Colleges That Accept ASL As A Foreign Language

In this post, we take a closer look at US universities and colleges that accept ASL as a foreign language.

Sign Language is becoming increasingly popular, and more and more colleges are accepting ASL (American Sign Language) as a foreign language.

American Sign Language, or ASL, is a distinct and fully developed language that has, among others, its own unique grammar.

For most colleges to attend their academic programs, you’ll need to have a high school or GED diploma. Our website has made GED prep accessible with free online GED classes and GED practice tests that allow you to determine if online studying works for you.

If so, you can continue with Onsego’s GED prep course, an accredited, affordable course that will help you earn your GED fast.

Today, in practically all television news programs, we can see somebody translating the messages into ASL. That’s an interesting development.

It’s not only that many colleges accept ASL as a foreign language, but your GED diploma also allows you to go to college and study for a bachelor’s or master’s degree in ASL.

So, are there many US colleges that accept ASL as a foreign language?

The fact of the matter is that more and more colleges and universities across the U.S. offer ASL programs.

This article’s purpose is to provide information and resources on American Sign Language to individuals who take an interest in studying the language, to persons who want to learn more interesting facts about ASL, and to people who are already engaged in ASL education, either as a student or as a teacher.

We understand that the topic of American Sign Language has an inherent relationship with many subjects of Deaf culture and deafness, and this post provides primary information related to ASL itself, while it offers only very limited information about other issues that surround the world of deafness.

ASL – a Distinct Language

ASL is distinct from English or any other foreign language and distinct from other sign systems as well, both foreign-based and English-based.

Over recent decades, quite a few states have passed legislation to recognize and identify ASL as a distinct foreign language.

This enabled universities, colleges, and high schools not only to accept but also to implement the language, therefore fulfilling all requirements regarding foreign languages with regard to hard-hearing and deaf students.

American Sign Language is a visual/gestural language that is distinct from English or any other foreign spoken language.

As stated above, if you pass the GED test, you can go to college, and if you score in the college-ready range (165-200), you may have SAT/ACT or other requirements waived!

Again, If you don’t have a GED yet, take our free online GED classes and GED practice tests to see if online studying is right for you. If so, sign up with Onsego’s GED prep course and pass the GED test quickly.

ASL is also distinct from any other sign language used in different countries, and the language is distinct from any other English language-based sign system used in America, e.g., English manually coded systems.

We don’t know the exact number of people who use ASL, but the language is the most widely used language in the U.S. for one-on-one communication.

ASL is used as a 1st or 2nd language by many Americans, and estimates range from 200,000 to nearly one million individuals, including deaf native signers, children of deaf parents, and/or adult deaf signers who learned ASL from other deaf individuals.

Is American Sign Language (ASL) a Foreign Language?

ASL is a fully developed and distinct language with its own one-of-a-kind grammar. As said above, the language is distinct from the English Language and also is distinct from sign systems, both English-based and foreign-based.

During the past decades, ASL education has been experiencing increased enrollment because more and more individuals have become interested in learning the language.

Studying ASL doesn’t require more effort than any other subject, but good study habits will help you deal with the entire curriculum in a timely manner, as it does with earning your GED diploma.

A growing number of universities and colleges are actually accepting ASL classes in foreign language requirements fulfillment, and an increasing number of universities and schools offer credit-bearing ASL programs.

Colleges that accept ASL as a foreign language – ASL Developments

Over the past decades, quite a few states have passed legislation to recognize American Sign Language as a foreign language.

This enabled high schools, universities, and colleges to accept ASL in foreign language requirements fulfillment for both deaf and hard-hearing students.

By the last turn of the century, almost 30 states had passed relevant legislation, and numerous universities and community colleges, including Georgetown, Brown, MIT (The Massachusetts Institute of Technology), the University of Washington, and Purdue, were accepting American Sign Language as a distinct foreign language.

These days, when you’re watching any police reporting, there is practically always someone present who will interpret the given information into American Sign Language.

So also, when you’re considering joining the Police Force, ASL knowledge may open up more and more career opportunities.

After earning a college degree and having considerable experience, ASL students may even study further to earn an MBA degree and use their knowledge on a broader platform. Check here to learn more about earning a bachelor’s degree from an American college or university.

