Paycheck Calculator

On this page, we show you how to easily convert your hourly pay to weekly, monthly, or annual earnings.

When you fill out your hourly pay, the calculator will indicate how much that will mean for those periods.

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In the U.S., the minimum wages are set by Federal and State regulations.

The minimum hourly wage levels are meant to protect workers in low-income employment sectors from under-compensation and unfair treatment for the jobs they perform.

Keep in mind that if you hold a high school or GED diploma, you’ll earn at least $9800 more a year than if you don’t have a secondary degree.

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How do I use the Hourly Paycheck Calculator?

  1. First, you enter the amount of what your hourly wage is.
  2. Secondly, enter the number of hours that you work per week.
  3. Then, you’ll see on our calculator how that translates to weekly, monthly, or annual earnings.

For many people, it may seem quite simple to understand their earnings. Every few weeks, you get your paycheck, and when the year is near the end, you’ll receive your tax forms. But for individuals working on an hourly basis, it may get more challenging.

What is the Minimum Wage Paycheck?

Across America, there is a Federal Hourly Minimum Wage. This is set at $7.25 an hour.

So, in case you earn that federal minimum, $7.25 an hour, this translates to making $290 a week (40 hours) and $1256 a month.

It also translates to an annual salary of $15,080.

12 an hour is how much a year?

When you’re making $12 an hour, you’ll be making $480 a week, $2,080 a month, and annually $24,960.

This is because 12 x 40 x 52 makes 24,960.

14 an hour is how much a year?

When you’re earning $14 an hour, you’ll be making $560 a week, $2,427 a month, and annually $29,120.

This is because 14 x 40 x 52 makes 29,120.

20 an hour is how much a year?

When you’re making $20 an hour, you’ll be earning $800 a week, $3,467 a month, and annually $41,600.

This is because 20 x 40 x 52 makes 41,600.

25 an hour is how much a year?

When you’re earning $25 an hour, you’ll be making $1000 a week, $4,333 a month, and annually $52,000.

This is because 25 x 40 x 52 makes 52,000.

30 an hour is how much a year?

When you’re earning $30 an hour, you’ll be making $1200 a week, $5,200 a month, and annually $62,400.

This is because 30 x 40 x 52 makes 62,400.

If you use our salary and paycheck calculator, you’ll be able to make your own weekly, monthly, or annual calculations.

How do I calculate Annual Wages from Hourly Pay?

In case you earn hourly wages and wish to calculate how that translates to annual wages, it’s key to know how many hours you’re working each week. Make sure, however, to only count the actual number of clocked hours.

Don’t count hours that aren’t on the clock, such as commuting time, lunch breaks, and so on. So when your workweek is 40 hours, but when each day a 30-minute break is clocked out for your lunch, you’re paid for only 37.5 hours per week.

Next, you multiply that total number of working hours in each week by your hourly pay. The calculator will indicate your weekly earnings. This may also be very helpful when it comes to your desired earnings during employment contract negotiations.

Then, when you multiply your weekly income, as shown on the calculator, by 52 (since a year has 52 weeks), you’ll get your annual earnings. Let’s say you’re earning $25 an hour and that you work 40 hours per week; then you’ll see that your annual income is $25 x 40 x 52, which is $52,000.

What is Included in Work Time?

Generally speaking, it is understood that “work time” includes all the time that employees spend performing activities that are coming with their positions.

Additionally, “work hours” may include work-related travel time (not commuting time), short breaks that don’t exceed 15 to 20 minutes, mandatory or required training or education time, and time used for attending seminars and meetings.

Time period Equation
Annual wages = hourly pay, times
40 hours, times 52 weeks.
Monthly wages = annual pay, divided by 12 months.
Weekly wages = hourly pay, times 40 hours.

How much do I Make an Hour?

Now, if you only know what your monthly earnings are and would like to know how that translates to your hourly pay, you can use our calculator to help you with that.

Keep in mind, however, that when you compare your pay to what others earn in your employment sector or when you fill out a credit application, for example, things might get a bit tricky. That’s when it may be a good idea to compare hourly pay to annual earnings. It’s also handy to determine commissions and benefits.

When comparing what you’re currently making versus the pay that’s offered at a possible new job, or if your income changes every month, it could get quite challenging to determine your hourly, weekly, monthly, or annual earnings.

The table shown below explains how the income results are determined. Simply fill in your hourly earnings and the number of hours you work, and you’ll see how that translates to your weekly, monthly, and annual pay.

So if you know how much you make per hour, you can use our calculator to determine your yearly earnings. You could be taken by surprise as to how much you’re earning on a yearly basis.

Bear in mind, however, as stated above as well, that work time includes all that time and all those hours that you’re spending on the principal activities associated with your job.

What’s Your State’s Minimum Wage in 2024?

As stated before, State and Federal laws determine minimum wages. Minimum wages are intended to protect workers from unfair treatment and under-compensation.

In the U.S., the federal government has set the minimum wage at $7.25 per hour. But as you can see, many states have hourly minimum wages that are much higher.

