Lower GED Passing Score

Many students who had not passed the GED exam from January 1, 2014, until January 1, 2016, received their credentials retroactively because of the lower GED passing score.

GED Testing Service decided a few years back (in early 2016) to lower the score needed to pass the GED tests.

The reason was that in many states, GED graduates outperformed regular high school graduates in college.

To start your GED diploma journey, take this website’s free GED classes online and practice tests.

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GED Passing Score

So, a few years ago, it appeared that the required scoring standards were set too high in comparison to high school graduation standards.

Therefore, GED Testing Service decided to use a lower GED passing score. The minimum required score went from 150 to 145 points.

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The four independent tests were not changed; only the scores students need to reach to pass the tests were lowered.

GED test students are required to score at a level that can be expected of graduating high school students.

However, research had shown that GED test applicants were studying to score at a higher level than high school students, so the required score could be lowered to 145 points.

GED test officials say that when the high school levels of performance go up, they will adjust the required GED test scores again and that they will continue to ensure that GED test graduates hold the same standards as regular high school graduates.

For now, this means that GED test-takers pass the GED tests if they reach the 145-point mark.

Retroactively, this meant that in 2016, thousands of disappointed GED test applicants who failed by just a few points over the years 2014 and 2015 learned that they had earned their GED diplomas anyway.

That was Great News. This video explains more about this important move:

This change in scoring requirements happened after two years of experience with the latest edition of the now totally computer-based GED exam.

What’s also changed is that if you fail a GED subtest, you’ll have two retakes at reduced rates as long as you complete this within one year.

A few years ago, GED Testing Service rolled out a far more rigorous version of the GED exam to guarantee that graduates met college and job market expectations and requirements, and the price tag became considerably higher as well.

This resulted in fewer adults taking the exam, and also fewer individuals passed the GED test initially.

Lowered GED Passing Score

So when the testing passing requirements were lowered, expectations were that more people would register for the test and that more students would pass.

This website offers additional help for GED test applicants in the form of free GED video lessons and practice tests. These resources give you the opportunity to learn if online learning is a good option for you. If so, just switch to Onsego GED Prep for extensive coverage of all topics found on the GED or HiSET exam.

Studies have shown that video instruction is a highly efficient way to get all set to take the four tests successfully.

The four GED tests are independent modules, meaning that they may be taken separately. The four testing subject fields are Science, Social Studies, Math (Mathematical Reasoning), and Literacy (Reasoning through Language Arts).

You may also want to check out this post that lists all GED prep locations and testing centers across America, also in your area.

The GED test has re-calibrated the testing performance levels to this scale:
Below Passing Score: 100-144
Passing Score (High School Equivalency): 145-164
College Ready Score: 165-174
College Ready Score + College Credit: 175-200

The GED modules must be taken entirely on a computer. Though initially, there were some concerns regarding only computer-based testing, this choice makes sense.

In the contemporary workplace, there’s hardly a position anymore that does not call for basic computer and/or keyboarding skills. So, obviously, GED graduates should also be, at least to some extent, computer-savvy.

So now you know all about the Lower GED Passing Score.

Last Updated on March 20, 2025.