List of Universities and Colleges Accepting ASL as a Foreign Language

  1. Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas
  2. American University, Washington, DC
  3. Anderson University, Anderson, South Carolina
  4. Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio
  5. Arcadia University, Glenside, Pennsylvania
  6. Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
  7. Augsburg College, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  8. Augustana University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  9. Austin College, Sherman, Texas
  10. Baylor University, School of Education and College of Health & Human Sciences, Waco, Texas
  11. Bethel College, Mishawaka, Indiana
  12. Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts
  13. Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio
  14. Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts
  15. Brigham Young University, Rexburg, Idaho
  16. Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
  17. Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana
  18. Cabrillo College, Aptos, California
  19. California State University All 23 campuses
  20. Capital University, Columbus, Ohio
  21. Catholic University, Washington, DC
  22. Central Connecticut State University, New Britain, Connecticut
  23. Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Washington
  24. Centralia College, Centralia, Washington
  25. Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts
  26. Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina
  27. College of St. Catherine, Saint Paul, Minnesota
  28. College of Southern Idaho, Twin Falls, Idaho
  29. College of Staten Island, Staten Island, New York
  30. College of St. Rose, Albany, New York
  31. Dallas Baptist University, Dallas, Texas
  32. East Central Oklahoma State University, Ada, Oklahoma
  33. Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois
  34. Eastern Washington University, Cheney, Washington
  35. Elms College, Chicopee, Massachusetts
  36. The Evergreen College, Olympia, Washington
  37. Florida A & M University, Tallahassee, Florida
  38. Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida
  39. Florida Atlantic University, Wilkes Honors College, Jupiter, Florida
  40. Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, Florida
  41. Florida International University, Miami, Florida
  42. Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida
  43. Framingham State University, Framingham, Massachusetts
  44. Fresno Pacific University, Fresno, California
  45. Gardner-Webb University, Boiling Springs, North Carolina
  46. George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia
  47. Georgetown University, Washington, DC
  48. Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana
  49. Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts
  50. Howard University, Washington, DC
  51. Howard Payne University, Brownwood, Texas
  52. Illinois State University, Normal, Illinois
  53. Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana
  54. Kent State University, Kent, Ohio
  55. Lamar University, Beaumont, Texas
  56. Loyola University, Chicago, Illinois
  57. Lubbock Christian University, Lubbock, Texas
  58. Madonna University, Livonia, Michigan
  59. MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois
  60. Maryville College, Maryville, Tennessee
  61. Mary Hardin Baylor University, Belton, Texas
  62. Mass. Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts
  63. McDaniel College, Westminster, Maryland
  64. Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
  65. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
  66. Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
  67. Montclair State University, Montclai, New Jersey
  68. New College of Florida, Sarasota, Florida
  69. New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, New Mexico
  70. Neumann College, Aston, Pennsylvania
  71. New York University, School of Education, New York City, New York
  72. National Technical Institute for the Deaf, Rochester, New York
  73. North Greenville University, Greenville, South Carolina
  74. Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts
  75. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona
  76. Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois
  77. Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
  78. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio
  79. Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
  80. Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, Oklahoma
  81. Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
  82. Pacific Lutheran University, Parkland, Washington
  83. Portland State University, Portland, Oregon
  84. Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
  85. Radford University, Radford, Virginia
  86. Russell Sage College, Troy, New York
  87. Sacramento Community College, Davis, California
  88. San Antonio College, San Antonio, Texas
  89. San Diego State University, San Diego, California
  90. Saint Francis University, Loretto, Pennsylvania
  91. Scripps College, Claremont, California
  92. Southern Connecticut State University, New Haven, Connecticut
  93. Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
  94. Southern Methodist University, University Park, Texas
  95. Southern Oregon University, Ashland, Oregon
  96. Southwest Texas State University
  97. Stanford University, Stanford, California
  98. SUNY Albany
  99. SUNY Brockport
  100. SUNY Buffalo
  101. SUNY Empire State
  102. SUNY Fredonia
  103. SUNY Geneseo
  104. SUNY Oneonta
  105. SUNY Oswego
  106. SUNY Plattsburgh
  107. SUNY Stony Brook
  108. Stephen F. Austin University, Nacogdoches, Texas
  109. Tennessee Temple University, Chattanooga, Tennessee
  110. Texas A&M University-Central Texas, Killeen, Texas
  111. Texas A & M University-College Station
  112. Texas A & M University-Commerce
  113. Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi
  114. Texas Tech University, Lubbock
  115. Texas Wesleyan University, Fort Worth
  116. Texas Woman’s University, Denton
  117. Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri
  118. Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts
  119. University of Akron, Ohio
  120. University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  121. University of Arizona, Tucson
  122. University of Arkansas, Little Rock
  123. University of Buffalo, New York
  124. University of California, Berkeley
  125. University of California, San Diego
  126. University of California, Davis
  127. University of California, Los Angeles
  128. University of Central Florida, Orlando
  129. University of Chicago, Illinois
  130. University of Cincinnati, Ohio
  131. University of Colorado, Boulder
  132. University of Connecticut
  133. University of Findlay, Ohio
  134. University of Florida, Gainesville
  135. University of Georgia, Athens
  136. University of Hawaii, Manoa, Honolulu
  137. University of Illinois-Chicago
  138. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  139. University of Iowa, Iowa City
  140. University of Kansas, Lawrence
  141. University of Louisville, Kentucky
  142. University of Maryland, College Park
  143. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  144. University of Maine, Machias
  145. University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida
  146. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
  147. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis
  148. University of Missouri, All Campuses
  149. University of Nevada, Reno
  150. University of New Hampshire, Durham
  151. University of New Hampshire, Manchester
  152. University of New Mexico, Albuquerque
  153. University of North Carolina, Asheville
  154. University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  155. University of North Carolina, Charlotte
  156. University of North Carolina, Greensboro
  157. University of North Carolina, Wilmington
  158. University of North Florida, Jacksonville
  159. University of North Texas, Denton
  160. University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
  161. University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls
  162. University of Oregon, Eugene
  163. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia
  164. University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  165. University of Rochester, New York
  166. University of San Francisco, California
  167. University of South Florida, Tampa
  168. University of Tennessee, Chattanooga
  169. University of Texas-Austin
  170. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Edinburg
  171. University of Texas-San Antonio
  172. University of Tulsa, Oklahoma
  173. University of Utah, Salt Lake City
  174. University of Vermont, Burlington
  175. University of Virginia, Charlottesville
  176. University of Washington, Seattle
  177. University of West Florida, Pensacola
  178. University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
  179. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
  180. University of Wyoming, Laramie
  181. Utah State University, Logan
  182. Utah Valley State College, Orem
  183. Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York
  184. Washington State University, Pullman
  185. Weber State University, Ogden, Utah
  186. West Virginia University, Reed College of Media, Morgantown, West Virginia
  187. Western Oregon University, Monmouth
  188. Western Washington University, Bellingham
  189. William Rainey Harper College, Palatine, Illinois
  190. William Woods University, Fulton, Missouri
  191. Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio
  192. Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
  193. Xavier University, New Orleans, Louisiana
  194. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
  • California – All California State University campuses accept ASL.
  • Kentucky – Kentucky State Colleges and Universities offering ASL must accept it as modern language credits.
  • Maryland – The University System of Maryland accepts ASL as a foreign language.
  • Washington – ASL meets 4-year admission and foreign language high school graduation requirements.

