HiSET Writing Practice Test

This HiSET Writing Practice Test will help you determine which areas need your attention most.

The HiSET Language Arts Writing subtest consists of a 50-question multiple-choice section and a part where you must write an essay.

The total time you are given to deal with these two HiSET writing parts is exactly two hours.

The topics addressed in the HiSET and GED tests are similar, so you are welcome to use these practice tests.

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The essay portion of this subtest evaluates to what extent you are able to write. You will receive a prompt that includes two distinct passages.

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You need to assess and discuss these passages in accordance with the parameters presented in your prompt.

You are allowed to use the information provided in the text as well as anecdotal evidence.

This portion of the HiSET Writing exam assesses your ability to come up with and write an argument and back that up with your own perspective (read more about essay writing below).

Check what you know.

HiSET Writing Practice Test

In the multiple-choice section of the HiSET-writing subtest, you will be given short reading passages on all sorts of topics, and you must recognize stylistic and grammatical errors within those texts.

How is the HiSET Writing Test Structured?

Writing Conventions 35%
Language Facility 43%
Organization of Ideas 22%

The section “Writing Conventions” covers all basic elements of English writing, and grammar is the major topic here.

The “Language Facility” assesses your knowledge of how words operate within written work. You need to indicate what certain words try to convey in specific usage and if they fit in the written work regarding message and tone.

The section “Organization of Ideas” assesses your capabilities to assess if written works are making sense. You need to decide if passages are coherent and to what extent based on how sections and sentences are ordered and which parts or sentences of those passages serve the written work’s main objective or not.

The Grammar section of the HiSET Language Writing subtest requires you to demonstrate your understanding of grammar rules such as punctuation, pronoun usage, contextual clues, and sentence correction.

You should never opt for a longer or more complicated, wordier text when a simple one will do. So use these free HiSET Language Writing practice tests to get all set for this subtest fast.

Extended Response (HiSET Essay)

The Extended Response part is where you have to write your essay. You must use the various arguments presented in two sample texts. You must be able to analyze the texts and determine which of the arguments supports a viewpoint best.

In this “Extended Response” section, a specific topic or issue will be introduced to you through one or more text passages. Read the passages carefully, and then you’ll be asked to analyze both the topic or issue and the various arguments.

You need to be able to clearly write your thesis statement, and the introduction of your essay needs to be very clearly stated and formulated as well. After your essay’s introduction, you need to write four to six paragraphs that will be including the supporting arguments and follow up with the conclusion. You will receive an erasable tablet so you can jot down rough notes while working on your essay.

HiSET Passing Score

There are five independent subtests or modules in the HiSET. There’s no need to take all five modules in one session. The passing score on each individual subtest is 8, and scoring occurs on a scale that ranges from 0 to 20. Your overall result must be no less than 45 points, and your essay score must be 2 or up.

Last Updated on November 18, 2024.