GED Classes Columbia South Carolina

Posted here are all GED prep class locations and testing centers in the Columbia, South Carolina region. South Carolina uses the GED exam for high school equivalency testing.

The GED test is entirely computer-formatted and can be taken at one of South Carolina’s state-certified test centers or online by qualifying testers.

The exam offers persons who never graduated high school the opportunity to get hold of an equivalent degree.

The GED test comes with four independent modules (subtests) assessing a test taker’s knowledge of

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Math
  • English Language Literacy

You can take one (or more of the four GED modules at a time. You are not required to complete the four subtests in one take.

Start your GED prep journey with our GED online classes for free. If you like online learning, we suggest you continue your GED prep with Onsego GED Prep, an affordable online program that GED Testing Service recognizes as fully aligned to the current GED test.

In the past, online GED testing had never been possible, but the recent launch of an online GED test-taking option has changed that in most states.  Read more below.

Online GED Classes – Fast and Easy

Prepare Quickly To Pass The GED Test.
Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.

Go to “The GED In South Carolina” for more information about SC eligibility requirements, testing fees, or passing scores.

Columbia GED Prep Classes (by ZIP)

SC Works Columbia Center
700 Taylor St, Columbia, SC 29201, Ph: 803-343-2935/978-0190

Richland One-Adult and Community Education
2612 Covenant Rd, Columbia, SC 29204, Ph: 803-343-2935
Richland One School District also offers a GED program at the Booker Washington Heights Community Center. Please call for details.

YouthBuild Columbia
2601 Read St. Columbia, SC 29204, Ph: 803-705-4631

Columbia Housing Authority Resident & Family Services Department
1917 Harden St, Columbia, SC 29204, Ph: 803-254-3886 ext. 261

Goodwill Decker Boulevard (Rogers Center)
2736 Decker Blvd, Columbia, SC 29206, Ph: 803-736-8787

Alvin S. Glenn Detention Center GED Program
201 John Mark Dial Dr, Columbia, SC 29209, Ph: 803-576-3200
Not available to the public

Lexington-Richland Five Adult Education
6671 St. Andrews Rd, Columbia, SC 29212, Ph: 803-476-8230

Windsor United Methodist Church (Rogers)
9500 Windsor Lake Blvd, Columbia, SC 29223, Ph: 803-788-1858

W.R. Rogers Education Center
750 Old Clemson Rd, Columbia, SC 29229, Ph: 803-736-8787

Sylvan Columbia
130 Forum Dr, Suite 9, Columbia, SC 29229, Ph: 803-4935 636-8328

GED Prep Classes around Columbia (Cities by Alphabet)

Lexington Three Lifelong Learning Center
101 W Columbia Ave, Batesburg-Leesville, SC 29006, Ph: 803-532-2141

Kershaw County Adult Education (@Woolard Technology Center Campus)
70 Innovation Way, Camden, SC 29020, Ph: 803-425-8980
Located behind Fatz at I-20 and Hwy 521

Kershaw County Detention Center GED Program
101 Bramblewood Plantation Rd, Camden, SC 29020, Ph: 803-425-1500
Not available to the public

Chapin Adult Education (Chapin High School-Lexington/Richland District 5)
300 Columbia Ave, Chapin, SC 29036, Ph: 803 – 476 – 8230

SC Youth ChalleNGe Academy (at McCrady Training Center)
5471 Leesburg Rd (Bldg 3891), Eastover, SC 29044, Ph: 803-299-4872

Gilbert Primary School (Lexington SD 1 Adult Education)
520 Main St, Gilbert, SC 29054, Ph: 803-821-1400

Literacy Council of Lancaster County
610 East Meeting St, Lancaster, South Carolina 29720, Ph: 803-285-7660

1609 Pageland Hwy, Lancaster, South Carolina 29720, Ph: 803.285.2311

North Lake Community Learning Center (Midlands Technical College)
702 N Lake Dr, Lexington, SC 29072, Ph: 803.790.7581

Rosenwald Community Learning Center
420 Hendrix St, Lexington, SC 29072, Ph: 803-821-2950

SC Works Lexington Adult Education
201 Duffie Dr, Lexington, SC 29072, Ph: 803-821-2950

Newberry Co. Adult Education
709 Kendall Rd, Newberry, SC 29108, Ph: 803-321-2112

The Challenge Center
4583 Savannah Hwy, North, SC 29112, Ph: 803-247-3433

Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College (Building C, Room 120)
3250 St. Matthews Rd, Orangeburg, SC 29118, Ph: 803-535-1420
OCTC also launched the GED-by-23 program. Please call the school for more information.

Orangeburg WIOA program (SNAP to work and Work Keys)
3250 St. Matthews Rd, Orangeburg, SC 29118, Ph: 803-535-1420

SC Works Orangeburg (Referral)
1804 Joe S Jeffords Hwy, Orangeburg, SC 29115, Ph: 803-534-3336

Pelion High Adult Education
600 Lydia Dr, Pelion, SC 29123, Ph: 803-821-2200

Saluda County Adult Education
401 North Calhoun St, Saluda, SC 29138, Ph: 864-362-6080

Lake Marion High School Technology Center
3656 Tee Vee Rd, Santee, SC 29142, Ph: 803-535-1321/1214
GED classes provided by Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College

QuickJobs Development Center
900 FR Huff Dr, St Matthews, SC 29135, Ph: 803-535-1321/1214
The QuickJobs Development Center is located behind the Calhoun Co. Library. GED classes are provided by Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College.

