You Are A Visual Learner

Knowing your learning style will help you learn effectively and pass the GED test. This post has tips for you as a Visual Learner.

Nowadays, online GED classes are the most popular way of preparing for the test.

However, some online GED prep methods will be more effective for you than others.

Based on the responses you provided, you most likely are a Visual Learner.

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Therefore, you should choose online GED classes that offer videos with a lot of visuals.

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A visual learner will remember the information easier and better if it is shown visually than if that information is given verbally.

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Visual learners may even not absorb anything if the information is just told by someone. It’s often as if the information didn’t exist at all unless they’ve seen it in writing.

Typically, a visual learner will benefit most if they use the following techniques:

  • Watching videos with a lot of images
  • Underlining or circling important phrases or words in their notes
  • Drawing charts and diagrams.
  • Writing the most important concepts and information on post-it notes.

Then, stick these around you, for example, on your laptop or computer screen, surrounding walls, or fridge.

Visual learners are actually the most common type of all GED students. They make up some 65 percent of all GED students!

Your Learning Style And GED Online Classes

Studies have shown that people learn in so many different ways. We are using all of our senses to absorb information, but usually, students are using one sense slightly (or a lot) more than other senses when they learn.

So generally, students will learn better if they understand what kind of learning style benefits them best. We can distinguish between three main learning styles.

3 Learning Styles

Visual (students who learn best by seeing), Auditory (students who learn best by hearing), and Tactile (students who learn best by touching).

It is quite common that students find out that they prefer more than just one style when it comes to absorbing and retaining information when they learn.

It could well be, for example, that they benefit equally strong from auditory and visual learning. Auditory learners learn best when they hear the information. Visual learners perform best when they see the information.

If you understand which learning style or styles benefit your studying best, you have the opportunity to adjust the way you learn for your GED exam and complete online GED classes much faster and reach higher scores.

If the provided instructional methods do not complement your learning style, you can easily adjust the learning style, but you need to learn about your preferred style and the options you have.

There are online GED classes that offer video lessons, whereas other online courses simply provide text on a screen. Well, the fact of the matter is that visual learners benefit far more from short video lessons that include lots of visuals.

Our free online video GED classes are very beneficial for visual learners. So don’t miss out on this great help to start out on your GED prep journey!

If this method appeals to you, we suggest you continue with Onsego Online GED Prep, an online program that GED Testing Service®, the official GED organization, qualifies as “Totally GED Test Aligned.”

Last Updated on November 17, 2024.