Community College after Earning a GED

For many students, attending Community College after earning a GED is the fastest and the most convenient way to get a top education and a rewarding career.

The fastest way to earn your GED is to use Onsego Online GED Classes to prepare for the challenging GED test quickly. To check if online learning is right for you, get started with our free online GED classes and GED practice tests.

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So, if you have earned your GED diploma, you may ask yourself, can I go to college with a GED?

Well, in general, the answer to this question is yes, but there are exceptions depending on what type of college or university you have in mind.

To learn if the college or university of your choice accepts your GED, get in touch with the school’s admissions office and get informed about their admissions requirements.

It also depends on your GED scores. Most colleges and universities (also four-year institutions) will accept GED College-Ready scores and even award college credit if your scores are in the highest GED passing range!

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So yes, most universities accept your GED just like they accept a common high school diploma and will have the same specific admissions requirements for GED holders and high school graduates.

Community College might be a Great Option

However, for many GED Graduates, starting at a local community college and transferring to a 4-year college or university after earning a 2-year degree from a community college is recommended.

For most GED holders, the process of studying at a community college is far better than applying directly to a 4-year school, and they’ll be saving lots of money as well.

So, for many GED graduates, community college will be a fantastic option. All 2-year community colleges accept students with a GED. These colleges usually have smaller class sizes than the 4-year schools, so you’ll get more one-on-one education, and, again, they are also far less expensive.

Many community colleges have partnered with state colleges or universities, so when you have earned a 2-year associate degree from your community college, transferring directly to a participating 4-year school as a junior will be a breeze.

But you may also have questions about whether college might be a good option for you or how to choose, for example, between a college education or signing up for a trade school. What are the consequences for your future if you don’t earn a major? Many students are puzzled by these questions, so to find answers as to choosing an academic path or going for job training, two years at your community college can help you get started on your educational and professional journey.

Community College Affordability

When thinking about going to college, often, images of moving into dorms, attending sports events and packed lecture halls come to mind.

However, a college education has become unaffordably expensive for many aspiring college students. On average, a 4-year university or college education costs over $36,500 annually, and for private schools, that cost will be even more than $55,000 each year on average!

So, how can a GED graduate or high school senior afford a college education? How can adult learners upgrade their skills or learn new professional paths? How can they do it effectively and affordably? Well, for an increasing number of students, the answer is simple: sign up for community college!

Why Choose Community College

Let’s take a closer look at the most important reasons why attending your local community college might be the best move for you.

  • Community colleges offer students the opportunity to earn an associate’s degree; some even offer bachelor’s degree programs! Subsequently, they can transfer to a 4-year college or university, reducing their financial costs considerably.
  • Community colleges are also places where students have the opportunity to learn a specific trade, earn professional certifications, or enhance their skills.
  • At community colleges, military veterans can work on their service skills, study for new careers, or work on new disciplines.
  • At community colleges, adult learners return to school to receive training and education, fast-tracking them to a new, high-in-demand career.
  • If you learned for your GED test at your local community college, you will already be familiar with the school’s campus, making it a lot easier for you to continue your education. Many community colleges offer bridge programs to help students earn a GED while simultaneously taking classes toward a college degree.

The fact of the matter is that community colleges offer exactly the same exciting, high-value, and challenging academic programs as 4-year colleges and universities, but at more affordable rates. They usually offer smaller class sizes and community resources and have knowledgeable student advisors to ensure student success.

Most community colleges have open admission policies, and just about everyone can sign up, even before they have completed a GED! If you do that, however, they will generally require you to get your GED fast.

One more thing that you should know is that usually, community colleges will require you to take a placement test in reading and math before they will allow you to attend college-level classes to ensure they will fit your comprehension level.

Last Updated on October 13, 2024.