Scotts Branch Middle School
9253 Alex Harvin Hwy, Summerton, SC 29148, Ph: 803-473-2531
GED classes provided by Clarendon County Adult Education

Sumter County Adult Education
905 N Main St, Sumter, SC 29150, Ph: 803-778-6432

Central Carolina Technical College
506 N Guignard Dr, Sumter, SC 29150, Ph: 803-778-1961/473-2531
Ask also about the school’s GED by 23 initiative.

Trinity Baptist Church (H.Y.P.E. Program – Helping Youth Pursue Excellence)
155 Wall St, Sumter, SC 29150, Ph: 803-773-5180

New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church (H.Y.P.E. Program)
3249 Hwy 15 S, Sumter, SC 29150, Ph: 803-481-4501

North HOPE Center (H.Y.P.E. Program)
904 N Main St, Sumter, SC 29150, Ph: 803-436-2691

South HOPE Center (H.Y.P.E. Program)
1125 S Lafayette Dr, Sumter, SC 29150, Ph: 803-436-26501

Sumter-Lee Regional Detention Center HSE Program
1250 Winkles Rd, Sumter, SC 29153, Ph: 803-436-2340
This is a non-public program

Lexington Four Adult Education
135 Lewis Rast Rd, Swansea, SC 29160, Ph: 803-399-7979

Christ Central Institute
159 Church St NE, Wagener, SC 29164, Ph: 803-564-5902

Wagener-Salley High School (Aiken County Adult Education)
272 Main St S, Wagener, SC 29164, Ph: 803-663-4920

Lexington Two and Four Adult Education Program
114 Hook Ave, West Columbia, SC 29169, Ph:  803-739-4048
Through the GED By 23 Initiative, a partnership between the South Carolina Technical College System (SCTCS) and the SC Department of Education (SCDE), qualifying adult education students who complete their high school or GED diploma during the past academic years can have technical college tuition and fees for both non-credit and credit programs covered.

The Scooter Scott Project GED Classes
1 Biloxi Square, West Columbia, SC 29170, Ph: 803-622 4119

Wil Lou Gray Opportunity School
3300 W Campus Rd, West Columbia, SC 29170, Ph: 803-896-6480

Gordon Odyssey Academy
1451 US Hwy 321 N, Winnsboro, SC 29180, Ph: 803-635-4859

Online GED Testing

In the past, the GED test was never offered online. To get ahold of your high school equivalency (HSE) diploma, you were required to show up in person at an official HSE (high school equivalency) testing facility.

In most states, however, we’ve seen the introduction of a new online way to deal with the four GED subtests, the online proctored GED test. More information is found here: ‘Welcoming the online GED exam.’

Columbia Area GED Testing Centers

From Columbia, cities in alphabetical order

Richland One Adult Education Center
2612 Covenant Road | Columbia | SC 29204 | Phone 803-251-4512

Lexington-Richland Counties Adult Education
6671 St. Andrews Road | Columbia | SC 29212 | Phone 803-476-8230

WR Rogers Adult and Continuing Education
750 Old Clemson Road | Columbia | SC 29229 | Phone 803-736-8787

From here, cities by alphabet

Lexington School District 2 Lifelong Learning Center
101 West Columbia Avenue | Batesburg-Leesville | SC 29006 | Phone 803-532-2141

Darlington-Lee Adult Education GED Testing
123 East College Street | Bishopville | SC 29010 | Phone 803-484-4040

Kershaw County Adult Education
70 Innovation Way | Camden | SC 29020 | Phone 803-425-8980

Edgefield County Adult Education Center
117 Cardinal Drive | Johnston | SC 29832 | Phone 803-275-4158

Lexington School District One Adult Education
701 North Lake Drive | Lexington | SC 29072, Phone 803-821-2950

Newberry Adult Education
709 Kendall Road | Newberry | SC 29108 | Phone 803-321-2112

Orangeburg-Calhoun Tech (Building C, Room 120)
3250 St Matthews Road | Orangeburg | SC 29118 | Phone 803-268-2539

Saluda Adult Education Center
401 North Calhoun Street | Saluda | SC 29138 | Phone 864-445-3346

Sumter Adult Education
905 North Main Street | Sumter | SC 29150 | Phone 803-778-6432

Lexington School District Four Adult Education
135 Lewis Rast Road | Swansea | SC 29160 | Phone 803-399-7979

Lexington School District 2
114 Hook Avenue | West Columbia | SC 29169 | Phone 803-739-4048

Fairfield County Adult Education Center
1451 Highway 321 North | Winnsboro | SC 29180 | Phone 803-635-7823

Do we need to list or remove a location? Should we update this information? Please inform us here.

Last Updated on February 9, 2025.