Will Police Departments accept an online GED?

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Well, that depends on what you mean by “online GED.” The diploma that you’ll be awarded upon successful completion of the Online Proctored (OP) GED test is the same as the one you’ll receive when you take the four GED subtests at a regional GED test center.

So in that sense, yes, Police Departments will accept an online GED just like another GED diploma or a high school credential. The GED has legally the same value and status as a regular high school degree.

On the other hand, if by “online GED” you mean to indicate a diploma or certificate that you bought online, the answer is simply: no way! Colleges, employers, and also Police Departments can easily check if your diploma is real or fake.

So don’t even think about purchasing a diploma or whatever educational credential over the internet! These websites are run by con artists that only are after your dollars. Their documents are not even worth the paper they’re printed on, and you don’t want to engage in fraudulent activities, do you?

Online GED Classes

A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.

So again, Police Departments will definitely accept your GED, regardless of whether you earned it online or on-site. Keep in mind, though, that requirements may vary by department. Some prefer applicants to have some sort of college education.

The GED is a rather challenging exam that assesses knowledge and skills at the level of graduating high school seniors. So make sure you’ll get optimally prepared to avoid disappointment.

The GED test comes with four independent subject tests that cover Language, Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. You can take these subtests one (or more) at a time.

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Get Your Diploma in 2 Months.