Congratulations to all students who passed the GED test this year! You are now a GED grad, so you can get better jobs or get on with your education in college!
Perhaps this year’s commencement exercise wasn’t the same as in other years due to the pandemic, but it still was a moving, motivating, and reflective experience, don’t you agree?
Even for those that weren’t the ones graduating, it must have been a great feeling to witness their loved ones or other students achieve academic success.
GED Grad
To celebrate these exercises, the GED organization, GED Testing Service®, organized its first GED Grad Day on June 15, 2016. GED graduates are worth celebrating, right?
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On May 18, 2017, the organization held the second GED Grad Day, and it’s now an annual returning event even if, this year, we have to celebrate in a different way.
To recognize all GED students’ hard work, it is a great idea to celebrate all students who earned their GED diplomas this year.
But, as said before, this year is different, and GED Grad Day wasn’t as usual since it is not a typical year.
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This year, on GED Grad Day, May 14, everyone was asked to post a selfie on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter that shows them “tipping” their hats to GED graduates.
Each time the hashtag #GEDGradDay was used on social media on May 14, GED Testing Service donated $1 to the NCFL (National Center for Families Learning).
Contemporary Worries
There’s so much to worry about these days; pandemics, worrying political landscapes, increasing violence, a skills gap that’s only widening, a growing threat of automation, competition, and outsourcing.
Well, anxiety is often so paralyzing. That’s why you can be proud to be a GED grad. There are so many things that you can do with a GED!
You’ve opened the door to a better job and a college education! Isn’t that something? So urge everyone around you to visit GED on social media and get inspired.
There’s so much worry and uncertainty going on in the current social climate. But at the same time, there’s also so much we can celebrate. So, GED graduates use social media to tell the world: What’s Next?
GED Grad – Your Future
Where do you think your GED will take you? Do you have some big career plans? Will it get you into college? On GED Grad Day, you can tell the world about what you think the future holds for you!
Many adult education agencies are government-approved charitable organizations that have a mission of providing quality educational courses and programs for residents in their service areas.
They work hard to increase the level of their students’ basic literacy, computer, academic, and employment skills. We are proud that so many of these organizations have chosen to utilize BestGEDClasses’ free online GED classes and educational resources.
That’s the best way to get started on the road to a GED! Full GED curriculum coverage is available at Onsego Online GED Prep, a full-scope, accredited online prep course.
The #GEDGradDay campaign is centering around a virtual event so GED grads can celebrate their accomplishments and promote GED testing while motivating other students who didn’t complete high school to open the doors to a better future.
Students and their Doubts
Many students who have left high school without a diploma question whether or not they are smart enough to pass the four GED subtests and whether they could persevere through it.
But often, not being smart enough wasn’t the reason they quit school in the first place. Usually, there were other circumstances that urged them to quit school prematurely!
There’s no need to think you’re perhaps not smart enough! Perhaps math could pose some serious challenges, but Onsego’s video lessons will help you take that hurdle as well!
It is so important for you to get your GED so you can obtain the rewarding career you deserve and will enjoy. It’ll require some effort on your behalf, but the rewards will be satisfying. There are so many good reasons to get your GED.
Perhaps your biggest motivation is your family because they work so hard to give you a better life. Perhaps people who don’t believe in you are what motivates you most. Do you want to prove to these folks that you can do it and even do more?
Perhaps you don’t want to be the only one in your family without a secondary education degree. Without a GED or high school diploma, you would not be able to get a decent job, so you may feel urged to take your education to the next level.
Perhaps your motivation is your friends in college. You may want to be like them and go to college to earn a degree. Whatever your motivation, earning your GED diploma will definitely lead to better educational and employment opportunities.
Who Qualifies?
The GED exam is a state-specific exam, and regulations vary slightly from state to state. However, in most states, the GED exam (or the other available alternative, the HiSET exam) is open to adults aged 16 and over.
Underage GED test-takers (in most states, applicants 16 and 17 years of age) are required to meet some extra strict requirements like showing proof of parental consent and being approved for GED testing by their school districts.
GED hopefuls cannot already hold a secondary education degree, and in some states, they must be state residents or attain sufficient scores on the GED Ready practice test before they are eligible for testing. GED testers can also not be signed up for any other educational program.
There are four subtests (modules) that make up the GED test. The four tests cover the academic subject fields of Science, Language Arts, Social Studies, and Mathematics.
Until recently, the GED exam was exclusively administered at authorized, state-designated testing centers, but that has now changed with the introduction of an online proctored (O.P.) GED testing option.
GED History
Since 1942, the GED (General Education Development) program has helped over 20 million adults achieve their high school equivalency (HDE) credentials.
So, for over eight decades, the program has provided viable pathways to postsecondary education in college or university and rewarding careers.
There are, however, still some thirty million U.S. citizens who don’t hold a high school or equivalent diploma.
We need to reach out and engage underserved parts of our population so they will have the knowledge and skills to be successful in college and the contemporary workforce. Earning a GED diploma is a crucial first step toward self-sufficiency and economic independence.
Last Updated on November 18, 2024.