrolled in an adult education program from one of the 15 Iowa community colleges.

Do we have to include or remove a location? Should we make updates or adjustments? Please inform us here.

Last Updated on November 21, 2024.