About the list: The list began some 25 years ago and was published by Sherman Wilcox from the University of New Mexico. We think it’s the most actual list so far. We owe credit to Sherman Wilcox, Ph.D. University of New Mexico, for providing parts of this overview.

Colleges that accept ASL as a foreign language

Best ASL Learning ASL Apps and Websites

  • The ASL app
  • ASL coach
  • Ace ASL: Learn Fingerspelling-> This app uses AI (artificial intelligence) to provide immediate feedback on users’ signing.

What is also worth mentioning is that the website allows you to convert text into sign language. You can then share them with anyone by downloading an image of your translation.

Let’s look at a few questions that are often asked when it comes to ASL:

Is ASL a language?

Well, ASL is a fully developed, distinct language. ASL is just one of the world’s several hundreds of natural sign languages, including a complex grammatical structure.

ASL is US-based. How can it be a foreign language?

ASL is a language that’s indigenous to the U.S. and parts of our northern neighbor, Canada. In the academic world, however, the place of origin of a language has little or nothing to do with whether it’s considered a foreign language.

To give you an example, Navajo and other American Indian languages are all across America accepted in fulfillment of foreign language requirements by numerous colleges and universities.

Many programs are now referred to as second language programs instead of foreign language programs, as many native students were born here.

Is there much ASL literature?

There is an extensive writing system for ASL, but none of these systems are used on a large scale for recording ASL literature.

There is, however, a lot of ASL literature available in videotapes, movies, and CDs issued by companies like Sign Enhancers and Dawn Sign Press.

Another excellent source of information on the folklore and heritage of Deaf people is available at the bookstore of Gallaudet University in Washington, DC.

Is learning ASL easier than other foreign languages?

ASL was developed as a gestural/visual language, so its grammar and structure differ from that of other languages, including English, that were developed as aural/oral languages.

American Sign Language (ASL) comes with a more complex classifier system and verbal aspect than English or other foreign languages.

Many ASL students feel it is more difficult and complex to learn than other oral languages.

Last Updated on February 5, 2025.