Fractions, Decimals, And Percentages

Last Updated on May 15, 2024.

Fractions are merely about working with a part of a number. Fractions are breaking whole numbers down into smaller segments or pieces.

Fractions are commonly used in various measurements. Inches are often broken down into 16ths (sixteenths).

Here, we will try to make you understand fractions. Then we’ll address adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions.

1. Express the following fraction as a decimal.

Question 1 of 2

2. Express the following fraction as a decimal.

Question 2 of 2


This lesson is provided by Onsego Online GED Prep.

Next lesson: Basics of Fractions
This lesson is a part of our GED Math Study Guide.

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Rational Numbers
You’ve heard of rational numbers before. Another term for fractions is rational numbers.

The word “rational” is derived from the word ratio. When referring to rational numbers, it is actually a ratio of 2 (two) integers.

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The one on top is what we call the “numerator,” and the one on the bottom is what we call the “denominator.”

Then there’s one more rule you need to remember: the bottom one (the denominator) can never be zero (0). If you see a zero on the bottom (the denominator), the division won’t work.

Decimals & Percentages

When we talk about “Decimals & percentages,” we mean just another way of working with numbers less than 1 (one). Decimals break down whole numbers into segments of 10 (ten). You may have tenths, hundredths, thousandths, and any value of 10.

A fast way of recognizing a decimal is looking for your decimal point. All numbers to the right side of your decimal point are the parts of that whole number.

Now, why should we be talking about percentages right here? Well, percentages are just a small step away from decimals.

In fact, percentages are just decimals that we multiplied by 1 (one) hundred. When you’re seeing a value like 79% (seventy-nine percent), that value equals .79 (seventy-nine hundredths).

Percentages are generally used with numbers that have values between 0 (zero) and 1 (one) hundred percent, where zero percent is 0 (nothing), and one (1) hundred percent represents the entire thing.

After having read this entire page, you’ve been reading one (1) hundred percent (100%) of this page.