Taking a GED Social Studies practice test helps you become familiar with the real exam. These practice tests cover topics related to American History, Economy, Geography, Civics, and Government.
Our free help lets you quickly determine if online learning works for you. If it does, we recommend you continue with Onsego GED Prep to get ready for the GED exam fast. If you prefer to learn under the guidance of a teacher, contact one of the facilities listed on this website.
Keep in mind that on the GED test, there is no penalty for guessing or answering answers incorrectly. So make sure you’ll answer all questions, also if you’re unsure or need to guess.
Also, during the GED test, your problem-solving skills will be measured.
Online GED Classes
A simple and easy way of getting your GED diploma.
These practice tests are not related to the GED Ready Test – The Official Practice Test, produced and distributed by GED Testing Service LLC.
GED Social Studies Practice Test
Question 1 of 10.
1. What term refers to the system that gives each government branch some power over the others?
- Checks and Balances
- Articles of Confederation
- Federalism
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GED Social Studies Practice Test Part 1
GED Social Studies Practice Test Part 2
GED Social Studies Practice Test Part 3
GED Social Studies Test Structure
There are 36 questions, and you need 65% correct answers to pass the GED Social Studies exam. The GED Social Studies subtest passing score is 145, just as on the other three subtests. Scoring happens on a 100-200 scale.
The questions come in various forms, such as multiple-choice, fill-in-the-blank, and hot-spot.
The GED Social Studies test includes questions that check a student’s ability to analyze and understand the provided text, charts, and tables.
Additionally, a student’s inference and problem-solving skills are tested through an interpretation of the social studies content.
How to Prepare for the Social Studies Test
This page offers you several free sample practice tests related to the Social Science section of the GED exam. Make sure you take as many practice tests as possible, and if some topic seems to be challenging, check our Social Studies online classes.
GED Test Essential Facts
The other three GED tests are in Math, Language Arts, and Science. You can take one of the four subtests whenever you are ready to do so.
The most recent version of the GED exam is completely computer-formatted. The four GED tests measure the fundamental knowledge and skills required to have a successful career or be ready for a college education.
The GED credential is nationally recognized as equivalent to a standard high school diploma.
The GED exam includes four separate tests (modules) that may be taken independently. The four tests are in the basic academic fields of Science, Math (mathematical reasoning), Literacy (RLA-reasoning through language arts), and Social Studies.
Holders of the GED diploma have demonstrated that they master the skills and knowledge at a level that may be expected of graduating high school seniors.
About one out of seven US adults who hold a secondary education credential has earned their diploma through the GED Program.
Is the GED Social Studies test hard?
The GED Social Studies subtest doesn’t need to be hard but getting properly prepared is your key to success! Keep in mind that the GED Social Studies subtest isn’t so much about memorizing facts and data.
You are not expected, for example, to remember historical details. Then again, if you’re not properly prepared, you may have a hard time dealing with dates, concepts, places, and names.
What is on the GED Social Studies test?
The GED Social studies test covers a wide range of content, from geography and history to sociology, psychology, political science, and economics. The Social Studies GED module is the shortest of the four tests and needs to be completed in 70 minutes.
How can I pass the GED Social Studies test?
Keep in mind that you are not required to memorize lots of facts about each Social Studies subject. This GED subtest relates more to real-life situations and applications.
You are expected to be able to analyze history and understand how to interpret important historical events. Your reading skills must be up to par to understand social studies topics, and you must know how to read and interpret graphs and tables.
GED Testing Service has not approved, authorized, endorsed, been involved in the development of, or licensed the substantive content of these practice tests.
Last Updated on November 19, 2024.