We believe that everyone can pass the GED Math test, and this process doesn’t need to be painful and shouldn’t take ages. In this post, we explain How To Pass The GED Math Test.
There is no doubt that passing the GED Math test is challenging.
Fear of Math and multiple failures in passing the Math test are the number one and two reasons why people never get their GED diploma.
You can’t blame anyone for this situation. Not everyone is good at math or needs math to be successful in life.
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Not every job requires knowing how to calculate the slope of a line or how to solve a quadratic equation.
Yet, to get the GED diploma, students need to know how to solve many Math problems that seem useless later in life.
To help students overcome this challenge, we asked the Onsego team to design a course that teaches students how to use the GED scientific calculator, the TI-30XS, to pass the GED Math test.
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How to Pass the GED Math Test with the TI-30XS
Using a scientific calculator during the GED math test is nothing new. The use of the TI-30XS is allowed on the GED Math test, and the official GED organization, GED Testing Service®, includes this calculator in the test screen.
However, only a small percentage of GED students genuinely know how to solve more complicated questions using the calculator.
So, if you wonder how to pass the GED Math test, start learning how to pass Math using the Scientific TI-30XS Calculator Course. The full GED Calculator Course is available from Onsego.
Difference between a Scientific and Basic Calculator
There are 3 main types of calculators: basic, business, and scientific. A basic calculator can do addition & subtraction, and multiplication & division. A business calculator includes buttons to calculate interest rates. This type of calculator typically ignores the order of operations.
Scientific calculators operate according to mathematical laws, so you don’t need to worry about the order of operations, fractions, exponents laws, etc. It’s all programmed into the software.
The scientific calculator works differently from a “normal” one; it has no equals sign, for starters.
Only the TI-30XS Calculator is Allowed on the GED Math Test
You can use only one type of scientific calculator on the GED Math test, and that’s the TI-30XS. TI stands for Texas Instruments, the world’s best producer of scientific calculators.
Our TI-30XS course teaches you how to solve all math problems with the TI-30XS, not just things like basic fractions, square roots, and four operations. You will learn how to solve linear and quadratic equations, evaluate functions, and how to factor.
Why Does It Matter
Students often miss just a few points to pass the GED Math test, so they fail. Consequently, they don’t get a chance to earn their GED Diploma.
But by using these strategies, GED candidates can earn extra points without any serious time investment. These lessons are short and to the point.
Many GED students often start learning enthusiastically, only to quit after the math lessons become challenging. It’s hard to blame them for it.
Getting back to learning Math, the most challenging subject, is hard. This course is short and will keep you motivated. Who will Benefit from the TI-30XS Course?
Everyone who wants to pass the GED Math test and is not afraid of learning a few new things will benefit from this GED calculator course. As stated earlier, the full calculator course can be purchased at Onsego.com.
Especially students who didn’t pass the GED test because they missed just a few points will benefit from this course but also students who want to get a GED College-Ready + Credit score.
What is Onsego?
Onsego offers premium GED prep for all subjects. The GED calculator course is also included in the premium course created by Onsego Online GED Prep.
Their main program consists of 4 GED subject courses: Math, Language, Science, and Social Studies, and now also the calculator course.
This website, Best GED Classes, offers free GED online classes and practice tests to let you find out whether online studying is a good fit for you. If it is, register with Onsego GED Prep and get your GED fast.
What differentiates the Onsego prep courses from other GED programs is their approach to teaching.
All lessons are short (under 5 minutes) and focus on one specific subject. There is no fluff, just straight instruction, and all information is delivered in a short, visual format. Every lesson has a quiz, and there are practice tests after every module and at the end of the course.
Thousands of people have completed the Onsego course and got their GED diplomas.
So, now you know How To Pass The GED Math Test.
Last Updated on November 17, 2024.