So let’s take a closer look at minimum wages by state. And don’t forget that you are entitled to earn whichever of the minimum wages is highest. It could be your local or state minimum wage or the federal minimum.

State Minimum Hourly Wage Rates

State 2024
Alabama $7.25
Alaska $11.73
Arizona $14.35
Arkansas $11.00
California $16.00
Colorado $14.42
Connecticut $15.69
Delaware $13.25
District of Columbia $17.00
Florida $12.00; from 9/30: $13.00
Georgia $7.25
Hawaii $14.00
Idaho $7.25
Illinois $14.00
Indiana $7.25
Iowa $7.25
Kansas $7.25
Kentucky $7.25
Louisiana $7.25
Maine $14.15
Maryland $15.00
Massachusetts $16.26
Michigan $10.33
Minnesota $10.85
Mississippi $7.25
Missouri $12.30
Montana $10.30
Nebraska $12.00
Nevada $12.00
New Hampshire $7.25
New Jersey $15.13
New Mexico $12.00
New York $15.00 Large Employers and Long Island-Westchester: $16.00
North Carolina $7.25
North Dakota $7.25
Ohio $10.45
Oklahoma $7.25
Oregon $14.20; Portland area: $15.45; Non-urban areas: $13.20
Pennsylvania $7.25
Puerto Rico $9.50
Rhode Island $14.00
South Carolina $7.25
South Dakota $11.20
Tennessee $7.25
Texas $7.25
Utah $7.25
Vermont $15.00
Virginia $12.00
Washington $16.28
West Virginia $8.75
Wisconsin $7.25
Wyoming $7.25

How to Calculate Commission?

In case you’re receiving a bonus or a commission for completed sales on top of a base salary, it might be more challenging to calculate your annual earnings, especially with commissions, as they are usually different each month.

The most logical and easiest way to calculate your income with a commission or bonus is after the extra pay is determined. Simply add up your bonus or commission for each month to your base pay to calculate your entire yearly income.

Benefits and Your Income

One more important factor to keep in mind when you consider your income position is the benefits that come with the job. Especially when you’re considering accepting a job offer, evaluating the benefits is crucial. The most common benefits that play an important role are health insurance and retirement plans.

You should be aware that, in many cases, you’ll be better off accepting slightly lower earnings when the new employer will cover your entire health insurance cost. Beware, however, of common mistakes you should avoid with your 401K plan.

If you know what the premiums of your health insurance are, simply subtract these costs from your yearly earnings to see how the new job and wage offer relate to the annual salary you currently have.

A very good way to increase your salary is to have an outstanding retirement plan. If your employer is inclined to pay your yearly retirement contributions, you should add that contribution to your yearly salary. The fact of the matter is that you earn that money on top of the base salary that you’ll get.

When an employer is willing to take up the tab for some more things, for example, a cell phone, company car, or a computer, you can also determine how much these perks are valued, and you should add up this amount to your annual earnings.

This makes sense since, in that case, you won’t have to furnish those costs yourself. It may be surprising to see, when adding it all up, how much money you’ll be making. Probably more than you thought initially!

A salary is a payment made by an employer and received by an employee for contributed work and time. Understandably, employers will check an employee’s background, which is perfectly fine since they not only want to protect the security and safety of their workers but also are legally required to do so.

A salary is usually paid in currency. Only fractionally will a salary consist of compensation for goods or services. If you don’t have a high school or GED credential, setting up an account with and take the four sub-exams may be your best option, as holding a GED or high school degree will yield at least $9700 annually.

Generally, salaries will get paid after a certain amount of time, usually on a weekly, 2-weekly, semi-monthly, or monthly basis. And because counties and states want to protect employees, many of them have introduced minimum wages that are enforced by central or local governments.

In North America, people usually are employed as full-time workers, but we also see many freelancers. Full-time employees usually receive salaries that are based on annual models, though finding a good job for a longer period of time could be quite a challenge these days.

On top of a base salary, a full-time worker will generally enjoy some more important benefits, for example, retirement plan contributions, healthcare insurance contributions, payroll tax (part of Social Security tax and Medicare), unemployment tax, paid vacation leave, and bonuses or some other insurances. It is also wise to start, already at a young age, with an IDA account.

Now, when you add up all of these benefits’ values, you can notice that the added value could well be somewhere between 1.2 and 3 times an employee’s base salary. Isn’t that something? Then again, full-time employees usually don’t get any compensation for overtime work.

For freelancers counts that the key benefits are freedom, flexibility, and some tax benefits.

Freelancers’ earnings are usually based on hourly or daily rates though sometimes, they are based on weekly or monthly payments.

And since working as a freelancer doesn’t come with the many benefits that full-time employees enjoy, their pay must be higher than what full-time employees would relatively earn.

In our contemporary supply-demand-driven environment, however, we often see that the rates are under pressure.

Generally speaking, we see that freelancers will receive between 1 and 2 times a full-time worker’s comparable base cost.

But the fact of the matter is that today, freelancers are often forced to accept less generous pay and compensation.

Then again, there are also many freelancers who manage to earn far higher compensation due to high demand or specialized skills.

Last Updated on September 10, 2024.