The Top Four Kingdoms

Kingdoms are the general way in which organisms are described.

A kingdom is actually the broadest category within our normal classification system.

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1. Slime molds, yeast, mold, and mushrooms belong to the kingdom …

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2. Insects, lizards, and mammals belong to the kingdom …

Question 2 of 2


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Do not forget about grouping domains, but here we do not talk about subtle differences between the prokaryotic species. These are the four top kingdoms.

Protista – Protists are generally single-cell organisms.

These organisms come with a distinct nucleus. Some protists form colonies (groups of single-cell organisms), and some are acting more like small animals (they’re moving around and come with larger cells).

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But there are also others, again, that are actually like plants (for example, algae do have chlorophyll and are doing photosynthesis).

Fungi – The Fungi kingdom consists of decomposers (they are absorbing nutrients). Some of this kingdom’s members are fungi, yeast, slime molds, mushrooms, and mold.

Plantae – Plantae, eh… could these be plants?
Yes. Plants have cell walls (cellulose), chlorophyll, and vacuoles. The Plantae kingdom is also including green, red, and brown algae.

Animalia – Last, but definitely not least, is the kingdom Animalia, the animals.

This kingdom includes the most complex organisms that we can find on our planet. One key aspect of animals is that these creatures need to eat other organisms for survival.

These creatures are not able to create or produce their own food for the reason that they don’t contain chlorophyll.

Animals have the capacity for moving around and usually have some sort of sense organ.

Because of the fact that they come with sense organs, we may say that they have a nervous system. Animals are including species like insects, anemones, mammals, and lizards.

Last Updated on September 11, 2024.